Originally posted on 06/25/2012:

Quote Originally Posted by Tully Mars 63 View Post
I still disagree about the "much worse" statement. How many banks were failing as Reagan walked in the door? How many foreclosure were on the horizon? Did the housing market lose anywhere near what it did for Obama? How about the Dow? Did it lose nearly 40% in mere weeks? No. Sure the country wasn't in great shape. But worse then what Obama's needed to deal with, no way.

As far has Reagan being able to unite the country and Obama not. Well I think there's a lot of truth to that. Though I think you and I would seriously disagree on the why. Did Reagan have to deal with years of an increasingly divided nation? Did he have Fox helping him get his message out and MSNBC telling it's viewers 24/7 how he and his policies are un-American and he shouldn't be the POTUS?
It's not fair to compare Obama to Reagan. I do it because they were so much alike in what they promised and they both inherited a mess. The real difference is Reagan reached out to the democrats and passed all his legislation with bi partisan support. Obama had both the house and senate and couldnt get a budget passed. I don't know if romney will be any better. But I think we need to show these politicians that they get the job done as they promised or they're fired. They can save their breath with the excuses.