Originally <a href='http://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=26286936'>posted</a> on 09/22/2016:

The globalist game is the good muslim/bad muslim false narrative
Obama's job was to set this narrative in motion,

When they are making up a story about 911 bad muslim
Syrian govt = bad muslim

When they want to send immigrants to the west to further globalist agendas
Then they pretend they are good muslims
SO the govt uses the good muslim/bad muslim game to push their agendas

The police terrorism is being encouraged by the democratic administration
In these latest acts of pigs killing people, they probably did it on purpose
because of all the protests, they did it to further agitate the populace

Americans are sick violent people who lie about 911 when it was the republicans
in The bush administration who did it Americans use this lie as an excuse to attack foreign countries
and they get a military paycheck and benefits
Americans dont care what the truth is as long as they get a hamburger at the end of the week
Americans support police terrorism because they are employed by the govt in some capacity

The Govt is probably trying to kill people as a form of depopulation, after the globalists
pushed all the jobs to asia, americans are useless to them unless they serve as military goon
or govt worker Otherwise the globalists want to get rid of people. So they have mandated
for pigs to attack minorities, mentally ill and homeless, and they get white racist fat pigs
to do the killing, the fat goons don't care about the big picture, just a hamburger