1. #1
    dogkatcher's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Sad news about a Horse Racing Legend

    Another legend gone

    Dear ValueCapper and Friend,

    It is with the deepest regret that I inform you all of the passing of our teacher, our mentor, and our dear friend, the inimitable Michael J. Pizzolla.
    Though he had warned of health issues earlier this summer, this news has been a terrible shock to those near him, as I'm sure it is to all of you.
    I would humbly ask that we all keep Michael, his wife Kim, his mother Rose, and brother Anthony in our thoughts and prayers.
    At a time like this, it is difficult to put into words the emotions we are all feeling. I personally take solace in knowing that I am a better person for having known and worked with Michael. Yes, I learned a lot about the art of ValueCapping horse races, but I learned far more from him about ValueCapping the game of life: thinking unconventionally, asking the right -- and sometimes controversial -- questions, and insisting that the reward outweigh the risk.
    More will be said in the days ahead, but please know Michael's wish was for this community he built to continue on, long after he had gone. We have lost the irreplaceable, so it is up to us to carry the torch he has lit, fueled by the wisdom he has imparted to us.

    Craig Micallef

  2. #2
    Nothing's easy
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    Quote Originally Posted by dogkatcher View Post
    Another legend gone

    Dear ValueCapper and Friend,

    It is with the deepest regret that I inform you all of the passing of our teacher, our mentor, and our dear friend, the inimitable Michael J. Pizzolla.
    Though he had warned of health issues earlier this summer, this news has been a terrible shock to those near him, as I'm sure it is to all of you.
    I would humbly ask that we all keep Michael, his wife Kim, his mother Rose, and brother Anthony in our thoughts and prayers.
    At a time like this, it is difficult to put into words the emotions we are all feeling. I personally take solace in knowing that I am a better person for having known and worked with Michael. Yes, I learned a lot about the art of ValueCapping horse races, but I learned far more from him about ValueCapping the game of life: thinking unconventionally, asking the right -- and sometimes controversial -- questions, and insisting that the reward outweigh the risk.
    More will be said in the days ahead, but please know Michael's wish was for this community he built to continue on, long after he had gone. We have lost the irreplaceable, so it is up to us to carry the torch he has lit, fueled by the wisdom he has imparted to us.

    Craig Micallef
    I almost never read those type of books myself but I have heard many very good things about him. He must have taught a lot of people about handicapping. Always sad to see a lifelong handicapper pass. It's like we all have that thing in common which makes us love what we collectively attempt to do.

    Sorry to hear.

  3. #3
    All I do is trytrytry
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    for some reason my youtube feed Sunday night I got into handicapping old videos, and watched one of his value teaching ones.

    RIP Michael

  4. #4
    JBEX's Avatar SBR PRO
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    a serious student and teacher of the game..i believe a practitioner of the sartin methodology which was an advanced pace handicapping method .. seemed like a genuinely nice man on his you-tube videos and i was aware of him over the years.. definitely worth taking a look to get some perspective on his approach to the game

    RIP Michael
