Originally posted on 12/02/2023:

Quote Originally Posted by ChuckyTheGoat View Post

Foss advocates putting a small % of your portfolio into Bitcoin. The upside is too high to deny. A 2% investment has a good upside, and I really don't think the downside risk is that high.

We'll get our answer soon enough. Fireworks in the next three months?
Well, I think so many still live check to check. Investing in anything for them is a luxury. Then there are those who quietly work, take home enough to pay the bills and let their company deal with putting the remainder in a 401K (or whatever). Things will get better, right? It's just a slump, right?

Learning how to accumulate, save and hodl Bitcoin might be something they just haven't looked into, yet. But they really should, IMO. There are some really doomy and gloomy forecasts out there for banks, the Stock Market, the dollar and trad-fi (traditional finance). The Mother of all Depressions is on the way, they say.

If it happens, those that are not into "safe" assets such as gold/silver, (I include) crypto and property are gonna get caught with their pants down. Whatcha gonna do when your bank fails and puts you on a monthly spending limit or forces you into a CBDC? One cannot trust or depend on the jokers in charge of things. Self custody is the way to go - become your own bank, IMO.

Just my philosophy/strategy. I know you already know most of this but sometimes it bears repeating...