1. #1
    Broke Homey
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    Liver cancer question....Mom diagnosed stage 4 hcc 4/2015 given 3-6 months

    Has anyone gone through this battle (stage 4 hcc)? Diagnosed 4/2015 given 6 months to live and still fighting.

    Where did you get treatment? I am in NY, USA so Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Rochester, Albany, NYC is all doable. MD Anderson in Texas is #1 but the travel and cost is not an option now, but could become 1.

    Where wouldnt you go for treatment? Roswell in Buffalo NY, is out. Surprised i didnt make news headlines after that fiasco.

    Will not consider clinical trials, she got talked into 1 (was not present for Doctors recommendations) and i lost the first 4 months with her due to complications.

    Alternative treatments ? I already started with CO and the tumor started to shrink, but the last batch was to strong or wrong strain / ratio tch cbd, and she thought it was 1979 for a month. Since then she is leery about it.

    Any help or suggestions would be great. I would appreciate it if you or a loved one has gone through this battle to answer, since it would be experience and not " i heard that this place is good or this med/treatment/facility is on facebook and says it helps...."

    I am 100% serious about this. This is not a joke of any kind, just looking for any thoughts with experience. I feel like i cant trust her GP since he sent her to Roswell, and the Oncologist said there is no treatment in this area, we need to go out of state for anything innovative.

    Ty for your time,
    Last edited by Broke Homey; 05-17-16 at 05:40 AM.

  2. #2
    Ralphie Halves
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    First off, very sorry to hear.

    Second, look up "The Gerson Miracle" on Netflix or anywhere else you can find it. I don't know the success/fail rate, and it never said in the film, but there have been people who have been closer to the end than your mother that have made 100% recoveries.

    I also saw on 60 minutes how they've used Polio (no joke) to eliminate brain cancer. Not sure if it goes further than that however. This method was granted "Breakthrough Funding", something that rarely ever happens.

    Best of luck. Do what needs to be done.

  3. #3
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    Cancer can not thrive in a body that is alkaline. Look into food grade hydrogen peroxide H2O2 Apple cider vinegar is something to look into as well. BOL Cancer can be taken of with out chemo and the traditional destroy your body methods. Aslo look into the different clenses for liver gall bladder colon ect.

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    God Bless and good luck to you. Liver cancer is cruel. And yes just lost my closest niece[age 35] to brain cancer. Started as skin cancer- had clinical trial,and oils, diet, and we tried every possible solution. Sad part was she has 3 adopted children age 7 4 and 2. At stage 4 the aggression really moves in---5 lesions on the brain--one spot on lung. Then you also have to worry about blood clots. Again gl to you. pray pray and pray some more.

  6. #6
    Andy117's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Sorry to hear about your Mom. My wife is an oncology nurse who deals with trials, liver cancer is not her specialty though. I'll ask her if she has any recommendations.

  7. #7
    Broke Homey
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralphie Halves View Post
    First off, very sorry to hear.

    Second, look up "The Gerson Miracle" on Netflix or anywhere else you can find it. I don't know the success/fail rate, and it never said in the film, but there have been people who have been closer to the end than your mother that have made 100% recoveries.

    I also saw on 60 minutes how they've used Polio (no joke) to eliminate brain cancer. Not sure if it goes further than that however. This method was granted "Breakthrough Funding", something that rarely ever happens.

    Best of luck. Do what needs to be done.
    Ty for the response and suggestions. I am very familiar with "The Gerson Miracle" Treatment. There best clinic is in Mexico. Its a very easy plant diet base, including juicing, coffee enemas, etc. Basically cleansing the temple (body) and getting to a alkaline state. I saw a segment about the polio disease literally attacking cancer cells immediately (? 60 minutes maybe as you said). The Biologists came across that evidence by accident and now are researching it for clinical trials in the UK. I wish we lived in the UK, Spain, Italy, where they are so far advanced in thinking medically and open minded for alternative treatments.

    I can go on for days with facts and evidence as to why, in this day and age ,we are not further in the fight against deadly illness & diseases. With out turning this into a conspiracy theory, the bottom line is $$$$. There is no $$$ in a cure for anything, Treatment untill you die is much more profitable. The average patient is worth a minimum $400,000 from the day of diagnosis to Big Pharma, Insurance company's etc......

    Ralphie, Ty for the kind words and suggestions, i appreciate this a lot.


  8. #8
    Broke Homey
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    Quote Originally Posted by IlluminatedOne View Post
    Cancer can not thrive in a body that is alkaline. Look into food grade hydrogen peroxide H2O2 Apple cider vinegar is something to look into as well. BOL Cancer can be taken of with out chemo and the traditional destroy your body methods. Aslo look into the different clenses for liver gall bladder colon ect.
    100% correct Illuminated One, (a lot of the following is cut/pasted from all my folders of research i did to educate myself).

    Cancer cells thrive in acidity (low pH), but not in alkalinity (high pH), so a diet high in alkaline foods like fruits and vegetables that also limits acidic foods, such as those from animal products, will raise blood pH levels and create an environment in the body that discourages cancer growth.

    A healthy body is the result of healthy blood. Blood contains the nutrients needed to provide the entire body with the specific fuel it requires for maximum health and athletic/non-athletic performance, like a well-oiled machine. Blood must maintain a pH of approximately 7.4 for optimum human health and performance. This means that the blood must maintain a slightly alkaline blood pH, since 7.0 is considered neutral. Normal, arterial blood readings are 7.4, but can vacillate between 7.37 and 7.43.

    Blood levels that go below 7.37, or above 7.43, will cause the body to produce inferior and unhealthy body tissue. Your health and athletic performance will be sluggish, your power, strength and endurance will be greatly reduced, and it will be the cause of many sport injuries that could have been avoided. You may ask,"How are these blood levels related to diet?" The food you eat will either be alkaline-forming or acid-forming.....and it goes on but this is the jist of it.

    The problem is, No one expects a death sentence diagnosis to happen ever, to them or a loved one. Like myself, most are ignorant about treatments, especially alternative treatments out there. Its kinda like Cancer = chemo or radiation, when there is so much more humane treatment paths to explore. I believe and know for a fact, that traditional treatments like mentioned are a fast track to the grave. Less than a 3% success rate and thats in stage 1-2 patients. By stage 4 that shit will take any hope, dignity and quality of life they might of enjoyed left. But, we are supposed to believe the "Medical specialists & professionals" and their recommendations, its what we are taught. When my Mom was diagnosed, my first thought was chemo and lets do this right away! But after researching and actually learning how barbaric it really is with all the nausea and vomiting for days after and other very painful side effects. Anyway......

    I have been preparing a cancer based diet and treating her with CO, I am a Big advocate of CO. Using the correct strain, with the correct balance of high THC/ lower CBD ratio in her case. Now, Different cancers/diseases respond better to different strains and THC/CBD ratio's. Like the children suffering with 30 grand mal seizures a day, use a different strain and a high ratio of CBD/ lower THC. Look at this link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlotte%27s_web_(cannabis) .

    Its name,
    Charlotte's Web is named after Charlotte Figi, born October 18, 2006 (age 9), who experienced a reduction of her epileptic seizures brought on by Dravet syndrome after her first dose of medical marijuana at five years of age when traditional medicine did nothing. Thats just 1 of so many lives that CO has helped.

    Since day 1 for her it has been plant based foods with deep greens like kale, Spinach,celery etc...
    fruits like kiwi, apricots, black currants.....certain nuts like hazel nuts, no sugars at all (like glue for cancer) etc.....

    She complains about it a lot and wants "real food", I cant blame her at all, So i will get organic + grass feed beef/chicken 1-2 times a week. It is hard to tell your mom "no" when she is crying from pain and just so exhausted, I dont want that to be a last memory for her or myself.

    Again, Ty for your help its truly appreciated!

  9. #9
    Broke Homey
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    Quote Originally Posted by RudyRuetigger View Post
    Great link!

    MD Anderson in Texas is amazing! But being in NY, the travel may cause more harm than good.

    Sloan Kettering in NYC #2 is about 6.5 hrs away by car, and being from NJ for 30+ years before getting relocated, there is plenty of friends/family to stay with.

    #'s 4,6,8 i am not heard of but are doable. #12, 25, I just got the ok for the out of network insurance bs cleared, sent her med records and waiting for a response. That #43 Roswell is a research center and just want guinea pigs for clinical trials. The medicine's they gave my mom (which failed in 3 other clinical trials for 3 different cancers, i found out after she started it and with out my knowing within 5 min of researching the web). They just keep trying the same failed Meds, Say they saw some bs in a petri dish so they get more funding and make empty promises of hope, with not 1 completed trial much past phase 1 with there pills of bs. So if anyone is ranked below those lying crooks its a fade.
    TY Rudy, i am going to look into the Boston woman's facility for sure.

  10. #10
    Broke Homey
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackbox View Post
    God Bless and good luck to you. Liver cancer is cruel. And yes just lost my closest niece[age 35] to brain cancer. Started as skin cancer- had clinical trial,and oils, diet, and we tried every possible solution. Sad part was she has 3 adopted children age 7 4 and 2. At stage 4 the aggression really moves in---5 lesions on the brain--one spot on lung. Then you also have to worry about blood clots. Again gl to you. pray pray and pray some more.
    I am so sorry for your loss. 35 yrs young, i cant even imagine what she went through, the battle, the treatments, the guilt, most of all i am sure with the kids and if they will be ok.

    I am 43 yrs old and my Mom will go into a panic attack crying, worried what is going to happen to her kids. No matter what i say or do she feels guilty and worries. I feel lucky enough that she is with me at my house and i know she is safe. But Cancer is the most amazing thing i have ever seen (not in a good way). The difference in her attitude and personality the day before the diagnosis and after was scary. It has gone from, her going to lunch and shopping a couple times a week with family, coming home and would go to sleep in a guest room, to not the couch is now her bed since the stairs are to much, and a commode in my living room for her. She is losing 5lbs a week avg (-60lbs already like bones and skin) and thinks its 1979 a lot. I have become her life line, she is 100% dependent on me to the point of crying if she cant see me. I havent slept myself in 8 months, more than 2-3 hrs at a time, and sometimes i am up for 2-3 days without sleep, (5 days was the longest stretch before i was seeing and hearing stuff i know wasnt there).

    She really doesnt have many "good" days anymore and thats what hurts the most and the reality hits me. Sometimes i can keep it together, sometimes i got to go outside and collect myself, so she doesnt see that i can be weak. I believe she needs strong and positive reinforcement, not people crying in front of her, but thats me.

    Again, i am just great full i am able to have her here, and be here with her when she needs it most. I am actually honored.

    Ty for the support Blackbox, Pm me if you ever need to chat and a ear to listen. Stay strong!

  11. #11
    Broke Homey
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy117 View Post
    Sorry to hear about your Mom. My wife is an oncology nurse who deals with trials, liver cancer is not her specialty though. I'll ask her if she has any recommendations.
    TY, Andy! Thats the big issue, No one specializes in the liver really. Thats why i am trying here, so many members from around the world, I thought someone maybe went through this or at least knew of someone who is or has, and what did they do or didnt do. What worked and didnt, Who treats and specializes in the liver.....I will keep trying.
    Ty for your help,

  12. #12
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    Cancer treatment centers of America. They advertise on TV all the time. Should be a few in NY. They use the most
    modern and all technics available. From food to prayer. My ex mother in law died of that at 51.

  13. #13
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    My best wishes on strength and understanding in difficult times.

    That said, I feel it is my duty to dispel myth and rumors, as I am a physician. I think and hope what I am about to say gives you a better, more real understanding of what is going on and what isn't.

    The first is that we've pretty much figured out (in a historical sense) every disease that ever afflicted humanity. If we didn't already cure it (and yes, we have cured a LOT of things by this point in human history), we have a good understanding of it. Do we find out more and realize we don't know more over time, therefore? Of course. But what I tell people is the truth: The average life expectancy for a human being for over 95% of the time we've all been on this planet was between 20-50 for males, and a bit longer for women, on average. The goalposts have changed so much because you take all the cures we have for granted. In days of old, women and children died from childbearing and/or related infection frequently. That doesn't happen anymore. Sterility from promiscuity and STDs is a thing of the past (thanks again, antibiotics). More recently, cardiovascular and neurovascular therapies (generally antihypertensives) including angiography and stents, as well as defibrillators have literally brought people back from the dead.

    Not taking these things into consideration (generally out of ignorance, I'm not saying you should know, why would you?) leads to these conspiracy and money driven "They don't want to cure it." There's no doubt that pharma is happy to sell drugs over and over for symptoms, but saying that we don't or can't cure things misses a lot of important points:

    1. We all will, and have to, die.
    (related) 2. When you figure out how to not die from something, what happens? Something else replaces it, because (1).
    3. When you figure things out and live longer, new and different challenges arise.

    There are a lot of boomers that never really took care of themselves (and this problem is going to get worse by 2025), and we literally keep them alive. A lot of times it sucks for them because they never worked out, exercised (maybe they smoked and drank too much too), and they are a bag of bones so of course they beat on, but with much nagging pain and otherwise foul symptoms.

    Related to (3) also is, if you live long enough, you'll get cancer. This is even related to the cost benefit on telomerase, which you may have heard of, but is too high level of a discussion for this forum.

    There are many great doctors and centers out there. A potentially fatal illness is never easy, but there are many places in this country (you're lucky to be here, we have WAYYYYY higher cancer survival rates than any other country, because we spend a lot of money on them and welfare central planning countries don't) that have therapies with potential. Ultimately, these decisions are up to you and as others have recommended, the place to go are large cities with academic centers.

  14. #14
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    hoping for a miracle B-Homey
    I know Rick Simpson oil is expensive and the ratios can be hard to dial in
    but if you can afford it Id certainly not give up on this treatment

  15. #15
    Ralphie Halves
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    I think if I had any kind of cancer (non-skin, I've had that) happened to me, I'd head to TJ and go through Gerson before I did anything else. If it did work, then I'm cancer free without the devastating effects of chemo.

    Then again, if I was this far along, I don't know what I'd think.

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    Look into the Cancer Treatment Centers.......I have a friend who's a nurse at the one here in philly....they fly people in from all over the country.......good luck with things

  17. #17
    Broke Homey
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    Quote Originally Posted by rkelly110 View Post
    Cancer treatment centers of America. They advertise on TV all the time. Should be a few in NY. They use the most
    modern and all technics available. From food to prayer. My ex mother in law died of that at 51.
    I have seen the ads on tv and they look and sound great! But i am looking for liver cancer specialists, and they are very hard to come by. I am sorry for your loss rkelly, sending good vibes for better days your way.

  18. #18
    Ghenghis Kahn
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    watch this about 5 times to get an idea. i have a degree in mimg but had to watch this 3 times to fully understand.

    then go here and you can try this while she's getting her chemo.


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    also look into cannabis oil and vitamin b17 for treating cancer. . honestly, she has nothing to lose at this point.

  20. #20
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    I dont understand why a GP or Specialist wont suggest somewhere.
    sure if its out of state or whatever, then they should still help to find the relevant people. You should never feel you are on your own with cancer.
    Amercia is crazy, they just brush you off???

  21. #21
    Broke Homey
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    Quote Originally Posted by StackinGreen View Post
    My best wishes on strength and understanding in difficult times.

    That said, I feel it is my duty to dispel myth and rumors, as I am a physician. I think and hope what I am about to say gives you a better, more real understanding of what is going on and what isn't.

    The first is that we've pretty much figured out (in a historical sense) every disease that ever afflicted humanity. If we didn't already cure it (and yes, we have cured a LOT of things by this point in human history), we have a good understanding of it. Do we find out more and realize we don't know more over time, therefore? Of course. But what I tell people is the truth: The average life expectancy for a human being for over 95% of the time we've all been on this planet was between 20-50 for males, and a bit longer for women, on average. The goalposts have changed so much because you take all the cures we have for granted. In days of old, women and children died from childbearing and/or related infection frequently. That doesn't happen anymore. Sterility from promiscuity and STDs is a thing of the past (thanks again, antibiotics). More recently, cardiovascular and neurovascular therapies (generally antihypertensives) including angiography and stents, as well as defibrillators have literally brought people back from the dead.

    Not taking these things into consideration (generally out of ignorance, I'm not saying you should know, why would you?) leads to these conspiracy and money driven "They don't want to cure it." There's no doubt that pharma is happy to sell drugs over and over for symptoms, but saying that we don't or can't cure things misses a lot of important points:

    1. We all will, and have to, die.
    (related) 2. When you figure out how to not die from something, what happens? Something else replaces it, because (1).
    3. When you figure things out and live longer, new and different challenges arise.

    There are a lot of boomers that never really took care of themselves (and this problem is going to get worse by 2025), and we literally keep them alive. A lot of times it sucks for them because they never worked out, exercised (maybe they smoked and drank too much too), and they are a bag of bones so of course they beat on, but with much nagging pain and otherwise foul symptoms.

    Related to (3) also is, if you live long enough, you'll get cancer. This is even related to the cost benefit on telomerase, which you may have heard of, but is too high level of a discussion for this forum.

    There are many great doctors and centers out there. A potentially fatal illness is never easy, but there are many places in this country (you're lucky to be here, we have WAYYYYY higher cancer survival rates than any other country, because we spend a lot of money on them and welfare central planning countries don't) that have therapies with potential. Ultimately, these decisions are up to you and as others have recommended, the place to go are large cities with academic centers.
    Stackin Green, ty for your input and thoughts. I am not a conspiracy theorist, i can only go by what i have experienced in this journey.

    When diagnosed in April 2015, she was referred to Roswell Cancer institute in Buffalo NY. She was guaranteed that they were ahead of the bar with treatments and a higher success rate than the national average. Well, we she sat in the huge office with the head of oncology and their "top surgeon" , and was told by the surgeon that he could do nothing and walked out. The head of oncology dept there said her only chance was this clinical trial, with there "new" medicine that is showing positive results. It will give you 6 more months she told my mom.

    Fast forward 5 weeks later and my sister took her on a bucket list trip across the country. The Rocky mountains, grand canyon, rt 66, San Diego bay etc. Everything she ever wanted to see or do she was going to accomplish, while still strong enough. 4 days into the trip, i get a call that they made Oregon and will call in the am. I never heard anything until almost midnight with my sister balling on the phone, saying something like "she felt real gassy, then started complaining of pain" (she never complains of pain ever). Luckily my sister had the sense to pull into the next Hospital ER, and within minutes the ER DR's came out to say she was on a med vac helicopter to Idaho. Her Liver was bleeding out and they couldnt even handle the procedure at their facility. My sister had to back track almost 1 hr to St. Alphonso's Hospital, somewhere in gods country in the night by herself. When she arrived, my Mom was getting a emergency chemo- embalization, one of the exact treatments Roswell said she was not eligible for and would not help or work.

    The surgeon's and ER Dr's there said that was false, and it was exactly what treatment she needed weeks ago. If she waited much more before going to the ER, she would of bled out. Her bucket list trip, she spent in the Hospital, but she is alive 13 months later. I believe, there was a reason it all happened that way, but that Hospitals staff saved her.

    Roswell is a research center, not a treatment center. The medicine they gave her was used in at least 3 other cancer trials that flopped. Not once has it made phase 2, and from what i read the patients generally drop out in phase 1 early due to the bad side effects. You can find any clinical trial at clinicaltrials.gov.

    But since you are a physician, who or where would you recommend for Stage 4 liver HCC treatment's? I am looking in Pittsburgh UPMC, Cleveland Clinic, Sloan Kettering and i just found a possible in Boston and Philly. I just want to know is there even liver specialists? Or do all oncologists fade away since the recovery/cure rate is so minimal?

    TY for your education,

  22. #22
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    well you should really look into why our healthcare system DO NOT CURE patients... did you know ronald reagan had colon cancer while he was our president but went to germany to get his treatment? but he had to keep the info hush hush. you say you're not a conspiracy theorist but it's all planned this way by design. whatever you do hope she gets better but stage 4 can be very tricky... gl

  23. #23
    Ghenghis Kahn
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    Quote Originally Posted by StackinGreen View Post
    My best wishes on strength and understanding in difficult times.

    That said, I feel it is my duty to dispel myth and rumors, as I am a physician. I think and hope what I am about to say gives you a better, more real understanding of what is going on and what isn't.

    The first is that we've pretty much figured out (in a historical sense) every disease that ever afflicted humanity. If we didn't already cure it (and yes, we have cured a LOT of things by this point in human history), we have a good understanding of it. Do we find out more and realize we don't know more over time, therefore? Of course. But what I tell people is the truth: The average life expectancy for a human being for over 95% of the time we've all been on this planet was between 20-50 for males, and a bit longer for women, on average. The goalposts have changed so much because you take all the cures we have for granted. In days of old, women and children died from childbearing and/or related infection frequently. That doesn't happen anymore. Sterility from promiscuity and STDs is a thing of the past (thanks again, antibiotics). More recently, cardiovascular and neurovascular therapies (generally antihypertensives) including angiography and stents, as well as defibrillators have literally brought people back from the dead.

    Not taking these things into consideration (generally out of ignorance, I'm not saying you should know, why would you?) leads to these conspiracy and money driven "They don't want to cure it." There's no doubt that pharma is happy to sell drugs over and over for symptoms, but saying that we don't or can't cure things misses a lot of important points:

    1. We all will, and have to, die.
    (related) 2. When you figure out how to not die from something, what happens? Something else replaces it, because (1).
    3. When you figure things out and live longer, new and different challenges arise.

    There are a lot of boomers that never really took care of themselves (and this problem is going to get worse by 2025), and we literally keep them alive. A lot of times it sucks for them because they never worked out, exercised (maybe they smoked and drank too much too), and they are a bag of bones so of course they beat on, but with much nagging pain and otherwise foul symptoms.

    Related to (3) also is, if you live long enough, you'll get cancer. This is even related to the cost benefit on telomerase, which you may have heard of, but is too high level of a discussion for this forum.

    There are many great doctors and centers out there. A potentially fatal illness is never easy, but there are many places in this country (you're lucky to be here, we have WAYYYYY higher cancer survival rates than any other country, because we spend a lot of money on them and welfare central planning countries don't) that have therapies with potential. Ultimately, these decisions are up to you and as others have recommended, the place to go are large cities with academic centers.
    lol you're full of shit and you don't even know it. if you're not the solution, you're part of the problem. watch the videos i posted and get back to me. history doesn't lie. cancer cures have been suppressed for decades now.

  24. #24
    Broke Homey
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fidel_CashFlow View Post
    hoping for a miracle B-Homey
    I know Rick Simpson oil is expensive and the ratios can be hard to dial in
    but if you can afford it Id certainly not give up on this treatment
    Amen Brother!

    I am a big advocate for MMJ, I have seen its medicine do miracles. 30 Seizures a day, stopped after 1 dose. HIV and cancer patients, it helps kill the nausea and pain from traditional medicine and treatment so they can function and eat properly, Glaucoma, high blood pressure, the list is endless.

    Here lie's the problem. The penetrating strains now are so crossed over and been hybrid so many times, that its pure high %'gs of THC and the CBD's are becoming nill which our body's have CBD receptors , kinda ill right?) There is a group in NY now called Compassionate Care which acquired this man, Dr. Raphael Mechoulam http://www.wsj.com/articles/the-85-y...ork-1460388416 . His lifes work has been about the plant. His goal is to get the strains back to a high CBD/ lower THC ratio. Try Reading this, http://www.prnewswire.com/news-relea...300113080.html

    As for RSO, so many claim they have it, and package it as RSO but the only real is tough to get unless plugged in. Jokers look at a you tube video and get a brick, thinking its RSO, its not. He uses a specific strain of indica for physical ailments like epilepsy. Sativa strains he uses for more mental illnesses. Not all CO is the same and you need to get with someone who knows, what strain will be most beneficial and what ratio of THC/CBD is accurate for the symptoms or ailments.

    As for price, yes it can be expensive if going to a dispensary and not educated. They will sell ya whatever they got stock of saying that this is what works. Is it lab tested by a reputable place? What dose to start with and work up to? Is orally ingesting it the best or beneficial way, or back dooring it. Get educated before spending a lot of $$ for nothing.

    Glad you support the team Fidel! Best wishes!

  25. #25
    Broke Homey
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    Quote Originally Posted by USCPHILLYGUY View Post
    Look into the Cancer Treatment Centers.......I have a friend who's a nurse at the one here in philly....they fly people in from all over the country.......good luck with things
    TY brother Philly! I didnt know there was 1 in Philly, thats an option also.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghenghis Kahn View Post
    watch this about 5 times to get an idea. i have a degree in mimg but had to watch this 3 times to fully understand.

    then go here and you can try this while she's getting her chemo.

    I will watch the video tonight when i can focus 100% to it. The other link i heard something about that before but not much, maybe a snippet from the news or something.
    Always open minded to new ideas, TY GK!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghenghis Kahn View Post
    also look into cannabis oil and vitamin b17 for treating cancer. . honestly, she has nothing to lose at this point.
    I do treat her with CO, a plant based diet with high alkaline foods, no sugars etc. At 1 point actually the tumor had shrunk by 3mm/cm in a 3 month span between scans. The Oncologist didnt want to even listen to me after "CO" was mentioned.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Broke Homey View Post
    I do treat her with CO, a plant based diet with high alkaline foods, no sugars etc. At 1 point actually the tumor had shrunk by 3mm/cm in a 3 month span between scans. The Oncologist didnt want to even listen to me after "CO" was mentioned.
    do not mention alternative medicine to your oncologist. they are part of the problem like the alleged physician posting in this thread. they will shut you down quicker than a hot chick at a club. trust me on this. i've been doing a lot of research on alternative cancer cures. cures are out there. it's being purposely suppressed. but it's not their fault, they were taught to follow the protocol.

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    Kahn, you are a fool sir. This guy's mother has stage 4 liver cancer and you're talking shit about alternative shit that doesn't work. What a joke. Western medicine works. None of the shit you promoted does. You've probably never been sick yourself or had someone around you sick. The last thing you wanna hear is someone promoting magical thinking and miracle cures.

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    Broke, Sorry to read that your Mother is not well.

    I have nothing to add, other than that your Mom raised a good man that loves her - and it shows.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LordVodka View Post
    Kahn, you are a fool sir. This guy's mother has stage 4 liver cancer and you're talking shit about alternative shit that doesn't work. What a joke. Western medicine works. None of the shit you promoted does. You've probably never been sick yourself or had someone around you sick. The last thing you wanna hear is someone promoting magical thinking and miracle cures.
    i have a degree in mimg, what is your background? why don't you look up 5 year survival rate after chemo and comeback to me. chemo isn't the answer. yes, stage 4 is terminal. do you really think going to a doctor is gonna cure her? give me a fukking break pal. do some research on cancer and how our healthcare system works. watch the videos i posted and educate yourself. and i've had several family members go through chemo so stfu.

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    also if western medicine works why did ronald reagan get treated in germany? answer that asshole.

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    i'm not advocating these will cure stage 4 liver cancer but people have been cured using alternative medicine. chemo on the other hand, 5 year survival rate is just ridiculously low.

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