Originally posted on 01/31/2018:

Quote Originally Posted by reigle9 View Post
i FUKKIN hate birds, this is a great idea

they'll take down a drown and rape it

it doesn't even seem real now, but i remember being very young and there was a condor flying over (idk how it happened) and it seemed as big as an airplane...that thing could've had me for breakfast

one of my first memories was living in a nest with a bunch of baby condor's

I guess I was snatched up off the ground behind an orphanage in Peru, where my birth mom left me as a 3 month old.

I was raised on some cliff's by a family of condor's

when I was 4 I was "saved" by some local missionaries and taken back to the united states by a young couple on a spring school building trip with St. John's parish from Wikinsburg, Pa. While I came to love my new "mom" and "dad" and my brothers and sisters. I always felt like I belonged in the air with the big birds I saw from time to time.

I also hate eggs

go figure