Originally posted on 03/12/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
What's so sad is that Trump will never admit that he fukked up in handling Covid and neither will you. You will go to your grave thinking he did the right things when the election told you different. So instead of accepting the truth, you, just like him have to make shit up like the election was stolen. Whatever makes you sleep well at night.

Great leaders are able to admit mistakes, learn from mistakes and use those mistakes to go on to do better things. Trump has never said he was wrong in his life. It's always him knowing more than everyone. Always taking credit and always blaming others. A great leader does the opposite. They take the blame and they credit others. Trump has thrown everyone he knows under the bus. Name me ONE person who got better or went on to better things after dealing with Donald Trump?
Donald Trump was a piece of shit

Worst president EVER, I'm astonished anyone supports that fucktard anymore