Originally posted on 06/14/2017:

Quote Originally Posted by itchypickle View Post
Shooter is well known for writing in to his local paper on far left politics for over a decade....long time protestor, Superfan of Rachel Maddow....worked on the Bernie Sanders failed election bid....openly stated on social media Trump is a traitor and needs to be destroyed....shows up to verify it is Republicans on the field before opening fire......media says no rush to conclusion, we don't know if he was motivated by leftist politics he might have just been having a bad day (at 6 am).

far left is almost as crazy as far right, that is granted. No argument here. You will not see a moderate R or D pick up a gun. It is usually a crazy white man, far left or far right is immaterial. He was no liberal nor was he a conservative obviously.

the gun problem will never end in this country, there is only one solution. lawmakers must pass a law, a strict law that everyone at all times must be armed. Children over the age of 10 must be armed with maybe tiny revolvers. Pink for girls and blue for boys. If you leave the house without a weapon you will be arrested for possibly contributing to a catastrophe. It is the only solution that I can think.

just imagine when this guy popped off the first shot 100 or more people would have returned fire. attempting to limit firearms can't work so pass a law, every single individual must carry. If liberals have a problem with this lock them up. We need peace in the country and the only alternative is a law requiring every single person to hold.
Hopefully you're being sarcastic. I'm absolutely not for just anyone carrying. Guns aren't for everyone especially pistols in city limits and metro areas.

That being said, you'll never have peace....part of being humans and just so happens we live in a nation where millions are the sorry ones who get mad enough over politics or any other topic and open fire. Laws one way or the other will not change it. The loser today could just as easily took his little Ford ranger he drove and knocked down the fence and mowed down more of them like playing grand theft auto ....so we ban trucks? If you're going to harm someone you're gonna do it...laws and tools aside.