Originally posted on 01/12/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by tblues2005 View Post
Sorry my friend. Sando deserves credit for doing great for the past two months don't you agree? I thank him for doing this even with those around that tries to mess with him and I am shocked you don't agree with me. He had a downer here for a few days here recently and I know he takes big time pride in it. Now he has had a fantastic day and he deserves to be given credit for it. Don't you agree?
You want to give him some credit, shoot him some betpoints.
Better still, transfer some of your winnings to his bank account.
Take note of how the rest of the forum thanks him - a simple "Sando Is King" will suffice.

He knows how good he is.
Any person with half a brain that has been tailing or following also knows how good he is.
All they have to do is look at the runs on the board.

Now enough about this, let's get back to talking tips and winners!