Originally posted on 01/20/2016:

im way overdue to post another wake up call to you bumbling gullible idiots...

you brainwashed fools and your fictional holy books and fictional characters... evolution is a fact and to deny it is like denying the sun exist... earths old age is a fact... adam and eve never existed...their story is ridiculously comical... they had boys, yet somehow populated the world .. adults believing in the incredibly stupid fukking miracles... adults believing in the arc and the flood

none of this shit ever happened...

nobody that wrote a single word in the bible, ever knew anyone they are writing about and yet your mental illness wont let you believe the truth and comprehend facts.....scripture is meaningless, made up bullshit in order to please whoever the ruler at the time was and could use the book as control .. its nothing but regurgitated bullshit hearsay with thousands of different interpretations dating back hundreds to thousands of years before the fiction was even finished... believe what you will, continue to deny and ignore hard cold facts that prove holy book shit never happened, but you are flat out illiterate to believe that anything important came from any holy book and even more mental if you believe any "god" controls anything, anyone or even exist... its proven fiction..

same gullible idiots claiming scripture is truth and the word of god... you need help.. and please stop mentally fukking the children of today too... smfh

thats all.. the brainwashed wont listen because they are irrational and think faith in fiction has more weight than hardcore proven facts... for the few other intelligent people in the thread, keep up the good fight... everyday, science is prevailing and atheism is growing like crazy