Originally posted on 05/29/2015:

Quote Originally Posted by yydouble View Post
Auto, we should start our own Swimsuit Ladies Tennis Tour. (SLTT) or "slut" for short. We let the sponsors pick the outfits. Victoria Secret vs. Reef Swimsuits etc....If they showed their ass cheeks in women's tennis it would be the most watched sport in the history of mankind!
all i know is, if we start the tour, and they wear stuff like below, no one will sit near me, for two primary reasons:

first, they don't want to get hit with the sporadic "spray" emitting from my crotchal region every six to seven minutes.... (and no, it's not a "spray" from one of those "cooling fans" that you see in trendy patio restaurants), and

second, the walkways between the bleachers will be very "slick" in the ten foot diameter range around where I am sitting, slick with millions and millions of my potential offspring that will unfortunately die an agonizing death in the sweet ocean front heat...........
