Originally posted on 11/29/2012:

Quote Originally Posted by SBR_John View Post
MF these joints are not in Vegas. Neither are Macau casinos, neither are the places in Barcelona or Mexico City or the Philippines, Panama, Costa Rica, Isle of Man and scores of other countries. What is your infatuation to Vegas? Yes take your business anywhere you want but I assure you the rest of the world will somehow survive and they could care less what is "illegitimate" in Las Vegas.
My "infatuation" with Vegas is that it is a regulated environment with somewhat fair recourse for the player. Since the majority of us are American, I think it makes some sense to compare their polices with the only legal, regulated sports betting market available to us. Are you suggesting that these tactics are legal in Macau? Or most other places with some semblence of regulation?

The rest of the world seems to be catching on. Places in Europe (like Germany and France) are pushing for more regulation. If these sportsbooks don't care what is legitimate in the eyes of a fair regulatory committee then people most certainly shouldn't be sending their funds there. The days of the wild, wild west for Costa Rican sportsbooks are nearing their end. The rest of the world will survive but most of the books that are mentioned here daily probably won't. And it will be because of their own greed and illegitimate policy.