Originally posted on 08/17/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by MaltedHopsFrenzy View Post
Where’s all the ‘protests’ and ‘outrage’ for the Afghanis? Where’s Maxine Waters calling for Biden’s impeachment over this FU## Up? Where’s Megan Rapinoe taking a knee or some $#!T - - doesn’t fit Tard agenda, so Afghan Lives DON’T Matter…..

Well Preppie,

Where’s all the ‘protests’ and ‘outrage’ for the Afghanis
With your track record on minorities, you can't actually tell me you give a sh!t about the Afgans

Where’s Maxine Waters calling for Biden’s impeachment over this FU## Up?
Fu@k if I know??? You seem to have a better handle on her than I do

Where’s Megan Rapinoe taking a knee or some $#!T
Fu@k if I Know??? Maybe with her wife Sue Bird, that would be my guess

doesn’t fit Tard agenda, so Afghan Lives DON’T Matter
They matter as all life matters, even your worthless existence matters

You and Slewbot sound more and more like upset women every day, time to change the Tampon you two.