1. #1
    Auto Donk
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    State of Maine v. Hero Nurse or Selfish Psycho

    man wtf is up here.... a little town in maine is terrified b/c this nurse went home after having been quarantined for a day and released (she came in from liberia, WITH A FEVER, after WORKING DIRECTLY WITH ebola patients).

    Now she is adamant that she be allowed to go about her life a few days after being released.....

    My take on it, after seeing a bowling alley and restaurant in NYC shut down after that nyc doc went there while allegedly NOT symptomatic for ebola, is that this bitch is being incredibly selfish and not taking others' concerns and fears into account..... the Pizza place she was going to eat at today rec'd dozens of calls asking if she really was, b/c if so they wouldn't go there..... she could possibly cause the economic ruin of any business she enters.... don't believe, call that f'n bowling alley in nyc --- you might as well have said "come in for a free game and HIV infection" -- they are going out of business.

    bitch, stay home for 21 days. you're a nurse who's profession is to help people. Do so, don't be so f'n selfish, take others fears/concerns, whether well-founded or not, into account and just get the penetrate outta site..... and as for your "LEGAL TEAM"???? FUUCK THEM AND THEIR ETHNICITY!!!!!!!!!! fckin' lawyers.....

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    dogracin's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Couldn't have said it better myself Donk

  3. #3
    Andy117's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    People are paranoid. Ebola is really very hard to catch. The media is doing a great job blowing this completely out of proportion.

  4. #4
    rkelly110's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Selfish psycho.

    I applaud her efforts for going over and helping those people, but take your 21 day self monitored quarantine.
    I think she likes the media/ police/ defying govt bureaucracy attention. She might think it's funny, but we don't.

    She was probably one of those kids if you told her not to do something, she did it anyways. Blame her parents
    for not smacking her little red headed ass.

    In reality, the doctor who is now sick, did more bucking the system than she did and that's what we are afraid of.

  5. #5
    The Kraken
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    Donk I had this same conversation the other night with my family. First, she was said to have had a fever but states she was flushed and in a hot room. I can attest both of those will elevate your temp. After she got to the hospital, she never had a fever again. So I believe her version and say she never had a fever.

    Simply working with Ebola patients is not a good enough reason to quarantine medical workers and by doing so it's only going to make the problem a lot worse and makes it more likely Ebola ends up at our doorstep. We've gotta fight Ebola in W Africa at ground zero. Otherwise it spreads over there which is bad. The CDC and Obama administration recognize this. If we quarantine our medical volunteers, they'll quit volunteering and then it becomes our issue.

    Also, there are plenty of communicable diseases that are much more contagious that our nurses and doctors deal with daily in US hospitals and they're not being quarantined, so it's an unreasonable step.

    Now, step back from the hysteria the media has created. Ebola here isn't that bad. It's just another virus. I believe we've had 10 Ebola patients here, one died and the other 9 are fine. And it has only been spread once. The two nurses that contracted it were working with body fluids that had high viral load counts and that's most likely why they got it. These are body fluids you and I would be highly unlikely to ever come into contact with.

    Duncan's own family didn't get it and they lived in the apartment with him while he was symptomatic. Nobody on the NYC subway got it. No one on the flight to Cleveland got it. Its very hard to spread, Donk. Don't buy into the fear mongering. It's just a virus. The flu kills more peoe every year. OJ Simpson has killed more people in the US.

    Wth that said, I support the nurse 100% in her efforts and completely agree with her. It's no longer about what's right or common sense , it's simply a game being played out by politicians to show solidarity to ones party and to separate them further from Obama as the elections loom. Politicians are aware the public is afraid and wants to see the quarantines even without medical or scientific basis, simply based on fear and ignorance. And they're catering to that. Obama being on the other side is just the icing on the cake as his approval ratings are dismal.
    Last edited by The Kraken; 10-31-14 at 11:31 AM.

  6. #6
    The Man, the Myth,the Legend, the Count
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    She still seems like a spoiled insolent self-important wacko coont...

  7. #7
    Auto Donk
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    and her boyfriend is a real piece of work, as well.... i'd knock him the fck out but for fear of catching that shit!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by CountNo_Account View Post
    She still seems like a spoiled insolent self-important wacko coont...
    Agreed. I'm glad she's being the way she is because it's news worthy. They're eating her up because she's a heel. But it's keeping the conversation going.

    From my perspective, good has already come out of all this. Initially she was quarantine in terrible conditions. Well, she threw a fit, got a liberal lawyer and next thing ya know she's at home eating pizza and taking bike rides.

    I personally think she should be 100% free to live her life how she sees fit until the minute she is symptomatic. Then quarantine her to the hospital bed.

    She's setting a precedent though for all workers after her. If she would have given in I ritually, she'd still be in that tent shutting in a porta potty covered with plastic wal Mart sacks. A bit in humane for someone that just did a noble thing.

  9. #9
    grease lightnin
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    What kind of person goes to Africa to fight ebola and then acts so selfishly? Self righteous bitchhh.

  10. #10
    mnwild11's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    apparently her roommate from her trip now HAS ebola. That lady is out of her mind.

    This problem would be solved if a travel ban was put in place, and those deciding to travel to Ebola stricken countries had to agree to a quarantine before leaving. Simple as that, yet Obama thinks it might hurt someones feelings.

  11. #11
    The Kraken
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    Just curious guys, do you support quarantine for nurses taking care of patients with TB?

  12. #12
    Big Bear
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    man i think everybody need to chill out. Just wash your hands and stuff and you aint going to catch anything.

    A widespread virus is some crazy stuff but i dont think ebola is anything to worry about

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by grease lightnin View Post
    What kind of person goes to Africa to fight ebola and then acts so selfishly? Self righteous bitchhh.
    The kind of person who has been doing this for the last 20 years or so? Ebola is not a new virus. She's also the kind of person who would go do volunteer work in a poor country. Yeah, that's pretty terrible.
    Some people in this country have become really very easily scared.

  14. #14
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    Ebola has killed thousands of people in Africa. It wouldn't have spread to so many people if it was hard to catch. It infected 2 nurses in the U.S. who were wearing protective equipment. It wasn't too hard to catch for them. It kills 80% of its victims. It's a very scary disease. If that nurse has ebola and infects someone else due to her refusal to submit to quarantine, I hope that person sues her successfully for every penny she has.

  15. #15
    marcoloco's Avatar SBR PRO
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    well said Donk

  16. #16
    The Kraken
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    Quote Originally Posted by snapperman2 View Post
    Ebola has killed thousands of people in Africa. It wouldn't have spread to so many people if it was hard to catch. It infected 2 nurses in the U.S. who were wearing protective equipment. It wasn't too hard to catch for them. It kills 80% of its victims. It's a very scary disease. If that nurse has ebola and infects someone else due to her refusal to submit to quarantine, I hope that person sues her successfully for every penny she has.
    Snapper, with all due respect, you're wrong on about every point you bring up.

    First, you're comparing apples to oranges, very red apples and very orange oranges.

    The W African healthcare is possibly the worst in the world. They have the lowest doctor to resident ratio anywhere in the world. Second, the education of their doctors and nurses is dismal. They don't understand nor practice the fundamentals of American Healthcare which is first, do no harm, which includes washing hands before and after patient contact. The African doctors and nurses are entering rooms full of people and examining each of them, reportedly close to 100 of them per room, some already dead from Ebola, many in the late phases of Ebola, and they're doing this without gloves, masks or gowns. Then they move on to the next room, spreading the virus as they go. So you're correct, in this environment, it is very easy to spread. However, this has nothing to do with the way we do things here. Look up the terms "R naught" and "Viral Load" for a better understanding of how viruses are spread and you will see that Ebola is almost at the bottom of the list for spreadable contaigious diseases. And to save you a little time, I will tell you the R naught or R0 of Ebola is 1-2 which is laughable and demonstrates just how difficult the disease is to spread, regardless of what you think. As for viral load, see my earlier posts. Things like vomit, blood and diarrhea have high viral load while sweat, saliva and tears have almost no viral load. The chances you're ever subjected to an Ebola patient's body fluids with a high viral load is probably in the range of you picking 25 winners in a row (an arbitrary number, yes I know) but should demonstrate thatthat it ain't happening.

    In the cases of the two nurses that contracted the virus, it's been well documented that Texas Presby was ill prepared to handle an Ebola patient and that included not providing staff with the standard personal protection appropriate for an Ebola patient. Not all protective equipment is the same. They were reportedly putting on three and four pairs of gloves which does nothing more to prevent the virus than wearing two pairs of gloves and indeed may actually make a nurse more prone to contamination as it is very difficult to remove three or four pairs of gloves. To say "nurses that had on protective equipment got it that means it's easy to spread" is quite a logical fallacy and misleading.

    You are certainly entitled to your opinion, no matter how ignorant it may be. That doesn't mean you're an ignorant person, just ignorant in regards to this situation. That's fine, apparently most Americans are. But it's just that, your opinion. Not based on reason, common sense, knowledge or facts. My opinion comes from all of those and is backed by many studies and scientific data, which is why you haven't seen the disease spread here in America nor will you.

    I hope this helps but I have a feeling it won't. For some reason, people are very defensive about this Ebola thing, likely because it has become politicized. Most stand by their opinions no matter how unreasonable they are.

    Good luck snapper
    Last edited by The Kraken; 11-01-14 at 07:28 PM.

  17. #17
    Dan Bilzerian's gunsmith
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    Shes an attention whore.

    SImple resolution - if you are merely traveling from an African nation- no mandatory quarantine but if you have been treating Ebola patients or living with an infected individual then yes public health issues make it a better case by case thing to limit exposure. In the nurses case she should be smart, if she thinks she's safe hasn;t been spit/bled, vomited or jacked off on by an Ebola patient even with PP gear on then no quarantine but at least be smart and dont go handing out apples for Halloween and cough on them. But if you were exposed, and you infect someone else carelessly, you'll be held liable like an AIDS patient gong out fukking without a condom.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by snapperman2 View Post
    Ebola has killed thousands of people in Africa. It wouldn't have spread to so many people if it was hard to catch. It infected 2 nurses in the U.S. who were wearing protective equipment. It wasn't too hard to catch for them. It kills 80% of its victims. It's a very scary disease. If that nurse has ebola and infects someone else due to her refusal to submit to quarantine, I hope that person sues her successfully for every penny she has.
    This isn't the first outbreak of Ebola, and doctors have been going to Africa to help with outbreaks for the last decade.

  19. #19
    mnwild11's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    TB has a vaccine

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by mnwild11 View Post
    TB has a vaccine
    However, it is not mandated in most healthcare facilities. The hospital I worked in, my last TB vaccination was in 2008 (just got my immunization record last week). I took care of multiple TB patients over the years. I've worked for other facilities that only required it upon hiring.

    That withstanding, your point is a valid one for sure. I will say that in addition to not being required to take the vaccination, even if you've had it, there are multiple strains and the vaccination only covers the most common strains. Just like the flu and any other virus with a vaccine. Viruses have been around billions of years, they're better at evolving than we are at finding cures.

    TB to date has killed over 1 million people and is one of the most highly transmit table diseases known to man.

    My point to all of this is to remove fear and hype from the equation. Base opinions on sound medical reasoning and scientific data, not Fox News or preconceived notions.

  21. #21
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    Thanks for considering these complex questions. Some of our nations best minds at work in this thread.

  22. #22
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    she can be charged with attemptrd murder

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    Quote Originally Posted by Boner_18 View Post
    Thanks for considering these complex questions. Some of our nations best minds at work in this thread.
    Good insight Boner. Glad you contributed it

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    Auto Donk
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    Quote Originally Posted by agendaman View Post
    she can be charged with attemptrd murder
    haha..... reminds me of when some fahgs in Austin were having some type of half-ass Aids march, and a scuffle with some cops unfolded, and one of the fahgs with HIV spit on the cops and they charged the polesmoker with "attempted murder."

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by agendaman View Post
    she can be charged with attemptrd murder
    If she had symptoms, maybe.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Kraken View Post
    However, it is not mandated in most healthcare facilities. The hospital I worked in, my last TB vaccination was in 2008 (just got my immunization record last week). I took care of multiple TB patients over the years. I've worked for other facilities that only required it upon hiring.

    That withstanding, your point is a valid one for sure. I will say that in addition to not being required to take the vaccination, even if you've had it, there are multiple strains and the vaccination only covers the most common strains. Just like the flu and any other virus with a vaccine. Viruses have been around billions of years, they're better at evolving than we are at finding cures.

    TB to date has killed over 1 million people and is one of the most highly transmit table diseases known to man.

    My point to all of this is to remove fear and hype from the equation. Base opinions on sound medical reasoning and scientific data, not Fox News or preconceived notions.

    No idea where you work, however TB vaccine is 100% required to work in a hospital. I'm involved in healthcare myself, and am not allowed to step foot in hospital without it.

  27. #27
    The Kraken
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    Quote Originally Posted by mnwild11 View Post
    No idea where you work, however TB vaccine is 100% required to work in a hospital. I'm involved in healthcare myself, and am not allowed to step foot in hospital without it.
    It may be 100% required to work in your hospital but not every hospital. I've worked in physician-owned hospitals, university hospitals and everything in between, ER/ICU/Neuro/Trauma you name it. TB vaccinations are not required yearly in 100% of hospitals.

  28. #28
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    For a media that's so determined to flood the airwaves with the first bit of negative news with regards to Ebola, it says a lot that there hasn't been a peep from them in almost a week.

    and the NYC doctor is about to be discharged, meaning the grand ol USA is once again soon to be Ebola free.

    for such a deadly and easily transmitable disease, it sure didn't do much damage here. Death toll 1

    Guess we just got lucky

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    LOUISVILLE, Ky., Nov 3 (Reuters) - A teacher at a Louisville, Kentucky, Catholic school has resigned rather than take paid leave after parents raised concerns about her trip to Kenya, half a continent away from the Ebola epidemic in western Africa, WDRB Channel 41 TV reported.

    Susan Sherman, a religious education teacher who is also a registered nurse, was recently on a mission in Kenya in eastern Africa. When she returned, St. Margaret Mary school requested she take a precautionary 21-day leave and produce a health note from her doctor, according to a statement from the Archdiocese of Louisville.

    Sherman, who taught religion to seventh- and eighth-graders, chose to resign instead, according to WDRB.

    It was not immediately possible to reach Sherman for comment. Officials at St. Margaret Mary referred questions to the Archdiocese.

    The dumb get dumber

    Just another example of how ignorant and irrational people are

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    ^ Between the religious education thing and the concerned parent thing, id say this story has irrational locked down...

  32. #32
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    I completely agree

  33. #33
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    pretty sure if my company wanted to give me a month off with pay i wouldnt be quitting in protest

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    Quote Originally Posted by boscokid View Post
    pretty sure if my company wanted to give me a month off with pay i wouldnt be quitting in protest
    It's asinine to quarantine someone for being on a continent over 1000 miles from the outbreak. I don't blame her for getting away from an organization that would do that.
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