Originally posted on 10/25/2021:

I know what you mean and I respect it--carry on and penetrate em..... we'll see this time around
Quote Originally Posted by KVB View Post
This is what I mean.

Be stronger.

Don't let them push you around and dictate what you do. I refuse to be believe you give a shit what others think and are truly worried about being a "meme" but I could be wrong.

But honestly, I think you're above that.

Fuk it man, it's just a mask. Walk around with a beer, wher you can, lol, that way can be in the eating and drinking category. And go maskless.

Full respect to you paper, I don't mean any of this in a disprespectful way, just hoping you see my viewpoint.

Go to Vegas, have fun, mask or not. Unless I missed something and wearing a mask causes a real problem for you, if that's the case the I get it. Otherwise try to forget about it. (Can be hard if fogs up your glasses, that probably pisses me off the most).
If you do make it to Vegas I hope you have fun and strik it rich!!!