Originally posted on 11/14/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by RoyBacon View Post
Hillary did the same thing I don't recall you being hysterical.

We have until the 1st week in Jan to inspect, count and recount. It's almost feels like the left doesn't want a close look for some reason? Makes me want to look and count even closer.
They did a recount in WI which trump won by about 22K votes. The margin was within 1% so the runner up can request a recount, legally. The recount netted Donnie 130 addl votes.

The difference between then and now is that Donnie is screaming fraud while hillary never did. She also attended the inauguration which I'll be shocked if donnie does. Class difference here. Hillary is crooked but classy. Donnie is crooked AND lacks class.

I say rerun the entire election with only in person voting. The biden win would be even larger this time because more people are turning on Donnie now as they can see he's such a sore loser. At the very least let's recount AZ GA MI WI and PA and you will see maximum net gains ~300 either way. Let's expose the fraud on BOTH SIDES.

ROYer it's a battle between the america u want and the one I do. Under Donnie a guy like me who is a first generation american and has children who are second generation, has brethren who have dealt with more racist taunts in the last 4 years than ever before. Of course the racists tell women "go back to your country" and to my 5'7 150 lb buddy, but they wont say it to my 6'2 225 lb self. They pick their spots like the pvssies they are.

Biden is not the long term answer but for my tribe and those who look and think like I do, he's simply a much better reflection of the America I want.

Yes, we're in a passive civil war now and it's a very sad thing to see.