What do you do when your allergies blow up, you cannot breath and you wake up in the middle of the night? Take a pill and wait for it to kick in and go to LTA's threads!

I saw your recent posts in both the NBA/MLB. No way can anyone write something back to you strong enough to overcome your heartfelt musings. Frankly, I have been following both threads lately watching picks flying out of you at all hours of the day and night and was getting dizzy myself. On occasion I had to remind myself that "hey, there is an actual guy out there sorting through all this crap to discover +ev plays". It is easy to take you for granted as some sort of handicapping life force and that is not something I wanted to do.

Why you continued to post and provide this service cannot be answered by us...only you. I could give you a dozen reasons why you do what you do, but they would all be educated guesses at best. Also, life is one evolving mass of stuff. What makes great sense today could look downright silly tomorrow.

I do not know what you do for a living, but I'm pretty sure it is not factory work. (No offense anyone) But I fashion your greatest strength here to be a teacher. That is why the write-ups have always been a constant for you. I suspect that is the fun part and provided value for you. And that sets you apart. It also takes valuable time to think, write and teach. Life changes and so do priorities.

What ever you decide to do we all will make our own adjustments, move on and keep searching for another LTA...wherever he/she is. For me, the "boys club" atmosphere of sweating and winning a game together was the most fun. And you created that by providing the thread environment that attracted posters who are a cut above the norm with many intelligent, funny, witty contributors. This is/was a place to learn and have fun. If you were to never post again... nobody can take that away from you.

You mostly kept the knuckleheads out by challenging their intellect (rather than just calling them names) until they found somewhere else to lurk. You managed the thread and kept it more pure than most...maybe your strongest attribute of all. This has been a safe haven...a sports oasis in its purest form where crybabies and whiners and quitters do not seem to find a permanent home. So here we are left with mostly "good guys". I don't think this happened by accident. It takes precious time to maintain this port in a storm.

Because of your thread I decided to start posting. It is an environment in which I could feel safe. For that alone, I wish to thank you.

I am behind you 100% for whatever you do. I hope most of us can agree that LTA will always = +EV.

Pill has kicked in...I can now return to breathing again. BOL always.
