Quote Originally Posted by NYSportsGuy210 View Post
First of all not all wealth is "hard earned". Secondly you mean to tell me the guy slaving away making the widgets working a 60 hour week at $15/hour isn't working as "hard" as the CEO raking in millions to just to attend a few meeting a week? Cmon guy. (And that's just a silly low example of what I am talking about here even though it is still a valid one.)

And like I said before, if you would read a Macro 101 to understand how a successful capitalism system works you would see that it is NECESSARY to have more income distribution in order for capitalism itself to SURVIVE. If not....then both the rich and the poor will have nothing because monetary currency itself will be worthless once the system breaks down. If it is not fixed....you will have 15 more cities like Detroit pop up in the next 50 years easily.
If its so easy to be a CEO then why dont you become one, earn millions and redistribute it to the poor????