1. #1
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    Donald Trump is an embarrassment

    I’m a big trump guy, but I’m a bigger America guy. Tonight’s press conference was an embarrassment to the entire foundation of our country. The world is shaking their heads and laughing at us right now. The president of the USA just called the election results rigged and said ill cya in court. Yikes. There better be an OJ Simpson glove full of semen DNA confirming these accusations. This is embarrassing...

    Nothing sketchy about the late mail in votes skewing towards Biden. Don legit instructed his minions to avoid mail in ballots and to vote in person. Democrats are snowflakes by nature. No shit 80% of the mail in votes are dems hiding from covid in their basements.

    This is a terrible look for us. Cooler heads need to prevail for the sake of our image worldwide. unless there is concrete evidence that would actually overturn the results this needs to end and not fizzle out in court for months. Further dividing the country and putting a second stimulus for those in dire need on the back burner yet again.....

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  2. #2
    The Kraken
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    Well said...

    Im not a Trump fan but feel I’ve been fair to him over the last 4 years

    What happened last night is probably the worst thing I’ve seen in US politics in my life time... And lindsey graham decides to donate $500,000 to him for legal defense.

    That speech was absolutely divisive, inflammatory, uncalled for and will undoubtedly lead to further extremism

  3. #3
    kelly@Vegas's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Well said

  4. #4
    TheMoneyShot's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Kraken View Post
    Well said...

    Im not a Trump fan but feel I’ve been fair to him over the last 4 years

    What happened last night is probably the worst thing I’ve seen in US politics in my life time... And lindsey graham decides to donate $500,000 to him for legal defense.

    That speech was absolutely divisive, inflammatory, uncalled for and will undoubtedly lead to further extremism
    Might as well go down swinging. Why turtle now? He never has.

  5. #5
    I slipped Tricky Dick a hit of LSD!
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    You're a classy guy Metter..

    Wish all conservatives were like you..

    Unfortunately, most are not...

    Trump was basically recruiting mercenaries with his
    speech last night which was all about HIM, not the US....

    Of course why change now?

  6. #6
    TheMoneyShot's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by PAULYPOKER View Post
    You're a classy guy Metter..

    Wish all conservatives were like you..

    Unfortunately, most are not...

    Trump was basically recruiting mercenaries with his
    speech last night which was all about HIM, not the US....

    Of course why change now?
    Let's be a tad serious though. Let's say you were in office Pauly.... and you knew you lost due to VOTER FRAUD. You going to take it lightly? Ok.

  7. #7
    The Kraken
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMoneyShot View Post
    Might as well go down swinging. Why turtle now? He never has.
    Well, he still hasnt proven 1 case of fraud so thats on him, but you shouldn’t assume theres been widespread fraud simply bc he said there was. He said months ago there would be fraud, not because there would be but because that was his narrative if he lost...

    And by go down swinging, you mean destabilizing society, undermining our democracy... and yet here you are defending him
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    TheMoneyShot's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Kraken View Post
    Well, he still hasnt proven 1 case of fraud so thats on him, but you shouldn’t assume theres been widespread fraud simply bc he said there was. He said months ago there would be fraud, not because there would be but because that was his narrative if he lost...

    And by go down swinging, you mean destabilizing society, undermining our democracy... and yet here you are defending him
    The reason why I know there's voter fraud in Michigan.... Whitmer mishandled Covid... She has been way too tight. A lot of Michigan folks over here.... didn't like it. Closing gyms for several months... arcades etc. The rules were very tight. A lot of Michiganders retaliated by voting Republican for Donald Trump. I ran into numerous people... that were voting for Donald Trump. I'm a real nice guy in person... I'm always smiling... and if someone talked about Biden... I never told them I was a Trump supporter... I just let people talk. Again.. always smiling. Everyone was against Governor Whitmer.

    There's no question in my mind.... Extra "illegal" votes came in for Biden. Everyone is in shock over here in Michigan. I always look at everything with an open mind.... and there's no way Biden won Michigan. Just no way.

    And not only that... John James Republican for Senate... was leading even more than Donald Trump.... on his opposition Gary Peters. Gary Peters is an absolute OLD JOKE. John James is black.... and young.... and has great policies... it's a mystery that when that VOTE DUMP came in..... Trump lost the lead... and so did John James.

  9. #9
    TheMoneyShot's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    I'm seriously considering leaving Michigan... I can't live in this sh#$ty state anymore.

  10. #10
    The Kraken
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMoneyShot View Post
    The reason why I know there's voter fraud in Michigan.... Whitmer mishandled Covid... She has been way too tight. A lot of Michigan folks over here.... didn't like it. Closing gyms for several months... arcades etc. The rules were very tight. A lot of Michiganders retaliated by voting Republican for Donald Trump. I ran into numerous people... that were voting for Donald Trump. I'm a real nice guy in person... I'm always smiling... and if someone talked about Biden... I never told them I was a Trump supporter... I just let people talk. Again.. always smiling. Everyone was against Governor Whitmer.

    There's no question in my mind.... Extra "illegal" votes came in for Biden. Everyone is in shock over here in Michigan. I always look at everything with an open mind.... and there's no way Biden won Michigan. Just no way.

    And not only that... John James Republican for Senate... was leading even more than Donald Trump.... on his opposition Gary Peters. Gary Peters is an absolute OLD JOKE. John James is black.... and young.... and has great policies... it's a mystery that when that VOTE DUMP came in..... Trump lost the lead... and so did John James.
    I got no doubt you’re a good dude i’ve been posting with you the better part of a decade and aside from current events, I’ve always enjoyed your stories, banter, etc....

    The only thing I’ll say is that you still dont know there is fraud. You say you know but you have no proof. Everything you wrote could be right, and Im not saying there was no fraud, Im just saying there hasn’t been any concrete proof yet that I know of...

    This election is tearing families apart. Sons and mothers no longer on speaking terms, divorces, real sad shit.... and our potus is up there with a gas can and a match

    If what he says is true, there are ways to handle it, and its not to destabilize the nation, especially as the fukking potus.

  11. #11
    The Kraken
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMoneyShot View Post
    I'm seriously considering leaving Michigan... I can't live in this sh#$ty state anymore.
    Come to Cali! Its chill here

    I keep hearing how bad it is here, yet everyone I know loves living here

  12. #12
    BOA12's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMoneyShot View Post
    I'm seriously considering leaving Michigan... I can't live in this sh#$ty state anymore.
    Sad that anybody feels that way. grass always looks greener on the other side, except when U get There, They want U 2 mow the lawn, 2. BOL on finding your Utopia, your Av is, a back up plan, 2 move forward.

  13. #13
    jjgold's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    I’m leaving Pennsylvania

  14. #14
    flyingillini's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Kraken View Post
    Come to Cali! Its chill here

    I keep hearing how bad it is here, yet everyone I know loves living here
    People are just jealous of our state. California is by far the best state in America, no other state even comes close.

  15. #15
    Leave of absence until March Madness
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMetsSuck View Post
    I’m a big trump guy, but I’m a bigger America guy. Tonight’s press conference was an embarrassment to the entire foundation of our country. The world is shaking their heads and laughing at us right now. The president of the USA just called the election results rigged and said ill cya in court. Yikes. There better be an OJ Simpson glove full of semen DNA confirming these accusations. This is embarrassing...

    Nothing sketchy about the late mail in votes skewing towards Biden. Don legit instructed his minions to avoid mail in ballots and to vote in person. Democrats are snowflakes by nature. No shit 80% of the mail in votes are dems hiding from covid in their basements.

    This is a terrible look for us. Cooler heads need to prevail for the sake of our image worldwide. unless there is concrete evidence that would actually overturn the results this needs to end and not fizzle out in court for months. Further dividing the country and putting a second stimulus for those in dire need on the back burner yet again.....

    You are just flat out wrong

    2016 collusion with Russia...turns out it was funded by Hillary Clinton and the DNC

    There is your proof election fraud in 2016

    Turns out Hunter and Joe Biden are the ones doing shady shit in Ukraine...yet Trump is impeached

    He has every fukkin right to think the DNC fukked him over here too based on past experiences

    Unfortunately he probably wont find "fraud". The fraud was sending everyone a ballot and democrat volunteers going to "help" people fill out the ballot

  16. #16
    Snowball's Avatar SBR PRO
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    it's all fraud. democracy is a joke.

  17. #17
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    Well said sir..He is inciting violence by doing this and we are going to reap it unfortunately..Jan 20th can’t come soon enough.And I dont give a dam what all his supporters on this site think about him.Hes a worthless POS...

  18. #18
    Jowframs's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by RudyRuetigger View Post
    You are just flat out wrong

    2016 collusion with Russia...turns out it was funded by Hillary Clinton and the DNC

    There is your proof election fraud in 2016

    Turns out Hunter and Joe Biden are the ones doing shady shit in Ukraine...yet Trump is impeached

    He has every fukkin right to think the DNC fukked him over here too based on past experiences

    Unfortunately he probably wont find "fraud". The fraud was sending everyone a ballot and democrat volunteers going to "help" people fill out the ballot
    Stand up to Commie shit
    Well spoken

  19. #19
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    the country was bought and paid for a long time ago - george carlin

    it is an interesting quote. not saying he is right or wrong. just saying there are reasons for things happening. but to question the democratic voting process like that on national tv was not a good look for this country.

    as john king said, if you have the proof present it and we go from there. however, if you have no official proof, this is not what you go on tv and say as the president at this time. you just can't. it makes us look like a country of special ed kids on the way to the circus and we all got a coupon for a free popcorn.
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  20. #20
    Hman's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMetsSuck View Post
    The president of the USA just called the election results rigged and said ill cya in court.

    I'm confused.

    What did he say wrong?

    Anyone with any common sense sees & knows there's some tyoe of fraud going on in all of this.

    It was even predicted beforehand.

  21. #21
    pablo222's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Dear leader said fraud so it must be true.
    He has never lied in his entire life.

  22. #22
    Fishhead's Avatar SBR PRO
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    110% FRAUD and you guys are slamming Trump...............................UNBE LIEVABLE


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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    i’m leaving pennsylvania

  24. #24
    navyblue81's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    I don't think there's a problem with him challenging the election and bringing some of these claims to court, as long as he has evidence. If there really is fraud and you have proof of it, you have a right to dispute things. But on the other side of things, don't just go out there and say "Stop Counting. The election is rigged and is a fraud. It's being stolen." Show us the evidence so the common people out there can believe you.

    The concern I have is this gets ugly. I won't say it gets to the point of Civil War, but it could get to a point where mass riots erupt throughout some of the big cities.

    The bigger concern I have is the Republican Party splitting because of this. You have two camps...Republicans who are following Trump no matter what and Republicans who are voted for Trump and saying, "Move on." Look for this faction to split even more. Republicans can easily win the election in 2024 with the right candidate, especially given who the Dems will have, but if they split the party, it's going to make that a whole lot harder.

  25. #25
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    Just split the entire nation & states in half. Republicans on one half Dems on the other. Govern themselves separately.

    And when the Democratic half turns into a 3rd world country or worse, and they start trying to slip across across to the Republican half, spare none & make examples.

  26. #26
    navyblue81's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hman View Post
    Just split the entire nation & states in half. Republicans on one half Dems on the other. Govern themselves separately.
    If this gets ugly, it may come to that. No joke.

  27. #27
    mjsuax13's Avatar Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by navyblue81 View Post
    I don't think there's a problem with him challenging the election and bringing some of these claims to court, as long as he has evidence. If there really is fraud and you have proof of it, you have a right to dispute things. But on the other side of things, don't just go out there and say "Stop Counting. The election is rigged and is a fraud. It's being stolen." Show us the evidence so the common people out there can believe you.

    The concern I have is this gets ugly. I won't say it gets to the point of Civil War, but it could get to a point where mass riots erupt throughout some of the big cities.

    The bigger concern I have is the Republican Party splitting because of this. You have two camps...Republicans who are following Trump no matter what and Republicans who are voted for Trump and saying, "Move on." Look for this faction to split even more. Republicans can easily win the election in 2024 with the right candidate, especially given who the Dems will have, but if they split the party, it's going to make that a whole lot harder.
    Navy, you are right on the GOP. This may splinter them and then they will never recover but I do think there will be a Goldwater/Nixon moment. You would think they would salvage the 2024 opportunity as they have more “stars” than the Dems. Heading into uncharted territory currently.

  28. #28
    Slurry Pumper
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    I think we may see the end of civil arguments in our society. Everything is now a attack on the others motives.

  29. #29
    mjsuax13's Avatar Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hman View Post
    Just split the entire nation & states in half. Republicans on one half Dems on the other. Govern themselves separately.

    And when the Democratic half turns into a 3rd world country or worse, and they start trying to slip across across to the Republican half, spare none & make examples.
    This is why states have Governor’s... and their own elected officials. You already have the choice to move to Mississippi if you’d like. Also third world.

  30. #30
    pavyracer's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Trump's true colors are finally shown. He knows now he can't be like Putin, Kim and Erdogan his idols and be president for life. So he is trying to move the goalposts now to get a win.
    Last edited by pavyracer; 11-06-20 at 07:37 AM.

  31. #31
    BOA12's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjsuax13 View Post
    This is why states have Governor’s... and their own elected officials. You already have the choice to move to Mississippi if you’d like. Also third world.
    Already there.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMoneyShot View Post
    The reason why I know there's voter fraud in Michigan.... Whitmer mishandled Covid... She has been way too tight. A lot of Michigan folks over here.... didn't like it. Closing gyms for several months... arcades etc. The rules were very tight. A lot of Michiganders retaliated by voting Republican for Donald Trump. I ran into numerous people... that were voting for Donald Trump. I'm a real nice guy in person... I'm always smiling... and if someone talked about Biden... I never told them I was a Trump supporter... I just let people talk. Again.. always smiling. Everyone was against Governor Whitmer.

    There's no question in my mind.... Extra "illegal" votes came in for Biden. Everyone is in shock over here in Michigan. I always look at everything with an open mind.... and there's no way Biden won Michigan. Just no way.

    And not only that... John James Republican for Senate... was leading even more than Donald Trump.... on his opposition Gary Peters. Gary Peters is an absolute OLD JOKE. John James is black.... and young.... and has great policies... it's a mystery that when that VOTE DUMP came in..... Trump lost the lead... and so did John James.
    You are some combination of mentally ill and delusional.

  33. #33
    Fishhead's Avatar SBR PRO
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    USA on the ROPES

    That's the only thing we know for sure

  34. #34
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    All the racist/ bigot losers are sad.

  35. #35
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    Big Trump supporter here. Trump is out if line here
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