Originally <a href='/showthread.php?p=20642396'>posted</a> on 12/24/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by vegasreaper View Post
Yes thats what I thought too brother, but oh well at least yourself and the 5 others took it to heart and gave them some cheer they werent expecting........MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND YOURS AND MANY SAFE TRAVELS TO YOU MY BROTHER MAY YOU GET BACK HOME SAFELY!!!
Please post the link to the PayPal account, or send it to me through a private message if you prefer not to post it on the forum again, so I can make a generous contribution since all your followers with the exception of 6 are low lives for the most part, who want to take but cannot even give a little back for all your time and efforts. You really should consider not sharing the fruits of your hard work next year, as you now can see how it was appreciated, when they cannot even honor your small request, that was very important to you, and is for such a great cause.