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    Worldwide ‘March Against Monsanto’ Protests Planned for May 25th

    Maybe the most important issue of our generation. They are killing us for profit and are protected by the government. Even the scientists that work at monsanto won't eat that shit but that doesn't stop them from making millions.

    Worldwide ‘March Against Monsanto’ Protests Planned for May 25th

    May 10, 2013

    Countless individuals will soon assemble in small and large groups around the nation and the globe alike in protest against Monsanto’s genetic manipulation of the food supply. Organized under the May 25th movement known as the ‘March on Monsanto’, the massive new rally reveals how the grassroots public has truly had enough of Monsanto’s monopoly on the many staple crops that have quickly been sucked into Monsanto’s genetically modified tycoon.

    It’s virtually impossible these days to enter a grocery store, even one bearing the title of ‘natural’, and not encounter at least a few items that contain genetically modified ingredients. And for quite some time, this fact was not even known to the large majority of the United States public. Many simply did not even know what a GMO was, or what it could potentially do to their bodies (or the bodies of the children who they were feeding with genetically engineered processed food).

    This, of course, stems from the fact that the FDA and Monsanto have decided that you aren’t allowed to know if your food contains GMOs. Even despite the fact that peer-reviewed research has pegged Monsanto’s best selling herbicide Roundup (which is a key part of Monsanto’s Roundup-ready GMO crops) to around 37 associated diseases, the FDA says it’s perfectly safe. So safe that it’s not even necessary to label in your food. So very safe that the only study that ever examined how Roundup and GMOs affect rats throughout their lifetime found that the rats developed tumors so large that it impacted their very ability to move.

    It’s madness that has been identified for a long time by alternative news writers and readers, but thanks to the success of Prop 37 and other initiatives it has now hit the general public — and they’re not happy.
    The Grassroots Will End Monsanto

    Now enter campaigns like the March on Monsanto, which is slated to happen around the world on May 25th. It’s a grassroots event that has turned into a major organized movement thanks to countless local activists. The event is going on in major cities like San Diego and New York City, to small towns and even rural areas. It’s all being organized online via an open Google Document, where you can find the protest nearest to you and be a part of it. There’s also many open slots for organizers and speakers, so if you’re interested in that be sure to check that out as well.

    The beauty of these events is that they are really the most effective at taking down any type of corrupt entity, as the grassroots aspect just empowers so many individuals without an underlying motivation for profits or anything of that sort. It really just comes down to people who want to eat real food and not some junk that’s spliced with the genetics of a spider. Or more importantly, the few people who understand that if we don’t stop genetically modified organisms today, they will develop technologically into what’s known as things like ‘biopharmaceutical‘ crops tomorrow.

    I’ve said this back in 2011 and 2012, and I really do believe the grassroots will destroy Monsanto within the next 3-4 years (at most). The company has gotten away with Agent Orange and the hundreds of thousands of deaths from that, it has gotten away with horrendous pollution dumps, it has truly gotten away with so much that the average ‘small business’ (a business that isn’t in bed with the government agencies policing it) would never be able to. And the people aren’t having it anymore.

    Checkout March Against Monsanto and head to a local event. Hand out some printed articles on GMOs from NaturalSociety or elsewhere, and just try and spread the word in a kind and inviting way to the general public.

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    Eat it up Monsanto

    Friday, 10 February 2012 16:26

    NOTE: Welcome to the world of the pro-GM elite where the administrations of US presidents pursue aggressively pro-GM policies while the Obamas and the Bushes plant organic gardens in the White House and have organic kitchen policies!

    According to Jeffrey Smith, "Even at Monsanto, many in-the-know employees won't consume the company's own GM creations... And one former Monsanto scientist told me that his colleagues, who were safety testing milk from cows injected with the company's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone, decided to stop drinking milk -- unless it was organic."

    Monsanto's CEO, Hugh Grant, has also admitted buying organic food. And although Tony Blair when Prime Minister famously claimed he fed his children GM, his wife Cherie subsequently admitted that she made a point of feeding their children organic food!

    And after the melamine contaminated milk scandal broke in China, Associated Press reported that China's political leaders ate all organic, with care being taken to source GM-free rice (China's rice has become GM contaminated although GM rice has never been approved for cultivation!).

    Seems any ill effects from GM foods are unlikely to hurt the pro-GM elite.
    Eat it up Monsanto!
    Caroline Jacobsson
    Greenpeace, February 10 2012

    There's a story doing the rounds again, about how Monsanto, one of the world's largest profiteers of genetically engineered (GE) food, banned GE food from its own corporate canteens!

    Monsanto had its pants pulled down by Friends of the Earth in 1999, who revealed that the company was refusing to serve to its own staff the very same GE food that it incessantly foists upon impoverished nations on the premise that it will save populations from starvation. Although it has never been proved, Monsanto constantly claims that GE food is harmless – so why wasn't it serving it in its own office?

    In one canteen, run by external provider, Sutcliffe Catering, a notice read that a decision has been taken to remove, as far as practicable, GE soya and maize from all food products served in the canteen. "We have taken the above steps to ensure that you, the customer, can feel confident in the food we serve", the provider said.

    "We believe in choice", said Monsanto, while the company actually made sure that by not serving GE food in its canteens they did not give staff the opportunity to 'choose' whether or not to eat GE food as they de facto ensure that the staff did not get to eat GE food. Yet the same choice isn't available to farmers around the world, who most of the time have no choice but to plant GE crops, thanks to a seed market that is often dominated by Monsanto.

    Once the GE seeds are in the ground, a vicious circle is started; farmers no longer have the opportunity to choose, as once GE seeds have been released into the environment it is not possible to contain or control them, as an individual seed travels with wind or is swept away by rainwater and may set root in soil owned by a farmer who does not at all want to plant GE seeds. In a recent protest in a Manhattan courtroom US farmers said it is no longer possible for them to keep GE seeds off their fields due to contamination.

    If Monsanto decided for its staff that it cannot eat GE food, and actually removes the staff's own right to choose, how come the rest of us cannot have the same opportunity? Over 90% of all processed food in the US - such as breakfast cereal and the chicken nuggets often served to kids -are now contaminated by GE, even if the farmers who produced the food actually did not intentionally grow any GE crops.

    In one Monsanto office location, staff were reportedly happy to eat GE food, as they preferred food sprayed with fewer pesticides. However, the widespread and increasingly intensive use of pesticides in association with the use of GE crops poses suspected further risks to the environment and human health, such as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and birth defects. Monsanto's sales pitch to farmers continues to promise reduced labour and financial savings by simplifying and reducing the costs of weed control. The reality turns out to be somewhat different, with GE crops attracting increasing health, biodiversity and environmental concerns, and the development of weed resistance.

    Genetic Engineering, corporate control of people's food and the over reliance on pesticides and herbicides are not the solutions. So what is? Ecological Farming. It's safe. It's do-able. And it's happening now. Help us support farming for the future.

    So Monsanto, if you feel so confident in the food you serve up to the rest of the planet – are you serving GE food in your canteen these days?

    Caroline Jacobsson is a Communications Manager at Greenpeace International

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    Honky Lips
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    Start raising money to hire lobbyist to lobby against genetically modified food.....Nah fuk that, LET'S MARCH!!!

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    Ralphie Halves
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dutch View Post
    Start raising money to hire lobbyist to lobby against genetically modified food.....Nah fuk that, LET'S MARCH!!!
    Bingo. This aint the civil rights movement. Unless you can hit em in the wallet, this won't do anything.

    And it really sucks too, Monsanto needs to be firebombed, as does the FDA, which is made up of a lot of old Monsanto execs. Thank God for the USDA, who actually does care and is the reason why organic food has been able to take off the way it has.

    Most of what I eat is organic. People say "that food is so expensive". Actually, you don't want to think this way because it's inconvenient to, but food should have never gotten this cheap. But we've trained most of the human race of sheep to think a different way, and actually defend that thought process. Disgusting.

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    Finally, some progress is being made against the most evil company in the world.

    People are startng to smarten up, it seems.

    Now, if the major fast food companies would listen and boycott all genetically modified foods from their places, that would be a great start to turning the tide against the poisonous food that is sickening and killing people daily.
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    House Finalizes GMO Labeling Bill; Senate Rethinks 'Super PAC' Caps

    Andrea Stander, executive director of Rural Vermont, center, shows lawmakers metrics on a Facebook page dedicated to GMO labeling. “We’ve got 1.8 million in 24 hours,” Stander said. “That’s Justin Beiber numbers.”

    With the support of some members of the Vermont business community, the House on Friday morning finalized a bill to require labeling food that contains genetically modified organisms, or GMOs. The vote was 99-42.
    Hundreds of businesses and all 17 of the state’s food cooperatives have expressed their support for GMO labeling.
    Opponents hoped to block the bill by arguing it would deter biotech companies from doing business in Vermont. They also said requiring labels would provoke a lawsuit from the dairy and biotech industries.

    In the end, though, supporters dismissed those concerns, saying the bill would bolster Vermont’s brand by promoting food safety.

    “When people buy Vermont products, they expect them to be pure, to be healthy, to be wholesome, to be natural, and we’re very concerned that having GMOs in our food system would undermine the Vermont brand,” said Dan Barlow, a lobbyist with the group Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility. “If we’re not going to stand up and defend our right to know what’s in our food, what is worth to stand up and defend?”

    While there’s growing support for labeling, the House is the first legislative body to pass such a bill in the United States.

    The bill now goes to the Senate, where lawmakers will debate its merits in January. Gov. Peter Shumlin has said he would support a GMO labeling bill as long as his administration found it could survive legal challenges.
    The House on Friday afternoon will take up agriculture issue: the legalization of hemp production. Federal law bans growing hemp, but the bill before the House has wide spread support from farmers in Vermont.
    The Senate overwhelmingly rejected a bill passed in the House earlier this week that caps individual donations to political action committees at $5,000 each two-year election cycle. The bill now goes to a conference committee.
    As the legislative session crawls to a close, lawmakers continue to consider a more progressive tax code that would limit income tax deductions for wealthy Vermonters and lower all tax rates. Gov. Shumlin and legislative leaders reached an agreement to balance the state’s budget on Tuesday without raising taxes or new revenues. Shumlin says changes to the tax rate would violate their previous agreement. Sen. Tim Ashe, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, says changes to the state’s income tax would make the tax code more equitable for everyone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralphie Halves View Post
    Bingo. This aint the civil rights movement. Unless you can hit em in the wallet, this won't do anything.

    And it really sucks too, Monsanto needs to be firebombed, as does the FDA, which is made up of a lot of old Monsanto execs. Thank God for the USDA, who actually does care and is the reason why organic food has been able to take off the way it has.

    Most of what I eat is organic. People say "that food is so expensive". Actually, you don't want to think this way because it's inconvenient to, but food should have never gotten this cheap. But we've trained most of the human race of sheep to think a different way, and actually defend that thought process. Disgusting.
    Or so you think.

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    Europe has a tight grip on gmo, poland recently banned production of it of course that does not stop imports. GMOS should be at least marked in the americas

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    These bastards are totally screwing Hawaii up too....

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    Quote Originally Posted by MUHerd37 View Post
    Or so you think.
    Lazy reply.

    I've done enough work with some of the farms, and on some of the farms to know it's legit, at least the places I've been. It's probably not 100%, but I have a pretty good sample size, at least here out west.

    Take a regular pesticide-ridden apple from the supermarket. Then take an organic apple. One of them will smell like an actual apple (the second one). You cannot alter things like that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by roanildinho View Post
    Europe has a tight grip on gmo, poland recently banned production of it of course that does not stop imports. GMOS should be at least marked in the americas
    They are. It's a 5-digit number beginning with an 8. Organic is a 5-digit number starting with a 9, and conventional produce will just be a 4-digit number. I'm pretty sure on that 8, but I don't go near them anyway, so I'm not 100% there.

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    I think we can fight monsanto by boycotting food chains who sell gmo produce. Start calling your local foodtowns & topps, pick'n'pays & pathmarks, acmes & aldis and let them know about that thing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralphie Halves View Post
    Lazy reply.

    I've done enough work with some of the farms, and on some of the farms to know it's legit, at least the places I've been. It's probably not 100%, but I have a pretty good sample size, at least here out west.

    Take a regular pesticide-ridden apple from the supermarket. Then take an organic apple. One of them will smell like an actual apple (the second one). You cannot alter things like that.
    You need to do more research. Also, go watch an old episode of bullshit! about organics. They blow up your idea of the apples. They use taste tests of bananas if I remember correctly. Also, lots of organics actually come from China. You gonna really believe that those organics from China are actually organic? How about the organic honey from China? They make honey from fukkin antibiotics, move it through Russia, and sell it in the U.S. as organic. It's disgusting. Just because something says it's organic doesn't mean it's organic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pronk View Post
    I think we can fight monsanto by boycotting food chains who sell gmo produce. Start calling your local foodtowns & topps, pick'n'pays & pathmarks, acmes & aldis and let them know about that thing.
    Most all of the food isn't labeled GMO. Therefore, how would you know if it's GMO or not?
