Originally posted on 07/19/2014:

Quote Originally Posted by Hareeba! View Post
My problem Al is that I was taught the language by an ENGLISH teacher.

Your problem I suspect is that you're a Yank and subscribe to the bastardised spelling of so many words which your countrymen insist on inflicting on the English language.


The full form of the word in MATHEMATICS

I believe the more logical abbreviation is thus MATHS

I see you have the ability to be a rude wise guy.

Could have been easier to say here in Australia we use maths,in North America you use math.

I would of stood corrected,but no you the wise guy who doesn't gamble and is constantly on a gambling forum has to throw out wise ass comments blaming a whole country for fuckking up the english language.

You then put up a link explaining both are right just depends on which country you're from then you say
"I believe the more logical abbreviation is MATHS"...

You seem to have a dislke for Americans,if it makes you feel any better i'm not American and went to Mcgill University in Quebec, now you can find things to hate about Canadians, starting with me.