Ugh, I seriously hate shit like this. It's just meant to stir up emotions within the viewers, to give them that tingly feeling like they can do anything. I hate bullshit like that. No basis on the realities of the world, just emotional BS. People love videos like this too because of how empowered they feel from watching. Well emotions are fake, emotions don't last, and emotions are irrational.

There is a reality that most of your success is predetermined from birth. Your genetics and your early socialization (environment) dictate about 90% of whether you will be successful or not. The other 10% is based on luck or random occurrences. I'm sick of hearing the same old, 'everybody has the same opportunities, just work hard and you'll be successful'. Usually this is followed by mindless idiots chanting 'USA USA USA'.

Do people honestly believe that the most successful people in the world worked harder than anyone else? It's so ludicrous to me. They worked just as hard as anyone else, but it's where they came from that put them where they are. A child from a lower class household can work 7 days a week and will most likely grow up to still be lower class. A high class child can work significantly less and grow up to be higher class.

What pisses me off about the video the most is that the clown tells you to stop eating and sleeping in order to get what you want. Here's another newsflash, why the fukk should we? Do we look like we want to cut 10-15 years off our lives? Yes proper eating and sleep patterns are essential to a healthy life. And this guy is saying to cut sleep and eating to work harder. Successful people don't do this. Ironically it's the LEAST successful people who only get 3 or 4 hours sleep, and are in danger of negative health.

People love to rely on emotions to lead them in life, and I hate it more than anything. Be rational, forget the stupid emotional messages of 'sacrifice everything in order to succeed, etc...' Study american sociology, recognize the stratification, recognize that whether you are successful or not depends on your genetics, socialization, and luck.

Genetically speaking, yes, many people from lower income families can go on to become successful, but it may just be based on genetics. Being an athlete, a singer, or some other type of entertainer is a popular 'way out' of the lower class system, but you need the genetic 'gifts' in order to make it. They call talented players 'gifted'. Gifted means they were granted genetic abilities that surpass regular people, thus the word GIFTed. They could have worked just as hard as their buddies in high school basketball, but it's their genetic gifts that set them apart. Genetics was the main determinant, NOT 'hard work'.

Sociologically, there doesn't need to be much said. The studies have shown, if you are born into a lower class family, you will stay there. You can work harder than the kid born in to the middle class family, but you will most likely stay lower class, and he will most likely stay middle class.

I've already wrote way too much, but I just wanted to get that off my chest. I'm not saying it's impossible for a lower class person to work their way out of their position, but it is rare and the amount of work needed is tremendously higher than the work other classes need to do, and there is too much sacrifice involved (ie, no sleeping or eating, no social life, stress, depression, physical health sacrifices), and in my mind is not worth it.