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    dlowilly's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Did you notice that no statues or paintings were destroyed at the Capitol?

    Or at least there was very minimal damage to them. What do you think that says?
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    You forgot to ask, were any cops shot just because they were cops, churches burned to the ground, or any looting? No? Weird, ya but this is way worse than BLM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by unde0087 View Post
    You forgot to ask, were any cops shot just because they were cops, churches burned to the ground, or any looting? No? Weird, ya but this is way worse than BLM.
    I guess if you consider taking Nasty Nancy's podium looting then there was looting.

  4. #4
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    I actually heard he once cut a fart and blew the whole world apart

  5. #5
    Roger T. Bannon
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    Very poor revoluton.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dlowilly View Post
    I guess if you consider taking Nasty Nancy's podium looting then there was looting.
    Remember when Trump was getting roasted every night for calling in the National Guard and other agencies against protesters in 2020 when it was obvious local law enforcement couldn't handle the BLM while they were burning cities down? Far left governors and mayors were saying "we don't need these people here", my my my, how fast it changes when the shoe went on the other foot. You can't make this shit up. You really can't.

    By the way both radical sides are completely stupid and should be all arrested and treated as terrorists but this shit is the most hypocritical thing I think I have ever seen in my life. These protests have completely exploited the far left in a matter of days.

  7. #7
    big joe 1212
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    Quote Originally Posted by unde0087 View Post
    Remember when Trump was getting roasted every night for calling in the National Guard and other agencies against protesters in 2020 when it was obvious local law enforcement couldn't handle the BLM while they were burning cities down? Far left governors and mayors were saying "we don't need these people here", my my my, how fast it changes when the shoe went on the other foot. You can't make this shit up. You really can't.

    By the way both radical sides are completely stupid and should be all arrested and treated as terrorists but this shit is the most hypocritical thing I think I have ever seen in my life. These protests have completely exploited the far left in a matter of days.

    Cuomo refused to use the National Guard during BLM but now is sending 1,000 troops to DC.

    Cuomo is a jerkoff

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    Did they end up carrying out any big screens? lol

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    contra spem spero
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    Justin3587's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Why do we keep talking about the same old shit on SBR?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlowilly View Post
    Or at least there was very minimal damage to them. What do you think that says?
    It means most Trump cult members have no fukkin clue who is on a statue or what a painting represent. But there certainly was a lot of damage, broken glass, broken doors, some art pieces of glass, graffiti everywhere, pepper spray, tear gas sprayed everywhere. One MAGA member stole a Dalai Lama painting another smeared blood on Zachary Taylor's marble bust. A Chinese scroll was destroyed. Many lights were destroyed.

    These thugs had one plan. They wanted to storm the Capitol and kill Pence and other people in congress. Zip ties, pipe bombs, guns, sure they wanted peace and quiet.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    It means most Trump cult members have no fukkin clue who is on a statue or what a painting represent.

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    Quote Originally Posted by big joe 1212 View Post
    correctCuomo refused to use the National Guard during BLM but now is sending 1,000 troops to DC. Cuomo is a jerkoff
    The people burning, looting and stealing shit in BLM protest aren't BLM people. They are gang banging, thugs seizing on the opportunity. Those people don't give a shit about the BLM agenda. They have their own agenda and it usually doesn't include hurting or killing people. Now the people storming the Capitol. Their agenda was very clear. They didn't care about stealing shit. They wanted to hurt and kill people. But for some reason, Dlow is trying to condone their actions with this thread???

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlowilly View Post
    Or at least there was very minimal damage to them. What do you think that says?
    So what you're trying to say is that it was okay???

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    the only ones in the capitol were meant to be there.... antifa that were bused in and crisis actors

    the actual revolutionaries weren't able to push their way in.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dlowilly View Post
    I would bet a bunch of money that you, Dwight, JJ and Jibbby couldn't identify 90% of the statues and paintings in the Capitol Rotunda.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    The people burning, looting and stealing shit in BLM protest aren't BLM people. They are gang banging, thugs seizing on the opportunity. Those people don't give a shit about the BLM agenda. They have their own agenda and it usually doesn't include hurting or killing people. Now the people storming the Capitol. Their agenda was very clear. They didn't care about stealing shit. They wanted to hurt and kill people. But for some reason, Dlow is trying to condone their actions with this thread???
    This mindset here is the REAL problem on both sides. No accountability. You're full of shit if you think people burning, looting and stealing aren't repping BLM. Not saying all of them are, but it is what it is. In every "movement" you have good people and shitty. You're also full of shit if you think those people in the capitol weren't part of the "peaceful" Trump loyalists. There are scumbags on both sides.

    But I strongly disagree with calling any of them patriots.

  18. #18
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    I consider myself independent and don’t really care about politics. Both the far left and qanon storm capital type right are both pure scum and full of shit. 90% of Republicans are rational people enjoying tax breaks and a strong market .They didn’t mind seeing things shake up for a change not having a career politician in office for once. The all talk type that is always in the pocket of lobbyists. Before the pandemic, Trump was doing a great job. Economy was great, lowest unemployment rate for minorities, no wars for once, and not afraid to condemn countries like China.

    He handled the pandemic about as poorly as possible. If he just showed an ounce of empathy and compassion he would’ve won again. An election year pandemic was legit the only way he could lose and it happened. The Democrats I know secretly would rather have had this pandemic and all the lives lost over another 4 years of Trump which is pathetic. They were bitching and moaning since day 1 he took office. Witch hunt after witch hunt and nothing to show for it besides wasted time looking like lil bitches.

    I had zero interest in politics up until a couple years ago. It was very important to my gf so I made an effort to follow what was going on. I found myself gravitating towards Bernie. Really liked what he stood for and he was different from all the other robots running. Then the dems sabotaged him twice in the primaries and I was over it. For wet noodle Joe Biden no less. How the penetrate can you not come up with a better candidate than Joe with years to prepare. Guy seemed senile half the time and was about as charismatic as a dead walrus. All he was good for was reading some contrived drivel about masks etc.

    I was amazed that all the dems I was surrounded with in Cali turned a blind eye to this. Hating Trump was all that mattered. No one voted for Joe. They voted against Trump. Once again, if it weren’t for a pandemic that opened the door to mass mail in voting Trump would’ve won again easy. Most dems I know are afraid of outdoor dining and have been hermits this whole pandemic. Less than half would’ve voted in person. I’m not sure if the election was rigged, but the fact that Biden got 10 mill more votes than Obama, Trump set record 75 mill votes at time just didn’t add up.

    Trump had a huge lead late into the next morning on Election Day. I understand that mostly dems mailedd in their votes, but the whole thing was a giant mess. Count those votes as they come in so it doesn’t take days and days to erase trumps lead. Water pipes breaking blah blah. There was definitely some fishy business going on. You can’t have an election this important and not have the resources to count the votes in a timely fashion. That alone turned off millions and raised questions. They need to fix this going forward to avoid more of the same division.

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    It was blown out of proportion

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    It means most Trump cult members have no fukkin clue who is on a statue or what a painting represent. But there certainly was a lot of damage, broken glass, broken doors, some art pieces of glass, graffiti everywhere, pepper spray, tear gas sprayed everywhere. One MAGA member stole a Dalai Lama painting another smeared blood on Zachary Taylor's marble bust. A Chinese scroll was destroyed. Many lights were destroyed.

    These thugs had one plan. They wanted to storm the Capitol and kill Pence and other people in congress. Zip ties, pipe bombs, guns, sure they wanted peace and quiet.
    I don't think 1 person had a gun. Because if they did of course the fake news media would report it. All I saw was people walking around waving flags. That did not look like people trying to murder anyone. Did the protesters take it too far yes but these were not terrorists like the fake news says. I think all of the deaths were accidental except the cop that shot the lady. The riots over the Summer were 100 times more violent and destructive than what happened at the capital.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Justin3587 View Post
    This mindset here is the REAL problem on both sides. No accountability. You're full of shit if you think people burning, looting and stealing aren't repping BLM. Not saying all of them are, but it is what it is. In every "movement" you have good people and shitty. You're also full of shit if you think those people in the capitol weren't part of the "peaceful" Trump loyalists. There are scumbags on both sides.
    But I strongly disagree with calling any of them patriots.
    Huh? I agree that there scumbags on all sides. But I don't think there's just 2 sides. Most people have varying agendas. I think people looting and stealing aren't really a part of of any movement. They are just opportunist. But somehow, you want to blame BLM for looters and stealers??? So you must blame all MAGA protesters on those that stormed the Capitol? That's stupid. I'm positive that many of the MAGA protesters weren't part of the people storming the Capitol. Thousands of people stood outside in protest and did not try to break in. But the ones that did certainly had an agenda. They wanted to kidnap and kill Mike Pence. Those people are sick and for Dlow to somehow try to minimize that by comparing it to BLM or compare it to rioters or looters is bullshit. People trying to kill people in congress is much worst than someone stealing a TV IMO. But they are all thugs and should be dealt with. I don't care what side they're on.

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    Quote Originally Posted by themike78 View Post
    I don't think 1 person had a gun. Because if they did of course the fake news media would report it. All I saw was people walking around waving flags. That did not look like people trying to murder anyone. Did the protesters take it too far yes but these were not terrorists like the fake news says. I think all of the deaths were accidental except the cop that shot the lady. The riots over the Summer were 100 times more violent and destructive than what happened at the capital.
    I have several gun carrying friends that don't go anywhere without their guns. Anywhere... I'm pretty sure hundreds of people at the protests had guns. Only a handful was arrested though.
    Feds: Police found pickup truck full of bombs, guns near Capitol insurrection

    52 arrested, 6 weapons recovered at U.S. Capitol riot

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    Huh? I agree that there scumbags on all sides. But I don't think there's just 2 sides. Most people have varying agendas. I think people looting and stealing aren't really a part of of any movement. They are just opportunist. But somehow, you want to blame BLM for looters and stealers??? So you must blame all MAGA protesters on those that stormed the Capitol? That's stupid. I'm positive that many of the MAGA protesters weren't part of the people storming the Capitol. Thousands of people stood outside in protest and did not try to break in. But the ones that did certainly had an agenda. They wanted to kidnap and kill Mike Pence. Those people are sick and for Dlow to somehow try to minimize that by comparing it to BLM or compare it to rioters or looters is bullshit. People trying to kill people in congress is much worst than someone stealing a TV IMO. But they are all thugs and should be dealt with. I don't care what side they're on.
    I think you're missing the point I'm trying to make. I agree with what you're saying. But the term "birds of a feather" applies to many aspects of life.

    If you go to a bar with your buddies and your boy gets in a fight. The whole group gets the boot (well, atleast where I live). Same principle.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    It was blown out of proportion

    just some horseplay and grab assing

    like some high school kids stealing the rival school's mascot then returning him 3 days later

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    Quote Originally Posted by Justin3587 View Post
    I think you're missing the point I'm trying to make. I agree with what you're saying. But the term "birds of a feather" applies to many aspects of life.
    If you go to a bar with your buddies and your boy gets in a fight. The whole group gets the boot (well, atleast where I live). Same principle.
    While I agree with peaceful protest, you would be hard pressed to see me at any rally. I don't think the message is worth my risk. If you are at a protest and a fight, riot, looting, shooting breaks out, you could be perfectly innocent but find yourself in trouble.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    While I agree with peaceful protest, you would be hard pressed to see me at any rally. I don't think the message is worth my risk. If you are at a protest and a fight, riot, looting, shooting breaks out, you could be perfectly innocent but find yourself in trouble.
    Fair. I wouldn't go to any either. Just not worth the risk. Some people don't come home from those things.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chi_archie View Post
    just some horseplay and grab assing

    like some high school kids stealing the rival school's mascot then returning him 3 days later

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chi_archie View Post
    just some horseplay and grab assing
    like some high school kids stealing the rival school's mascot then returning him 3 days later
    You grab someone ass today, male, female or other, and you will be forever labeled a sex offender.

    You kidnap a rival mascot and you will be forever a terrorist.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    So what you're trying to say is that it was okay???
    The 2020 rioters hate America and want to tear it down

    The Capitol rioters love America but are angry at the politicians and feel they have been betrayed/misrepresented by them

    "Violence is not the answer" is the type of thing said by those in power who don't want a fight.

    If the BLMers and Antifas were right about their claims I guess I wouldn't blame them. Problem is it was based on false narratives fed to them by the leftist media and the very people that sit in that Capitol building every day, so it was more about anarchy and opportunity for chaos, destruction, and theft.

    It's inexcusable that congress can waste so much time and money on fake hoaxes and BS impeachments but not investigate claims of election irregularities and fraud whether valid or not. That bitch Pelosi (and the others like her) needs to get shaken up and be reminded her actions and partisan politicking directly affect people. The next time she wants to go out for a VIP salon appt. and then enjoy a gourmet chocolate bar from her $24,000 freezer she will think twice.

    I'm not saying it was ok, I think it isn't to that violent point yet, I'm saying it was a lot more valid by overall a lot better people than the 2020 riots.

  30. #30
    Roger T. Bannon
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    The 2020 riots were about black people. The 2021 riots were about white people. White people like the 2021 riots and they did not break much.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    I would bet a bunch of money that you, Dwight, JJ and Jibbby couldn't identify 90% of the statues and paintings in the Capitol Rotunda.
    And I strongly guarantee that 100% of the BLM movement who caused about a billion in damages across the country in 2020 couldn't even spell the word statue. What is your point? I just like how you act like what happened wasn't what the "BLM" movement was all about and they weren't us. Well fine, maybe those fukin losers weren't what was supposed to be about. I completely agreed with you on that. But I guess I am an outspoken man. I would actually say you and LeBron James are as well. Then it really behooves me to say that where were you motherfukers when it got out of hand? Where you out there saying this shit months ago? Where you guys out where condemning the bullshit hoods? Fuk no you weren't you were encouraging it and if not that you just let it happen, which in my book or anyone's book that has integrity, would have calling them out. So cut the shit man. What the far right Trump supporters are doing now is not right. I am a Trump supporter and I also work in law enforcement and they could ship me there and I would treat them the same as I would have BLM protesters. You cross the line and we will respond. I will not tolerate stupidity and non compliance no matter what. Although I would take a more direct attack approach then just tear gas but that is for another day. Simply, no matter what group is out of control they are wrong, we should handle this as men and women. We all need to grow a pair, so to speak, and be able to find a common ground. We need to stand together as one.
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    we need more RVs and more brave Patriots

    we will even this shit out

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    What are the peoples' course of action for change in a democracy? Voting. What is their course of action if that has been at least perceived to be taken away?

    At the very least these claims should have been indulged with some investigations after the last 4 years of Democrat BS.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chi_archie View Post
    we need more RVs and more brave Patriots

    we will even this shit out
    aren't we seeing it right now chi

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlowilly View Post
    The 2020 rioters hate America and want to tear it down
    The Capitol rioters love America but are angry at the politicians and feel they have been betrayed/misrepresented by them
    I'm not sure if you are trolling or really this stupid. Most people born in the US love America. Who are you to tell someone they don't love this country? The only reason you say BLM rioters don't love America is because you don't agree with them and you agree with the Capitol rioters. You just admitted that if you agreed with their claims, you wouldn't blame them for rioting. That's straight up bullshit. I don't agree with ANYONE rioting. It is never okay.

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