Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=26911339'>posted</a> on 04/17/2017:

Quote Originally Posted by Alfa1234 View Post
Sure you can go to vegas, place a parlay at odds 10 000 000 to 1 and they'll happily take it. They won't pay you out more than the max payout of their terms though. It's like that in every betting shop in the world.
You don't know what you are talking about. The client placed the bet himself, the "trading company" had nothing to do with it. All they did is provide him with login details for the Pinnacle website. They have 0 control over the bets that guy placed with those login details.
#1 That's bullshit and completely unjustified in a world where most people can't even divide 150 by 25 without using a calculator. Use T-E-C-H-N-O-L-O-G-Y, don't use excuses to (partially) free roll suckers. It's a swindle, that's what it is - in every betting shop in the world.

#2 Omer and PT had a relationship, a business together. Their business was allowing Omer's player(s) to lose their money using Pinnacle lines. As it happens in every walk of life, everyone is happy as long as business is thriving. Everybody trusts everybody. Everyone is everyone's best friend. However, after their cash cow won several bets in a row - DOING THE SAME THING he did when he lost - their sand castle crumbled. ROI is not realized. Investors aren't happy. Lawyers are now needed. T&C are now being read closely - because who needs to read the fine print when the player is losing anyway and everyone is getting paid?

What happened here is old as world. Which brings me to a conclusion: if I ever become an agent like Omer, I will have to get to know my partner (PT or whoever else) really, really well. Basically, for my business to thrive, I will need a) my player(s) to lose and be solvent, b) pinnacle to pay and remain solvent, c) my partner to act in my best interest. It's my job to find profitable players, and Pinnacle with their sharp minds and deep pockets are likely to be there forever. The weak link here remains the people I partner with, who will be my best friends when days are sunny, but whose actions may become unpredictable if when things go bad. It's like making a bet in Vegas together with your buddy, money shared, on a single ticket. Do you trust him to let him keep the ticket and if you win, give you your share?

I will have this PT-like company vetted thoroughly, probably meet the boss in person. I will have Plan B for the rainy day, even if it means going out of my way and expending a lot of effort and money that, when things go well, may seem unnecessary. I will let them know that I'm always looking for open communication and if there is a potential problem, I need to know immediately so that keeping a good relationship with my players is easier. Finally, I will always be looking for new, better partners, but have my current partners by the balls - legally speaking. Because this is a zoo, my friends, and I don't want to be at the bottom of the food chain.