Originally posted on 12/29/2017:

Quote Originally Posted by BChrisB View Post
Ebay scammers who are selling crypto's are some of the lowest of the low asking insane above the market prices. No worse than info commercial television promoters promising the American Dream to the desperate. I don't care if where my money comes from as long as the playing field is even. I bet a team, I win?? Great, Awesome, I won... If I'm wrong I lost and fair enough. Selling to the ignorant, uniformed, and desperate, is way below me. Go to Ebay,... go see what people are falling for paying way above 200%+ .. brag about it all you want. Your not honestly making, your preying. There is a difference BTW, look at it anyway you want.
disagree..if people are dumb enough to pay those ridiculous prices, that is on them.

my sister used to always show me auctions on Ebay where people would buy gift cards for more than they were worth...crazy how lazy some people are.