1. #1
    Most Well Rounded POY
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    Who here has been shot

    If yes you’ve obviously lived to tell

    what were the circumstances?

  2. #2
    JIBBBY's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Shot myself in the foot on accident with a high powered BB gun as a kid.. Had to dig the pellet out of the top of my foot.. Double CO2 cartridge loaded BB gun that was altered.. Shot a pellet like a small caliber gun almost.. I was a bad boy as a kid.. ...

    Nope never been shot or shot at with a real gun.. Hope to keep it that way...

  3. #3
    Microbetter's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Got nicked one time at a drug house in Miami. I literally bled one drop. Tiny hole in my jean jacket. Took it off to see the damage and there was one drop rolling down my arm. I licked it of and continued with my drink and dilaudid. That was over 30 years ago.

  4. #4
    Chipup's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Never been personally shot, Been right next to a guy who blew a hole in his leg cleaning his .45 Caliber. What a dumbass. Scared everyone in the house, The three of us in the room Thought we had all been shot by him accidentally because the boom and shake in the tiny bedroom was deafening. By the time we all came back to being reasonable orientated we realized what had happened and thankfully the Dumbass had went to into shock pretty much instantly.

    You could see straight through his leg down the charred meaty remains. Thankfully there is a god or at least karma because as he was gloating he didn't feel a thing while they cleaned the wound that shock wore off. I'd like to say a lesson was learned that night by him, but no he went on to shot himself again next time while concealing with the safety off...I was not present the second time

  5. #5
    JIBBBY's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chipup View Post
    Never been personally shot, Been right next to a guy who blew a hole in his leg cleaning his .45 Caliber. What a dumbass. Scared everyone in the house, The three of us in the room Thought we had all been shot by him accidentally because the boom and shake in the tiny bedroom was deafening. By the time we all came back to being reasonable orientated we realized what had happened and thankfully the Dumbass had went to into shock pretty much instantly.

    You could see straight through his leg down the charred meaty remains. Thankfully there is a god or at least karma because as he was gloating he didn't feel a thing while they cleaned the wound that shock wore off. I'd like to say a lesson was learned that night by him, but no he went on to shot himself again next time while concealing with the safety off...I was not present the second time
    Why would you clean a loaded gun? Secondly it's not that easy for a gun to go off either period even when cleaning it.. You really need to pull the trigger.. Especially with a revolver. Takes a bit of force to squeeze that trigger..

    People like that shouldn't own guns if he shot himself twice.. A true tard you described there for sure..

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
    Why would you clean a loaded gun? Secondly it's not that easy for a gun to go off either period even when cleaning it.. You really need to pull the trigger.. Especially with a revolver. Takes a bit of force to squeeze that trigger..

    People like that shouldn't own guns if he shot himself twice.. A true tard you described there for sure..
    Oh he was the very definition of a tard for sure. Sadly he was a paramedic at the time too. Your right it's not easy to shot yourself but this guy made it seem easy with how stupid he was. He got out all his cleaning supplies, realized the gun was loaded. His twin brother also a tard had showed him one time with a cheap 9mm how to pull back and clear a bullet by removing it directly from the chamber if you had the arm strength.

    Now as anyone with half a brain would realize a 9mm's pressure to rooster is far different than a .45 Caliber and in general that is not the proper safe way to clear the weapon in the first place. So While struggling to hold open the chamber he moved his hand to "Get a better" grip and squeezed the trigger.

  7. #7
    deltgen's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Nicked in the shoulder area in Iraq. Wasn't enough to stop me, but it felt like someone had lit a match inside my arm. The medics were able to easily pull it out after things cooled down and put me on barracks duty for three days and I was back at it. No lasting damage, but I got a Purple Heart out of it which heads to a little upgrade in VA benfits.

  8. #8
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    "They said it was a million dollar wound, but the Army must keep that money, 'cause I still ain't seen a nickel of that ..."
    ~~~~~Forest Gump

  9. #9
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    Never been shot. I was tackled by an undercover cop once in college. I had come out of my gf’s apt and there was this normal looking guy standing outside it. He strikes up a conversation and says he’s been watching me go in and out of that apt, and I look closer and see he has a gun inside his coat. I take off running not wanting to answer any questions, get robbed or whatever this guy had in mind. I take off running and he chases me down, tackles me and drives my right shoulder into the ground. This guy was huge about 6’1 230. He says “are you a drug dealer? We been doing surveillance on that building. You’re coming into the station”.

    So I go into the station and am interviewed for like 30 minutes. I tell them I never done any drugs. Never sold any drugs. They had to have had the wrong guy. Finally they let me go but they actually charge me with resisting arrest. I contested the charge to the States Attorney and said there was no way I could have known this guy was a real cop. That was why I ran. The case did eventually go to trial but the judge dismissed it when the cop didn’t show up to testify.

    I am a white guy. So I have no sympathy for blacks getting busted by cops because I had same thing happen to me. I wasnt even mad at the cops. They were just doing their jobs. I was upset about my shoulder because it permanently screwed it up as I could no longer throw a baseball very well after that. This was 16 years ago. I’d still do the same thing today. If a guy stops me on the street to talk, and I see he has a gun, I’m running.

  10. #10
    Please don't feed the trolls
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    Never been shot but I was struck by lightning when I was about 11-12 years old.

  11. #11
    Grits n' Gravy
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    Yes and it wasn't real fun. Fortunately it didn't do any real damage.

  12. #12
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    I've been shot at tons of times.Comes with being a security guard and used to run with a gang back in high school. Got shot in my shoe and got grazed by some pistol rounds on my toe and ankle outside a bar when i called this girl a slut and said she's only good at spreading her legs. Have not been shot at in a couple years though.Had guns pulled on me but they have not fired.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by deltgen View Post
    Nicked in the shoulder area in Iraq. Wasn't enough to stop me, but it felt like someone had lit a match inside my arm. The medics were able to easily pull it out after things cooled down and put me on barracks duty for three days and I was back at it. No lasting damage, but I got a Purple Heart out of it which heads to a little upgrade in VA benfits.
    Good work bud!!! Glad ya made it back alive.

    No fun in war when the bullets start flying.. My Grand Father who passed got the Purple Heart in WW2 also, I look at it every now and then along with a few other Medals he was awarded. Cool stuff...

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demonata View Post
    I've been shot at tons of times.Comes with being a security guard and used to run with a gang back in high school. Got shot in my shoe and got grazed by some pistol rounds on my toe and ankle outside a bar when i called this girl a slut and said she's only good at spreading her legs. Have not been shot at in a couple years though.Had guns pulled on me but they have not fired.
    I was robbed at gun point by 4 illegal Mexicans that couldn't even speak English.. I was dressed as Pat Riley the Lakers basketball coach at the time and in a suit and tie. I was attending a huge Halloween Party at the Santa Monica Airport hanger... Was about 2am and I decided to walk home alone and walk off the booze, big mistake walking thru a sketchy area near the freeway dressed in a suit and tie.... Nothing I could do, gave em my watch and 5 bucks in my wallet. They checked my pockets. Had 100 cash in my sock no lie and they didn't get that, I had a sense that something bad might happen and put the bulk of my money in my sock.. Looking back that was stellar insight move...

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
    I was robbed at gun point by 4 illegal Mexicans that couldn't even speak English.. I was dressed as Pat Riley the Lakers basketball coach at the time and in a suit and tie. I was attending a huge Halloween Party at the Santa Monica Airport hanger... Was about 2am and I decided to walk home alone and walk off the booze, big mistake walking thru a sketchy area near the freeway dressed in a suit and tie.... Nothing I could do, gave em my watch and 5 bucks in my wallet. They checked my pockets. Had 100 cash in my sock no lie and they didn't get that, I had a sense that something bad might happen and put the bulk of my money in my sock.. Looking back that was stellar insight move...
    How did you know they were illegal?yeah whoever has the gun makes the rules always lol. I'll do whatever they say. When i was robbing gas station got shot at. I got robbed at gunpoint and they took my rent money right after atm. Sucked ass.

  16. #16
    Big Dikk Energy
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    Bigbusiness got shot once playing battleship with the homies

  17. #17
    TheGoldenGoose's Avatar SBR PRO
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    I don't get shot...

    I do the shooting.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demonata View Post
    How did you know they were illegal?yeah whoever has the gun makes the rules always lol. I'll do whatever they say. When i was robbing gas station got shot at. I got robbed at gunpoint and they took my rent money right after atm. Sucked ass.
    Cause all 4 adults didn't speak a lick of English, robbed me in Spanish. Asked me questions in Spanish, when I responded in English no Habla English... They looked like poor dressed illegals that were desperate and up to no good also.. I put 2 and 2 together.. Living in Southern California I can tell who is illegal and not.. Not being able to speak English as an adult is a sure sign for starters..

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Booya711 View Post
    Bigbusiness got shot once playing battleship with the homies
    Or playing Xbox games in his mom's basement.....

  20. #20
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    "I wasn't even mad at the cops. They were just doing their jobs."


    Doing their jobs?

    Tackling you for no legal reason is doing their jobs?

    You are an idiot. JSMH.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
    Cause all 4 adults didn't speak a lick of English, robbed me in Spanish. Asked me questions in Spanish, when I responded in English no Habla English... They looked like poor dressed illegals that were desperate and up to no good also.. I put 2 and 2 together.. Living in Southern California I can tell who is illegal and not.. Not being able to speak English as an adult is a sure sign for starters..
    Actually i disagree. I have a lot of friends who are mexican and most don't speak english but they are legal. I play soccer with them all the time and have even gone gambling with them where they have had to show there id to cash tickets.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demonata View Post
    Actually i disagree. I have a lot of friends who are mexican and most don't speak english but they are legal. I play soccer with them all the time and have even gone gambling with them where they have had to show there id to cash tickets.
    Really? I don't know any American Mexican citizens that were born here in America that can't speak English.. Not one... I've known alot of Mexicans legal and illegal thru the years also... I've known Illegal Mexicans that spoke perfect English too.. They were usually living here for 10 years or more though...

  23. #23
    My Finger Smells Like Pork
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    Never been shot except for blowing my right index finger apart with a high pressure pellet gun back in the late 90's. Since then, I have come across 2 young men that had just been shot multiple times and I tried to administer first aid to them, but the carnage they suffered was way too devastating.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGoldenGoose View Post
    "I wasn't even mad at the cops. They were just doing their jobs."


    Doing their jobs?

    Tackling you for no legal reason is doing their jobs?

    You are an idiot. JSMH.
    This undercover cop suspected that I was a drug dealer. I ran from him when he started questioning me. From a cop’s perspective, that looks like a guilty person or someone is hiding something. So I can understand them chasing after and apprehending any suspect even if the suspect turns out to have been doing nothing wrong. If the cops just let anyone they are suspicious of run away from them, then how are you going to have an effective police force?

    This wasn’t even the first time I was approached by police. A few months earlier than that I was also questioned (while in the same vicininty), they told me to empty my pockets. These were officers in uniform so of course I complied. I emptied my pockets and had a bunch of cash on me. The reason I had cash was because I was a Pizza Hut delivery driver and that was my tips. I told them that. They let me go but I must have been on their radar because of what happened the second time.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
    Really? I don't know any American Mexican citizens that were born here in America that can't speak English.. Not one... I've known alot of Mexicans legal and illegal thru the years also... I've known Illegal Mexicans that spoke perfect English too.. They were usually living here for 10 years or more though...
    Also you are assuming they didn't speak English. The people robbing you could have been lying since that's what criminals do. I'm pretty sure if they were brave enough to rob at gunpoint they lie as well.it wouldn't with there cover too so if you reported to the cops illegals robbed you and they proved they were legal when caught then helps them look innocent.
