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    CHEAP SKATES Extreeme

    real life too all here 28 of them

    1."My sister was an accountant, making good money. On my birthday, she said she'd 'take me to lunch.' She took me to her chiropractor's office, where they were offering 'free lunch' as a way to draw in new clients."

    2."A former friend of mine, used to ask people for their receipts from fast food restaurants so she could take them and go back to complain and get a free meal."

    3."If my grandparents had us for the weekend, to take us out to lunch meant eating free samples at Sam's Club."

    4."Not me, but my father once came home and said he saw his boss remove used staples and try to straighten them out for re-use."

    5."I work at Starbucks and a coworker of mine takes home all the food from the pastry case and any expired/thrown away food. One time, somebody threw out a sandwich they had dropped and he literally dove into the trash can to dig it out — in front of all of the customers. This coworker also used to shower in his clothes because he was 'washing his clothes and himself.'"

    6."My sister’s in-laws visit my parents at Christmas every year, stay in their house for two weeks, and my mom cooks them three meals a day. As a 'thank you' for two weeks of hosting and catering, the in-laws cook a single dinner.

    They pre-measure all their spices at home, put them in plastic baggies, and drive them from Seattle to Los Angeles. Apparently, if my mom lacked a particular spice, it would be 'too expensive' to buy a new container from the grocery store and leave it with their hosts. This has been going on for 10 years. These people retired early and have spent their retirement traveling. They go on at least five international trips every year. They have a 4+ bedroom house in which only they live, but they have never reciprocated.

    7."My uncle's ex was too cheap to build a fence, you know when lumber was actually a decent price so she went and took a bunch of the free paint stir sticks at a home renovation store and made a fence herself, outside of her house, out of the paint stir sticks."

    8."We would watch our next-door neighbor's home when they would go on vacations, which was frequent because they were travel agents. One of our duties included feeding their valuable tropical fish, which made me nervous in case one died on our watch. Upon their return one trip after we'd done this for about three years, they invited us to dinner to show their appreciation. When we got to the restaurant at 4:00 p.m. they informed us that we could only order from the back side of the menu which was for early birds. It was a short list of options, none too appealing, and they were $4.99 for the whole meal. We did not watch their home again."

    9."College roommate used to shoplift or change price tags (taking off lower priced ones and sticking them onto higher priced items). This was her way of, 'saving money.' She also offered to pay for half of my wedding present expecting me to foot the rest. She wasn’t poor which made her behavior even more despicable."

    10."My grandma grew up in the middle of the depression and kept a lot of old habits, like scrimping and saving every bit of food to the crumb and money to the penny. Every empty container was cleaned out and saved for something. She claimed she saved money on toys for us grandkids because we could play with her empty makeup cartridges. She is not and was not poor by any means, and all of that I could live with.

    But the cheapest thing I've seen from her was when I was cleaning out her cupboards last year, I found a pack of Jell-O with a sell-by date from the 1980s. She kept saying it's a dry good, it's preserved, it'll last forever, don't waste the money. It was like a lime-flavored rock. It took me a WHILE to convince her it was time for me to buy her a new box of Jell-O for $1. She's still upset about it."

    11."Participated in a gift exchange game with my husband’s family at Christmas. It was a $50 limit. His grandparents' contribution to the game was a cardboard box filled with random stuff from their garage. My brother-in-law ended up with it and wasn’t too pleased."

    12."Dated a super rich guy in the 1990s. I was making $25,000 a year. I saved and scrimped and bought him a very expensive sweater that had been marked down (but still cost a lot). He gave me some peach tea with a tea caddy, a paperback book about Michael Collins, and one of those 'office' basketballs — a Nerf ball with a hoop you attach to a wastebasket. He was classy enough to leave all the price tags on the items. I added them up; he spent like 1/8 of what the sweater cost. Yes, it’s the thought that counts, but he obviously wasn’t thinking about me."

    13."I had a friend who used to buy her husband a one-quart bottle of beer per week. She would section off portions on the bottle with a white crayon into seven portions — one per day! If he went over his portion, well, too bad. He would have to make do till the following week. She used to portion out their toilet paper too…"

    14."When my ex-husband moved out of our home, he took the sugar, flour, salt, and spices with him."
    Last edited by OldBill; 06-23-23 at 01:54 PM.

  2. #2
    OldBill's Avatar Become A Pro!
    Join Date: 11-02-21
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    sse them all here som bs about security token missing https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/28-p...174603183.html
