Originally posted on 01/22/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by HockeyRocks View Post
Hey listen up you Right Wing Whackos. More of your comrades who invaded the WH and wanted to assissinate some of your follow Americans have been arrested in the last 10 days than antifa characters arrested in the last 10 years.. Grow up you fukking low life's.. Find new material
Lol. You just proved my point. The left is obsessed with so called "terrorists" on the right that don't even exist. Nobody planned to assasinate anyone. If they did how come not 1 person who went into the capital had a gun? Meanwhile antifa members burned businesses to the ground and violently attacked innocent people all Summer with weapons but none were arrested. Democrats love them. Joe Biden is their leader. He won't even denounce them. At least Trump denounced what happened at the capital. Dems are truly evil people.