1. #1
    footballfanstan's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Betonline **** Pay Out Problem

    Hey guys, whats up. I just browsed the board and notice a few people have been waiting even longer for a **** payout from them but here goes my situation.

    On 10/2 I requested a 2K **** payout. Was told I would def get it within 2 weeks. On 10/5 if it was for some reason canceled by management and then 30 minutes later reprocessed again and approved by management.

    Anyhow long story short, I was told I would def get this by this past Tuesday. Well, Tuesday came and went nothing, I was told Tuesday, I would DEFIANTLY get it Wednesday, then of course Wednesday comes and goes and I'm told I would certainly be seeing this this morning. Literally every CSR rep I talk to there tells me something different.

    Also, I know they can payout as I've gotten several p2p payouts in the time I've been waiting for this wire.

    I somewhat feel silly complaining about this when I noticed a few guys on this forum having been waiting over a month for a wire but I hate being lied to. These guys have lied to me know on a few occusisans and it pisses me off.
    Last edited by SBR Lou; 10-20-11 at 01:05 PM. Reason: removed payout method type

  2. #2
    footballfanstan's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Just got on the BetOnline live chat again to get the morning update and to note to them that I've seen several people on here who haven't been paid. here is what I was told....

    Garret Huffman: we apologize for this inconvenience have in mind we do whatever is necessary for you to get your funds
    Garret Huffman: the important thing is that the money is on the way and you will get it
    Jason: the problem with that is, I've been told that 5 times and been promised now
    Jason: 3 different days the money would be in my hands
    Jason: I'm also looking at sportsbook review and there are currently 6 different people not getting paid
    Garret Huffman: I am pretty sure that is through wire as well
    Garret Huffman: we had a delay we are working on it
    Jason: I can possibly understand that but if you have a delay why have ur CSR reps
    Jason: been promsiing me the last 3 days
    Jason: I would be getting the payout the next day if theres a delay thats just them lying in that case

    Garret Huffman: I understand it is an inconvenience
    Garret Huffman: this is what is happening
    Garret Huffman: we sent the funds and we work with 3rd party processors that will process the money to your bank since we are not a financial institution

  3. #3
    slash's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Here we go again....

  4. #4
    footballfanstan's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Oh and by the way let me add, that two days ago I was told by one CSR named Sophia that the payment had been paid by the processor but they didn't have a confirmation number yet. They were going to call/email me that number, that call/email of course never came. Now they are back to saying they have paid the processor but the processor hasn't paid me yet.

  5. #5
    gators0708's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    They did the same to me. I did eventually get the money but was lied to several times

  6. #6
    footballfanstan's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Gator if you don't mind me asking how long ago was this and how long did it take you to get you're wire?

  7. #7
    bigboydan's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Hi Sir,

    Please fill a complaint form and one of us will inquire to them on your behalf and find out what the issue is.

  8. #8
    footballfanstan's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigboydan View Post
    Hi Sir,

    Please fill a complaint form and one of us will inquire to them on your behalf and find out what the issue is.
    Thanks Dan, I filled one out about 30 minutes ago. As I said I fill a little silly filling one out just 2 days after their listed payout time but from what I've seen around the forum they string you along like this for days.

    I should also note that the money was taken out of my account 2 weeks ago.

  9. #9
    footballfanstan's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    By the way guys, I was now contacted by Scooter. Who says that while my Payout was approved at the start of the OCt it still hasn't processed yet. He insists the 10 day clock doesn't start until the processor processes and sends the money. So in his opinion I haven't met 1 business day yet. When I informed him I had spoken to 3 CSR in the last 3 days who openly admit this is past the 10 business days and they are in fact late paying me he flipped out. Asking me why I needed to talk to him then, and that I shouldn't BOTHER him asking where this money still is. He went on to randomly send me every rule Betonline has regarding payouts at total and complete random.

    He went on to say every CSR I've spoken to so far is infact wrong and that this payout will be within the 10 business days they claim. Scooter insists no matter when the processor decides to send the money, the 10 days doesn't start until that day. That must be how Betonline claims they never have a late payment!

  10. #10
    5mike5's Avatar SBR PRO
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    WOW...this place still being a B+ book is a complete and total embarassmenT tO SBR...wheres alex popping in with excuses about the delays going on for well over a month now...SILENCE speaking loud and clear...NO WAY i would have a balance at this book...funny how the "processor" not having ANY problems taking in depoits isnt it lol
    Last edited by 5mike5; 10-20-11 at 12:27 PM.

  11. #11
    sharpcat's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Betonline is starting to make SBR look like theRX talk about a whitewashing not one single complaint listed on the SBR newswire about Betonline.

  12. #12
    SBR Lou
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    Quote Originally Posted by footballfanstan View Post
    As I said I fill a little silly filling one out just 2 days after their listed payout time but from what I've seen around the forum they string you along like this for days.
    Hi footballfanstan,

    Another case like this involving the same processor was resolved today. We're hoping your payment arrives at your bank by end of day as it did for that poster, or prior to weekend. Yours would be the only outstanding payment issue via this method we currently have on file, so hopefully it will be the last of them with this processor.

  13. #13
    obeebs's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    My 8k Payout request was "Approved" on October 10th. I did a live chat with a CSR and they told me that "Approved" meant that the payment had been "processed and is on the way to you". Sure hope these processor issues get cleared up soon. I am holding out on depositing more funds until I receive my payout...

  14. #14
    MBENZ's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Something stinks and it ain't the processer.

  15. #15
    5mike5's Avatar SBR PRO
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    nope...funny how they rake in deposits and cant send withdrawls isnt it??? lmao thank god i went with 5dimes over BOL this summer

  16. #16
    footballfanstan's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by SBR Lou View Post
    Hi footballfanstan, Another case like this involving the same processor was resolved today. We're hoping your payment arrives at your bank by end of day as it did for that poster, or prior to weekend. Yours would be the only outstanding payment issue via this method we currently have on file, so hopefully it will be the last of them with this processor.
    Thank you Lou for looking into this. May I ask have you already spoken to them about my wire directly? Just wondering as I hope you are right and I get it tonight or tomorrow but I'm not sure how I would when they have claimed they haven't even sent the wire yet? Thank you and I will keep you updated as to when the money hits my account.

  17. #17
    gators0708's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by footballfanstan View Post
    Gator if you don't mind me asking how long ago was this and how long did it take you to get you're wire?
    I asked for a check and after being lied to, for about a month they switched on me and gave info for a wire.

  18. #18
    mkm311's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    I've gotten paid by them every week since opening week of football. Thanks BOL!

  19. #19
    5mike5's Avatar SBR PRO
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    ur 1 of the few...lmao...everyday for weeks its delay tactics and lies to people who are trying to withdrawl there..the threads speak for themselves, and so does alex in hiding
    Last edited by 5mike5; 10-20-11 at 02:17 PM.

  20. #20
    footballfanstan's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Well guys, I'm headed to work for the next 8 hours or so but I will say as of right now my status is still listed as approved and not paid. Also, nothing has hit my bank account. I'll leave betonline CSR alone for the next few days as Lou has indicated he hopes I get it by tomorrow night. I'm still waiting to hear if Lou has talked to them directly about my account or if thats just a hope of his.

    I'll say it may seem silly I'm this worried about a 3 day late payment but to be its like being lied to at the book. When I requested the payment I was told it would def come within 3 to 10 business days. Why promote something on your site and have CSR tell people that if it has no chance of happening? Why not be up front with people and say it may very well take 20 business days? I also have a hard time understanding why I can get wire payouts in a few days from other books but this one takes weeks. They also charge the highest withdrawal fees!

  21. #21
    5mike5's Avatar SBR PRO
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    its not silly at all...u shouldnt have to worry about a payout..the lie starts on the website becuase too many posters have had to wait 2x-10x the false # of days BOL site has provided..There are way too many books that pay on time EVRYTIME...the point is being lied to and having to wait and wait and wait for a payout is bush-league, something BOL has sadly become..thank god i didnt end up with this site...GL buddy

  22. #22
    gavin's Avatar SBR PRO
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    this place is a joke

  23. #23
    sharpcircle's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    There cs lies constantly. They basically say anything to make you happy for that moment.

  24. #24
    footballfanstan's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Well no money tonight, listed as Approved still and not paid, and no money has touched my bank account. Lou has told me to contact him if I'm still not paid by the close of business tomorrow. I'll be totally shocked if I am.

  25. #25
    escarabajo negro
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    Quote Originally Posted by SBR Lou View Post
    Hi footballfanstan,

    Another case like this involving the same processor was resolved today. We're hoping your payment arrives at your bank by end of day as it did for that poster, or prior to weekend. Yours would be the only outstanding payment issue via this method we currently have on file, so hopefully it will be the last of them with this processor.

  26. #26
    margymotek's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    The identical situation just happened to me. I requested a wire from BO on the 19th of September, it was approved on the 24th, cancelled on the 29th by management only to be approved a few minutes later again. They do this so they can reset the clock on the payout because they're having trouble coming up with the funds. I was told it was a "mistake" but it obviously is a habit with these guys.

    After 31 days of waiting, I'm happy to report I did receive my funds. However, you should be warned that it took five "I should have had it already" dates and a lot of lies and poor customer service. The best thing you can do is file your compliant here, let SBR tell everyone that BetOnline is an A++++++ book and wait it out.

    The funds should be received, it will just take a while. Hang in there.

  27. #27
    theviking's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBENZ View Post
    Something stinks and it ain't the processer.
    how to do u know? Do u own the banks that this money is passsing ?
    I sendt some money to a friend in my neigbhour country, it took 5 days, because one of the banks delayed it.
    And it was passing 4 banks before it reache his bank.

    Just saying it dosent have to be betonline......

    i have gotten all my payments from betonline in less than 24 hours.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by footballfanstan View Post
    So in his opinion I haven't met 1 business day yet. When I informed him I had spoken to 3 CSR in the last 3 days who openly admit this is past the 10 business days and they are in fact late paying me he flipped out. Asking me why I needed to talk to him then, and that I shouldn't BOTHER him asking where this money still is. He went on to randomly send me every rule Betonline has regarding payouts at total and complete random.
    Scooter sounds like an A+ f***ing prick.....

  29. #29
    5mike5's Avatar SBR PRO
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    thank god i dont have money at BOL..makes me feel better waking up every morning i dont have to HOPE to get a withdrawl on time...funny how they blame "processor" but the same "processor" rakes in deposits in 15 min. every single time...what a joke of a company

  30. #30
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    Well guys, status still listed as approved (not paid) no money in bank account. Took my quick morning check in with Betonline CSR to see what they're latest claim on my payout is and here we go.

    Sophia: I was checking on the notes placed in your account
    Sophia: at this moment we're still waiting for a response frmo the Processing Department
    Sophia: I left a notes in that account
    Sophia: asking them to speed up the process for you

    With that I just said "ok thanks" and signed off. Don't feel like arguing with them anymore. Lets hope Lou can make sure my payment arrives in the very near future.

  31. #31
    5mike5's Avatar SBR PRO
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    no point i getting more bullshit excuse anyways..what a company they have become...thank god i never deposited with them

  32. #32
    footballfanstan's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    I think 5mikes hit the nail right on the head with his last post. I sent this same exact processor (I assume and according to their CSR) a wire for a depoist which they had posted on my account by Thursday morning when I sent on a Monday. Yet somehow it takes the same processor so far over 3 weeks to send me a payout. Its very shady and to the point where its probably hard to blame the processor.

  33. #33
    5mike5's Avatar SBR PRO
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    doesnt make any sense does it? i hope it comes soon buddy GL

  34. #34
    footballfanstan's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Hey guys got this email last night about 8pm. Just checked my email for the first time since then or I would have posted it sooner.

    Hi Jason,
    Your wire Payout will be ready for next week. We do apologize for the delay we cause you at this time.
    Should you require further assistance or information, please contact us by replying to this email or initiating a Live Chat.
    Player Services Department

  35. #35
    MBENZ's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Better hope they don't have a bad weekend.

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