Quote Originally Posted by JGetz View Post
Grow up, Paco. I can't post one thing without you running your mouth (especially in someone else's thread). You already tried to deactivate my account (which I had easily reversed in several hours). I'm done dealing with your childish ways. I apologize LB, didn't intend on cluttering your thread with this nonsense.
when you don't pay your debts, it goes to collection where you are open game to be hounded until you decide to do the right thing and pay the man. If you don't like Paco leaning on you everywhere you go, pay your debt or work out a payment plan. Then and only then will you have the right to ask Paco to layoff. Until then, I hope he tops every post you make on SBR.

Paco could really turn up the heat and get his minions after you topping every post you make with the STIFF comments making your stay here all that more unpleasant. I would work out a payment plan and save some face.