Originally posted on 09/20/2021:

I hope this article is correct. Problem seems to be the Republicans are just as politically minded as the lefties. Republicans are pussies and seem to be getting pushed around by the leftist gestapo agenda.

Who can trust a politician these days…

Bush the imbecile screws up so bad, a racist gets the job and becomes President, then divides the country into separate fragments… He was so bad, so scary, a business man gets the Commander in Chief. Beating a political demagogue who seemed to falter into submission with all her failures….The anger and separation from the left become dishearteningly toxic. The left politicians further divide an already fragmented country.. It became so very bad, a total idiot now gets the job creating further political crisis…A 48 year politician who has even less morals than any previous leader. Whatever the idiot says is and always has been a lie..

With the anti American Constitution politicians currently in power, they can do whatever they want. Circumventing the laws of the nation to their own agenda and destructive policies….

If Republicans do take the house and senate, there may be hope for the American Experiment to continue and expand…… BALANCE OF POWERS… … A wonderful idea and a work in progress today..