Originally posted on 09/28/2013:

Why do you have to profile people who bet on the Hawai`i game? Not everyone who bets that game is treating it like a chase game.

Maybe some of us have been buried with work and have not been able to bet on much else. Perhaps we have no friends and social life, and this is the closest thing we have to experiencing "fun." Maybe we need action on this game to help mask our crippling feelings of self hatred and hopelessness.

For guys like me, betting the Hawai`i game is not about a chase. It's about finding a way to take our minds off how much we suck. I think if guys like me actually knew how to socialize and make friends, we wouldn't bet this game. In my pathetic reality, though, I can only hope my late-night degenerate bet on the Hawai`i game -- with the help of weed and lean -- will be enough to mask the pain.