Originally posted on 02/16/2019:

Quote Originally Posted by RoyBacon View Post
Dems would have been worse.

In the 3 Dem debates the words "deficit" and "debt" were mentioned ZERO times.

As MF states, we are on a collision course with austerity that will see most welfare programs ended and taxes doubled. Tards hated the tax cuts because they know the day of reckoning is coming and high taxes gives them a few extra checks.

There is only one way out; growth. Economic growth. If we doubled the economy we could pay down the debt in 10 years. But if we grow at Obama era 1% we will hit austerity in the next 10 - 20 years.
There will always be times of greater or lesser growth. It's cyclical and always will be. Never lasts forever. Planning on perpetual growth every year forever as the only way out is a plan for failure.

When the cycle is relatively good, that's the time to bring things into balance so that there is some room to work when things are not so good. That's what Clinton did in the 90's that has set up relatively good times for the next couple decades plus. Trump is taking the opposite approach. May not be next year or even the next 3 years, but eventually we will all pay for this President's short-sightedness.