Originally posted on 12/18/2018:

In court today the following conversation between the Judge and Flynn put to rest the BS the right was trying to say that Flynn was tricked into lying....The ONLY fukking LIARS are the fukking crazies on the RIGHT..

Judge to Flynn, "Were you not aware that lying to the FBI investigators was a crime"?

"I was aware." said Flynn.

Judge to Flynn. " do you want to postpone the sentencing or reconsider your plea?"

Flynn, "I would like to proceed your honor."

"Because you are guilty of this offense.? the Judge responded.

"Yes your honor." Flynn said.

The Judge had said he may not be able to avoid jail time prior to this conversation...90 day delay. In the meantime looks like Flynn is going to have to sing some more to avoid jail time....Douchebag Don's nuts were squeezed a little bit more today..