Originally posted on 11/24/2023:

Well fuk. We’ve lost another good one. Just awful news to hear on Thanksgiving.
Chico was a good dude. Played poker, when we still fuk’in had poker here, on many a night. He’d win a few, I’d win a few and we always had interesting good conversations.

He was another original old school poster here. Very active in all the contests too. And he won or placed up there in the top 10 in quite a few of them.. I remember I used to razz him about always copying and pasting the entire contest rules and all the information related to it along with his entry.

He was one of the more open and caring individuals on our forum, posting about his health issues and the treatments he was going through. I believe it helped him to have fellow posters on here to talk to. You never wanna read about someone struggling, and he bravely fought through it, while trying to maintain some form of connection to those here and having a sense of something normal here to belong to at SBR.

To those of you who gave him shit. and you know who you are, Chico would tell you to get fuk’ed with the best of them! I’m glad the dude could stand his ground in the mist of the health related shit he was going through.

I never got to meet him, but I feel like I knew him well from just posting here, and will miss the occasional chats with him. He’s now free from the suffering of these aging, worn out bodies we all eventually end up living in. Raising one up to you in kind remembrance. Rest easy Chico brother.