Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=27146363'>posted</a> on 08/14/2017:

Quote Originally Posted by teaserpleaser View Post
So are the white supremacists going to vote for trump again after David duke blasted trump

Who cares. They are such a smaller group than people seem to think. The only thing the left did was elevate them. Let them march, and nothing happens. It's as simple as that. These fcking idiots on the left just can't stand someone having a different view.

They can protest whatever they want. Have a march, or rally, or whatever for anything they care about. It's their right. But, if you don't agree with them then you don't have the right to protest, rally, and march without them getting involved.

This shit is so damn dumb. Do people not realize this? Robert E. Lee is terrible, but Jefferson is great. Save his statue at UVA. Unreal. The mindless mob mentality is mind blowing. Again, someone blow my mind right out of my skull, please.

Marching outside of Trump Tower now. Why? If he was a KKK, white supremacists lover then I don't think he would be cool with a fckin Jewish son-in-law, or his daughter converting. Nazis hated Jews, right? I forget. But, Trump is evil. This country is going down the drain because of morons on both sides who can't just be civil, and have a damn discussion instead of rioting.