Originally posted on 02/10/2024:

Quote Originally Posted by Da Manster! View Post
^^^...and guess where the vast majority of those "poor, starving" people come from? Appalachia! (mostly Southern red states) who supports Republicans! Let those inbred idiots starve! fukkin' white trash! ...and let's be honest for a second...these very same people are against minorities, foreigners, (all various ethnic groups), gays, women, etc. for all kinds of bigoted and racist reasons but primarily receiving or getting government aid but yet they feel like they are entitled to receive such benefits themselves! Hypocrisy much? and these same people sit on their goddamn asses all day long because they are too damn dumb, lazy, uneducated, and stupid to better themselves or get a job but instead would rather point the finger and blame everyone else for their problems! (Angry white man syndrome like most Republicans...both rich and poor alike)...and I'd be willing to bet any amount of money these "migrant" families would be more than happy to work cheap and menial labor type of jobs...you know like they already do now...(trim the hedges, mow the lawns, landscaping, ditch diggers, asphalt laying, construction, cleaning, etc!) all of those horrible low paying jobs that nobody else wants. We should be grateful that they are willing to do it otherwise nothing would ever got done! and these same people worship rich businessmen like Donald Trump (and people of his ilk) thinking that they really care about them and their well being! good ole murica!......just like this meme which sums it up rather nicely!...

This meme is one of the best.