Originally posted on 10/14/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
yes I know the accusations. We all have.

How many years have they been after him now? How many fake news accusations that had Trump guilty before each and everyone of them were shown to be fabricated lies? How many more are some people willing to believe? 10? 100? Without really thinking, I bet you could spit out a dozen no problem. Outright lies about Trump I mean. Stories that were purposely manufactured and repeated as truths all over the MSM for days, weeks, months and even years. I can rattle off at least 20. Probably closer to 50 if I gave it some thought. All debunked. All proven lies.

This is nothing but political prosecution. Things they do in countries like Russia and China. And just like the countless other lies and accusations about Trump, this will fizzle out and in its place will be another several others. This will continue until at least 2024. He is too dangerous to the Washington cartel.

Every single time its "this time he is done". "His goose is cooked". "he's finished!" And every single time its the same result. Its all a fukking hoax. A sham A political witch hunt. Every single time.
You do remember that Schumer said don't you?

So the FBI raids Roger Stone's home before dawn with a dozen armed FBI agents and CNN just happens to have a camera crew outside his home at 5am? An old man who is caring for his sick wife who would have came in with just a simple phone call was arrested and its all on camera. The judge, in an unprecedent move, banned him from social media during the whole trail. What a disgrace.

I find is extremely fascinating how this abuse of power and corrupt prosecution tactics are tolerated by those on the Left. Just imagine for one second, if the FBI was in the possession of a laptop of Don Trump jr. for almost 2 years before the 2016 election. The laptop contained hundreds of pictures of Don Trump jr. smoking crack and penetrating hookers while using his daddy's credit card and details of secret meetings between Chinese government officials making millions of dollars for him, his brother and his dad. And the FBI never said shit. And then when NY Post found out about it, Big Tech banned their Twitter account and blocked anyone from sharing that story on social media. Wait there's more. They even colluded with Apple store and other apps by not allowing people to download Parler because they were willing to report the truth? And just when you think they couldn't be more corrupt, 50 former intelligence officials all signed a letter stating (LYING) the Hunter Biden laptop thing was Russian disinformation.

Isn't this absolute 100% proof the election was rigged? You're darn right it is.
Most people that have an opinion about Mr. Trump good or bad it started when got into politics around 2014 or 2015. It started for me in the early 1990's when I read about him filing bankruptcy on a business of his and he filed to get out of paying contractors and employees the money he owed them. At the time he boasted about being worth $400,000,000 if in fact he was, he should have been made to pay those people what he owed them, no telling how many small contractors and employees lives were impacted greatly. I have no problem if a business goes under having bankruptcy protection and getting a new start but if you have 400 million I see no problem in being made to pay at least say up to 40 million or 10% of your wealth to pay on what you owe. Most people that their business fails has lost everything!! Then he did it again a few years later !! In the early 2000's he started a business that was buying up hotels and talked some investors into coming in with him. The investors made up the board and he was CEO. Over about 5 years he was personally payed 85 million for running the company and they were making money and doing good until he talked the board into buying 3 casinos form him that were on a decline. The Company over paid around around 350 million for the casinos and as soon as they bought them Trump sold all his stock and resigned they managed to stay a float for a couple years after that before going under!! Legally he may have not of done anything wrong in these dealing but morally how could you live with yourself knowing how many livelihoods you had destroyed. This is Just a little look into what kind of a person he is!! None of this has anything to do with politics no witch hunt here, in fact he was donating more to democrat's in the 1990's and early 2000's then he was to republican's.

The election, was it rigged Really!! Convince me!! Do you honestly think that democrats are smart enough to rig a national election? I don't!! All those states, how many people would it take 1000's of people that would have to be involved and none of them have been caught or arrested ( Georgia has a Republican over its elections and still no charges) or decided to come forward knowing that they could get millions from Mike Lindell or others that have a lot more money to give than him!! People sale their on family out everyday for much less!! But all that a side, the biggest thing for me is. JUDGE: Asking Mr. Trump lawyers Are you alleging there was fraud? Lawyer: No your Honor not at this time. JUDGE: Then why are we here? They had what about 20 tries in court and about 7 or 8 Judges were appointed by Mr. Trump so you know they got all the benefit of doubt with them. Those people that were on tv with the lawyers with signed affidavits when they found out they could go to jail for signing a false report for court they all disappeared!! I'm not a democrat or republican but my dislike for your savoir Mr. Trump started a long time ago I would feel the same about him no matter who he represents!! He has been a POS long before he first ran for President