Originally posted on 01/07/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
I was proud to be an American yesterday, Trump supporters stood up

How many stores did they burn down, how many fires did they start, how many violent acts did they commit?

None unlike the ghetto people
Coach, A federal building was damaged badly. This is a federal crime. The only reason that local establishments were not vandalized and destroyed is because Congress was in a federal building and not sitting in a Wendy's, 7-11, etc. If the Capitol building contained local establishments owned by regular citizens, they would have gotten destroyed, too. Trust me. Lord and Savior Donnie could have asked the crowd to jump into spinning helicopter blades or off the edge of the Grand Canyon and they would have done it. It just so happened that he directed them to the Capitol Building and they did what he asked.

I am neither a repub nor a dem and I have agreed with many of Donnie's policies, but what he did yesterday was a clear act of sedition and he did not abide by his sworn oath to protect the Constitution.

The SCOTUS contains 6 conservatives and 3 liberals. They categorically rejected any and all suits brought by Donnie's legal team because there simply is NO evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the results of the general election for the POTUS.

It's OVER. Let's move on with some dignity as a country.