Originally posted on 08/20/2015:

Quote Originally Posted by grease lightnin View Post
Triple d, tons of words does not equal tons of sense. If that avatar doesn't imply terrorism, then why is there no face? Write me a book on that.
Never claimed it did, but you're more likely to find wisdom in many words than fewer...and what i wrote is pretty spot on; any points in there you'd care to disagree with? Can you explain why no face implies terrorism? I can't even guess why it would

Quote Originally Posted by mikejamm View Post
The fact of matter still remains. Young muslims today are being radicalized by the teachings of the quran. Any book, that tells you to "kill all non believers and anyone who worships any other god than the child raping mohomomed", is nothing more than fuk'in brain washing the ignorance of young children and uneducated people who are taught to blow them selves up, killing indiscriminately anyone unfortunate enough to be nearby. Like the mother and her children who are simply shopping for food in an open air market and gets murdered for some idiot's beliefs.

Yeah, you got one thing right Trip, you obviously don't know paco. But a lot of us do. And his avatar is a direct representation of where his true deranged mind lies. Claims to be all about peace, and yet, can't wait to celebrate if Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel is ever killed. Just like he did when Daniel Pearl was beheaded. He advocates this type of behavior. And make no mistake about it, if it came down to you and him, he's shoot you right in the face and praise his goat fuk'in allah while doing it.

At least our US drones have to ability to pin point these fuk heads and wipe their asses off the face of the earth with minimal loss of civilians. We're trying to help the innocent people fight against the isis fuk'ers like the one pictured in his avatar. Look at all the refugees fleeing their own countries just to get away from these barbaric quran following ignorant radical fuks! Paco doesn't know a fuk'in thing about "Injustice", he is the fuk'in Injustice, and I'm sure he smiles every time an American or any other innocent soul dies because of his asshole radical beliefs.
Mikey, young people are being "radicalized" by the quran about the same way others are being "radicalized" by the other abrahamic religions with god's chosen people slaughtering everyone in their path: not even in the slightest, as the version of religions taught today rarely takes a literal interpretation of their sources. You know what just might be radicalizing young people though? Killing their innocent family members, which we've been doing for the better part of a decade with drones.

Got a link to this celebration of pacos, or where he advocates for more of the same? Or anything that would lead a reasonable person to believe he'd shoot them for shits and giggles?

Our drones don't pinpoint shit, and those 'minimal losses" are about 50 innocents for every suspected terrorist. That's not convicted, proven terrorist; that's "suspected", as in "we think they might be a bad guy, so let's blow up their house with their family in there, then bomb the funeral to kill more of their family". Fight ISIS? We not only encouraged them but armed them, the same way we've created our own enemies in the region time and time again. If you want to blame anyone for destabilizing the region to the point where radical groups can rise up and gain support, look no further than the US of A (and I'm not just talking the Bush years; as bad as Bush was, Obama's administration has put more women and children in graves than Bush ever did and is continuing the same policies).

Maybe I'm missing the boat on paco, but I've seen nothing to indicate he relishes the deaths of innocents. Not likely to change my mind without some evidence of that.