Originally <a href='http://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=22746877'>posted</a> on 10/08/2014:

There is no valid reason for applying limits to anyone's account. End of story.

Only betting off-market lines - Does a retail store ask customers to stay away if they only buy things on sale?
If a customer at a store tried to buy jeans marked 30% off, and the cashier told them the store made an error, the sale ended yesterday and the price tag was an error, would the store ban the customer for life, or limit them to buying products under $2.00?
If I buy something at a store for $20 today, and $200 tomorrow, would a store "flag" me as an erratic, suspicious customer?

Steam chasers can be put on delay, as long a delay as the book needs to feel comfortable with and limits shouldn't change. Also, where can you find obscure sports to bet on with high max limits?

All of the reasons the books give are nonsense. Their business involves so little. Put the lines up, and make sure they are up to date. It's not rocket science. If, when the books fail at their simple job, they then blame the customer....the watchdog services should not let them get away with their BS.