1. #1
    nickmanning214's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Saints will win i promise you!!! Bet your house!

    This years’ super bowl will be a battle between two QBs: Manning and Brees. I don’t really think any of the other players will have much of an impact. That’s what happens when everyone except the quarterback is a team player who wants nothing but his quarterback win the super bowl. I’m picking the Saints.

    Overhyped teams tend to get off to a bad start, and since this matchup will come down to which QB is better, then I believe the overhyped QB will lose. Which QB is more overhyped?

    Media’s Consensus on Manning: Possibly greatest QB of all time.

    Consensus on Brees: Good start to the season. After being unable to beat Tampa Bay, he rested, and then took advantage of the Arizona Cardinals’ HORRRIBLLEEEE!!!! Defense. Then they won a fluke game against Minnesota that had nothing to do with Brees and everything to do with Favre, fumbles, and how the Saints are magical.

    The media seems to think that the Cardinals have this historically bad defense. I mean, they aren’t great, but I wouldn’t say they had the “worst defense in the history of the playoffs” (don’t remember who said it). This year, they were ranked 20th in total defense. The Saints, on the other hand, were ranked 25th. The media, in constantly calling the Saints defense “underrated”, will cause the Colts to overprepare for the Saints defense. Jim Caldwell is a rookie so he will prepare his team wrong. Sean Peyton will think of something creative to outsmart the rookie coach.

    The Colts don’t really believe in game plans or any of that nonsense. That’s why in 8 out of 16 of their wins they trailed in the second half (and the score was very close in the second half in a few more of them). The Colts beat everyone this year by just letting Manning take over at the end. That may work against Houston, NYJ, and Arizona, but I’m not sure that strategy will work too well against New Orleans. Maybe they need an actual game plan if they are going to play an actual team.
    Everyone fears Manning late in the game, as they should. But, unlike certain overrated probowl QBs named Aaron Rogers who have literally never in his entire career led a game winning comeback in the 4th quarter one single time, Brees is also capable of leading a comeback. Remember their comeback over Washington? The Redskins are horrible but they had the 10th rated defense. Remember that game against Miami? They were down 24-3 and not only did they win, but they beat the spread! The Colts accidently beat Miami, holding the ball for only 15 minutes in the game.

    I know the Saints didn’t go undefeated like the Colts basically did, but the Saints lost to the Cowboys who were desperate and far superior to any team the Colts played this season, including playoffs. Yes the Saints lost to the Bucs, but only because they got bored when they were up 17-0 in the second quarter with a 13-1 record. If it was a more important game, the Saints would have won 38-7 like they did when the games mattered.

    Interestingly, the Colts struggle against optimistic QBs. This year, the Colts came dangerously close to losing against Garrard twice, Schaub twice, Alex Smith, and Kyle Orton. Last year, the Colts lost to Orton, Aaron Rogers, Garrard, Rivers, and almost Tavaris Jackson, Derek Anderson, and Ben Roethlisberger. These Quarterbacks are all extremely optimistic all of the time. Derek Anderson said after his 6-3 win over Buffalo in which he was 2-17 for 23 yards: “A win’s a win. I knew it was going to be a grind…” Imagine what Cutler, Brady, or other crybaby quarterbacks would have said in that circumstance.

    The Colts tend to crush QBs who cry a lot. Kerry Collins, a generally happy QB, beat the Colts last year 31-21. Then, he angered his team with racist comments. From then on, Collins felt left out, and as a depressed QB, the Colts crushed him. Vince Young came in, had issues with depression, and lost to Indianapolis easily despite being the mid-late season team of destiny. The Colts crushed Kurt Warner who is secretly a complete crybaby. Did you see him yell at Larry Fitzgerald for dropping that pass against the Packers? Larry Fitzgerald is awesome. Be quiet, Kurt Warner! Also, did you hear his retirement speech? Apparently he doesn’t like that people expect so much of him every week. What a baby!

    Brees is happy all the time and Manning has been kind of in a bad mood lately. If the Saints do to Manning what they did to Favre (intentionally injure him), Manning will whine and throw interceptions. Favre didn’t whine and his interception was unrelated to his crybabivity. Manning will throw 1-3 picks. Brees will throw zero or one. Sharper didn’t create any turnovers against his former team and former quarterback last week, so he’ll be extra anxious this week.

    The Saints will start off strong, because they are currently underrated. Manning will attempt to lead a comeback but cheap shots by the Saints’ defensive players will frustrate Manning into throwing interceptions. Saints win by 17.

  2. #2
    A man in need is a man exposed
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    34-21 Colts book it

  3. #3
    nickmanning214's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    41-24 Saints book it

  4. #4
    DaColts's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Sorry buddy your so far off it's kinda funny

  5. #5
    printing it
    drfunkmaster's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    colts win by 10

  6. #6
    netinfo's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Saints win by 3.

    Saints ML and ATS is the play.


  7. #7
    A man in need is a man exposed
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    34-21 Colts book it

  8. #8
    Got Surf
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    Saints 25th ranked Defense is holding Manning to 24??????? Did you see the Jets game?

  9. #9
    DaColts's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Lol that is funny. Brews and the saints ain't going to carry this pressure well. Good luck looks like another foreclosure for you bud

  10. #10
    BigdaddyQH's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    These threads are really worthless. Everyone has an opinion. Half will be right and remind us of it after the game. Half will be wrong and disappear. Anyone thinking that Peyton Manning is overhyped is really at a loss when it comes to football knowledge. This is really one of the most well written, but rediculous posts I have read about the game so far. Just go away with this nonsense. Do you really think the Saints get away with taking cheap shots at Manning, especially since their dumb asdsd assistant coach has admitted that taking cheap shots is in the game plan?

  11. #11
    Busterflywheel's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    IDK about booking the house...If I do bet on bowl it will be my normal 1 unit bet as I do on every bet year around...

  12. #12
    BigdaddyQH's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Just another wanna-be tout. I love these guys who guarantee picks, and then disappear when they lose.

  13. #13
    tomcast's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Won't be betting the house on either side on this one.

  14. #14
    Whirlaway's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    what the hell?..Its like everyother guy has a different opinion..I am more confused then when I logged on

  15. #15
    BigdaddyQH's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    And that is EXACTLY what the books want to see happen. A 50/50 spilt on the wagering as far as the money goes. This is going to be a profitble Superbowl Game for the books.

  16. #16
    Chicks jumpin my whip like a moshpit
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    LoL @ "i promise"

  17. #17
    Mr Handicapable
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    Nick....your analysis...while funny....makes no sense whatsoverThe Colts don't believe in gameplans?
    W T F?? Yeah they're only won more games than anyone in the past decade....evidently by screwing around and hoping Peyton has a hot 4th quarter! Lets look at another one of your gems!

    This year, the Colts came dangerously close to losing against Garrard twice, Schaub twice, Alex Smith, and Kyle Orton

    "Dangerously close to losing"....there's an easier term that describes that better...WINNING!!

    Finally...the Saints will cheapshot Manning into interceptions and defeat? The Colts can pick up blitzes unlike Minnesota! The one thing they do better than anyone is pass protect! The Jets blitzed the hell out of Manning and got blown up....and I don't see the Saints with a Revis to shut down Reggie Wayne!
    If the Saints blitz their LBs....guess who is wide open...Mr. Dallas Clark! The Colts put up 34-35 on the Saints minimum!

  18. #18
    BollWeeble's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Handicapable View Post
    Nick....your analysis...while funny....makes no sense whatsoverThe Colts don't believe in gameplans?
    W T F?? Yeah they're only won more games than anyone in the past decade....evidently by screwing around and hoping Peyton has a hot 4th quarter! Lets look at another one of your gems!

    This year, the Colts came dangerously close to losing against Garrard twice, Schaub twice, Alex Smith, and Kyle Orton

    "Dangerously close to losing"....there's an easier term that describes that better...WINNING!!

    Finally...the Saints will cheapshot Manning into interceptions and defeat? The Colts can pick up blitzes unlike Minnesota! The one thing they do better than anyone is pass protect! The Jets blitzed the hell out of Manning and got blown up....and I don't see the Saints with a Revis to shut down Reggie Wayne!
    If the Saints blitz their LBs....guess who is wide open...Mr. Dallas Clark! The Colts put up 34-35 on the Saints minimum!
    ..exactly..makes you wonder about the post

  19. #19
    DOMINATER's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Nick sorry manning is a walking game plan.

  20. #20
    Drinkin ANOTHER Beer...
    Superman455's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Colts here..Got to go with the QB that has been there and is a proven winner.

  21. #21
    lowball's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Saints ML

  22. #22
    dbldown's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Your writeup comes across as a Colts hater - rather than an objective analysis of each team and their strong points.

    GL with the house bet.

  23. #23
    ZBOIZ's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brocc View Post
    Saints 25th ranked Defense is holding Manning to 24??????? Did you see the Jets game?

    25th rank defense is so overrated by statistics simply because the Saints defense was so banged up during the regular season it wasn't funny.

    *** Before the injury bug hit this defense they was the 6th rank defense in the NFL. When both starting corners, two linebackers, a safety, and d tackle go down all at one time of course your defense will take a hit!

  24. #24
    TheCommish's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Colts win it easy. 4th Quarter won't even be exciting.

  25. #25
    ZBOIZ's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheCommish View Post
    Colts win it easy. 4th Quarter won't even be exciting.
    just like a square

  26. #26
    jhause13's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Brandon Lang can solve this for us tomorrow.

  27. #27
    jhause13's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    I like the Colts by atleast a touchdown btw.

  28. #28
    slacker00's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Dropping fvcking loads on the Saints ML, eh?

  29. #29
    tell obama to keep his change
    jram68's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by nickmanning214 View Post
    This years’ super bowl will be a battle between two QBs: Manning and Brees. I don’t really think any of the other players will have much of an impact. That’s what happens when everyone except the quarterback is a team player who wants nothing but his quarterback win the super bowl. I’m picking the Saints.

    Overhyped teams tend to get off to a bad start, and since this matchup will come down to which QB is better, then I believe the overhyped QB will lose. Which QB is more overhyped?

    Media’s Consensus on Manning: Possibly greatest QB of all time.

    Consensus on Brees: Good start to the season. After being unable to beat Tampa Bay, he rested, and then took advantage of the Arizona Cardinals’ HORRRIBLLEEEE!!!! Defense. Then they won a fluke game against Minnesota that had nothing to do with Brees and everything to do with Favre, fumbles, and how the Saints are magical.

    The media seems to think that the Cardinals have this historically bad defense. I mean, they aren’t great, but I wouldn’t say they had the “worst defense in the history of the playoffs” (don’t remember who said it). This year, they were ranked 20th in total defense. The Saints, on the other hand, were ranked 25th. The media, in constantly calling the Saints defense “underrated”, will cause the Colts to overprepare for the Saints defense. Jim Caldwell is a rookie so he will prepare his team wrong. Sean Peyton will think of something creative to outsmart the rookie coach.

    The Colts don’t really believe in game plans or any of that nonsense. That’s why in 8 out of 16 of their wins they trailed in the second half (and the score was very close in the second half in a few more of them). The Colts beat everyone this year by just letting Manning take over at the end. That may work against Houston, NYJ, and Arizona, but I’m not sure that strategy will work too well against New Orleans. Maybe they need an actual game plan if they are going to play an actual team.
    Everyone fears Manning late in the game, as they should. But, unlike certain overrated probowl QBs named Aaron Rogers who have literally never in his entire career led a game winning comeback in the 4th quarter one single time, Brees is also capable of leading a comeback. Remember their comeback over Washington? The Redskins are horrible but they had the 10th rated defense. Remember that game against Miami? They were down 24-3 and not only did they win, but they beat the spread! The Colts accidently beat Miami, holding the ball for only 15 minutes in the game.

    I know the Saints didn’t go undefeated like the Colts basically did, but the Saints lost to the Cowboys who were desperate and far superior to any team the Colts played this season, including playoffs. Yes the Saints lost to the Bucs, but only because they got bored when they were up 17-0 in the second quarter with a 13-1 record. If it was a more important game, the Saints would have won 38-7 like they did when the games mattered.

    Interestingly, the Colts struggle against optimistic QBs. This year, the Colts came dangerously close to losing against Garrard twice, Schaub twice, Alex Smith, and Kyle Orton. Last year, the Colts lost to Orton, Aaron Rogers, Garrard, Rivers, and almost Tavaris Jackson, Derek Anderson, and Ben Roethlisberger. These Quarterbacks are all extremely optimistic all of the time. Derek Anderson said after his 6-3 win over Buffalo in which he was 2-17 for 23 yards: “A win’s a win. I knew it was going to be a grind…” Imagine what Cutler, Brady, or other crybaby quarterbacks would have said in that circumstance.

    The Colts tend to crush QBs who cry a lot. Kerry Collins, a generally happy QB, beat the Colts last year 31-21. Then, he angered his team with racist comments. From then on, Collins felt left out, and as a depressed QB, the Colts crushed him. Vince Young came in, had issues with depression, and lost to Indianapolis easily despite being the mid-late season team of destiny. The Colts crushed Kurt Warner who is secretly a complete crybaby. Did you see him yell at Larry Fitzgerald for dropping that pass against the Packers? Larry Fitzgerald is awesome. Be quiet, Kurt Warner! Also, did you hear his retirement speech? Apparently he doesn’t like that people expect so much of him every week. What a baby!

    Brees is happy all the time and Manning has been kind of in a bad mood lately. If the Saints do to Manning what they did to Favre (intentionally injure him), Manning will whine and throw interceptions. Favre didn’t whine and his interception was unrelated to his crybabivity. Manning will throw 1-3 picks. Brees will throw zero or one. Sharper didn’t create any turnovers against his former team and former quarterback last week, so he’ll be extra anxious this week.

    The Saints will start off strong, because they are currently underrated. Manning will attempt to lead a comeback but cheap shots by the Saints’ defensive players will frustrate Manning into throwing interceptions. Saints win by 17.
    bet the house on the saints? Are you fvcking insane? It didnt matter which NFC team made the super bowl, the Colts will win.

  30. #30
    nobull's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    6'5" prototypical NFL QB,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,with a rocket arm vs. a midget QB with an arm that throws helicopters. has brees thrown a tight spiral yet during his entire NFL career? sentimental BS is going make alot of people broke. bet with your head & not your hearts.

  31. #31
    BigdaddyQH's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZBOIZ View Post
    just like a square
    And that coming from one of the biggest losers in here. A documented loser, no less.

  32. #32
    ZBOIZ's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    bigdaddy throw me 100 points

  33. #33
    BigdaddyQH's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    What do you need 100 points for? Did you lose all of your points?

  34. #34
    ZBOIZ's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    yep. i need 100 points so i can pound a play to build my point bank roll

  35. #35
    slacker00's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by nobull View Post
    6'5" prototypical NFL QB,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,with a rocket arm vs. a midget QB with an arm that throws helicopters. has brees thrown a tight spiral yet during his entire NFL career? sentimental BS is going make alot of people broke. bet with your head & not your hearts.
    Brees has the #1 QB rating (110) in the NFL. The Saints are the #1 offense in the NFL.

    Not bad for a guy that can't throw a spiral. *sarcasm*

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