Originally posted on 11/06/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by mmaed View Post
What do you expect to happen to the unemployment rate?
It's all going to take a major hit not just from the big names making changes but the small shops....no way to maintain margins with a big increase in insurance plans. Also going to stunt any expansion that may have come from any whiff of economic growth.

At the end of the day this is all pretty basic....in theory giving everyone access to awesome healthcare is a good thing but it comes at a cost....and that cost has an effect on the rest of the things in life so will have unintended consequences. Ripple effect. While the progressive dream of anyone and everyone having a private room stay for a week at a hospital and surgeries and medicines and physical therapy and disease cures provided by the nations best Dr's all at a cost of $100 a month is noble....its simply not possible. Anyone who has created or manages any venture in business will tell you projections and visions are one thing...implementing and executing are another. This whole ACA was doomed from the outset....it's like saying you're going to open up a 5 star restaurant and serve $80 entrees and have all the tables filled 7 nights a week and make millions....but you're going to not open it in Manhattan NY but rather Manhattan Kansas.....you do the numbers?

Health Savings plans are the way to go....sure not everyone will be able to set aside as much but before Obamacare 85% of the country had health care and now millions are being thrown off or priced out all together to tend to the usual suspects. Thats not fair.