1. #1
    209 Street-Tough
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    club gets crazy in St Louis

    damn i think ill skip that city when i go travelling

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  2. #2
    An SBR Legend.
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    Black people would be awesome and MMA, if the opponant doesnt look at them.

  3. #3
    tmorton's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Probably in East St. Louis! If you ever get a chance to visit...Pass on that!

  4. #4
    BuckeyeT's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Seems like a typical night there, the group never stopped performing.

  5. #5
    Elevated's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Crazy but there are no rules in club/bar fights lol ready or not you better be ready to have everything thrown at you.. Thats why you get the sucker punches in first!!

  6. #6
    dabomguy11's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Damn, that's crazy. It may sound lame, but like Elevated said, you gotta get your blows in early and often.

  7. #7
    Bartmeister's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Don't ever break down in East St. louis!

  8. #8
    jboy4's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    St.Louis, definitely not one of the safest places..

  9. #9
    Tank Man Lives
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    Did a dude get shot at the end of that? It sounded like it, but I couldn't tell.

  10. #10
    Medula Oblongata
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    yeh, who got shot at the end?

  11. #11
    flyingillini's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Animals, I hope they get locked up for a very long time.

  12. #12
    Bowl $ea$on
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    Why a fight broke out Reason #1: Not a woman in sight

  13. #13
    xlilsp1keyx's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    lol crazy, damn those black foos are big. that fight lasted hella long too. it's like they never leave.

  14. #14
    CMNoney's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Never been there, but i've heard KC is even worse.

  15. #15
    ramones951's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    At this point, I don't blame the lone police officer one bit.... let the idiots destroy each other....

  16. #16
    LegitBet's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    I like
    Send me
    Tarzan say grrrrrrrr

  17. #17
    stikymess's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Crazy, some security they have in St Louis.

  18. #18
    ApricotSinner32's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    St louis is a fuking jungle men dont go there unless you wanna get shot or robbed by richkas.

  19. #19
    USC ml
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    i've been to that place

  20. #20
    Be humble sit down
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    Damn dnt go nowhere u dnt know

  21. #21
    easywinner's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    The pop at the end was a pistol fired by a club goer hitting one of the security in their hand. It wasn't serious, nobody died. From what i saw it looked like security did a good job of containing the situation to the couple of people that originally started the trouble. The guys getting cold clocked and shit were the same dudes trying to jump the security and throwing shit and getting rowdy with the other people in the club. Dude that fired was probably one of the original crew that went out to his ride to get the gun and came back in hot. Also for the record this took place in the city of East St. Louis, Illinois which isn't the same thing as St. Louis. St. Louis is where the Cardinals, Rams and Blues play in the state of Missouri. East St. Louis is an unrelated, independent city in a different state, Illinois, separated by the Mississippi River. So there's your history and geography lessons for the day. East St. Louis iirc is also home to the Casino Queen, a casino which is famous for having "the loosest slots" in America for whatever that is worth to any of you gamblers out there, i personally don't play slots so idc but maybe someone does. Speak what you know.

  22. #22
    Ralphie Halves
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    Grew up in St. Louis. Let me tell you a few things about the club scene there. First off, the video was in East St. Louis, which is a veritable wasteland, completely FUBAR to where cops don't even really bother with it that much. Remember this though.

    In St. Louis, you had (back when I went to clubs at least back in the late 90s) lots of night clubs, but the majority would change ownership every 6-12 months or so. It would rotate between areas like Laclede's Landing, Central West End, and Washington Street as the place to go, and from there there were individual clubs that were way better to go to than others. These clubs would only be the spot for so long because after awhile, the blacks would find it. Trust me, writing this makes me pissed off to even be a minority myself, but this would happen over and over again. The club would be banging for months, then screech to a halt. Blacks would start coming in and three major things would happen (I knew most of the owners since they would rotate their ownership from club to club too): 1) They'd rarely buy alcohol, and never tip when they did, to the point where the staff would quit if it got to be too much, and after awhile it always got to that point. 2) They'd block entrances and bottlenecks and start fights if anyone took exception. 3) and most important -- they'd harass all the white women. Grab their asses, hit on them when their boyfriends were right there, just act like a bunch of dirty ******* animals. This would chase away all the white women, and without hot white women, you didn't have much of a club. I asked the owners why not just have a cool black night club right in the middle of downtown St. Louis? They all said the same two things: one that it would be hard to staff. Two, it would turn into one of those clubs on the east side (East St. Louis), which were nightmares to own. The club would close down, another one would get hot, then it would close down soon after for the same reasons. Lather, rinse, repeat. Over and over again.

    When I moved west, people would always ask me why Missourians were so racist. I'd tell them the truth -- the blacks out here are pretty awesome, where the ones over there are usually a bunch of worthless shitbags. People are too quick to blame the "racists". They never look at the other side and see why it might be happening. It's not the 1950's anymore, barring a few extremists, if there's hatred for other races, there's usually a fairly well thought-out reason based on real life experience behind it, "right" or "wrong".

    I've traveled a ton, and have seen the good and bad side to almost every major race out there, so I can't make blanket statements about any of them. But young inner-city St. Louis blacks? With the exception of a few handfuls, I have nothing good to say. Why would I?
