Originally posted on 05/26/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by HedgeHog View Post
Sounds like MB wasn't happy with the -108 house edge the software was preset to and tampered with it. Instead of increasing their edge, THEY set the odds to roughly +106 in the players' advantage. LOL, how piggish and serves them right that they got burned.

Just so I fully understand, despite having a +106 edge overall, the player could still lose on each individual spin, correct? In other words, the player merely had a +Ev situation, with NO control of any single outcome?
Just like in BJ as a card counter when the true count gets to +2 or higher its advantage player, but that doesn't always mean you win that session, but if you play 10,000's of thousands of hands only when the true count is +2 or higher you will come out ahead.