Originally posted on 03/29/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by slewfan View Post
Your whole post is an angry leftist trying to insult someone they know nothing about. While you attack me and act like the democrat. Like they have attacked Trump for 3 years and failed. The only one you triggered was vittles. That doesn't matter because he is so strung out on oxy, he has no idea anyway what he is saying.

You lefties love stroking each other . Your good at it. As good as Pelosi, nadler, schumer and schittff in trying to destroy Trump. Your all the same. LOSERRRRRRRR SSSS.

MAGA KAGA. Good job by the left. Can't wait until sleepy creepy Joe gets in there. Yeah right..!!
In every single one of your posts you fully illustrate EXACTLY what I am saying about you and your fellow Trump supporters.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm not a leftist, and I'm not even remotely angry. I'm not attacking you at all. I'm simply pointing out your flaws in your ways of coming to conclusions. Compare any of your posts next to mine. Who is doing more name calling? YOU. Who is doing more attacking? YOU. Who is displaying more anger? YOU. None of this is even debatable. I am just trying to show you WHY you keep coming to false conclusions as you did again in this very post. I am trying to HELP you but you are refusing to admit any errors in your conclusions. Let me point out a very simple one for you right now.

I'm not a lefty nor a democrat. If you still DEMAND that I am... please explain to me WHY I started a thread in 2011 for my open support for Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul as seen below:

At the VERY LEAST will you admit that there seems to be some contradiction here? Either #1, Your assumption of me being a lefty democrat is false, OR, the thread is somehow fake or not real. One of these things must be true. Which one do you think it is? Which one do you think is more likely?

This goes back again to a matter of intellectual laziness. Intellectual lazy people take a very small amount of information and they jump to grand conclusions that are almost always incorrect just as your conclusion about me being a lefty democrat is incorrect.

Ask yourself this question... is it POSSIBLE for someone to not be a lefty democrat and still be critical of Trump and his supporters? If the answer to that question is YES... then you should NEVER assume that someone is a lefty democrat unless they tell you that they are. The reason... you can't possibly know if they are. Especially if they've never once praised a democrat in more than 5,000 posts. Again... this comes back to the habit of intellectually lazy people wanting to jump to conclusions that best fit their false narrative with as little research and information as possible. This is intellectual laziness at it's worst. This is a TERRIBLE way to get to the truth about ANYTHING. And yet, you and your fellow Trump supporters do it all day long every day. This is EXACTLY why you have so little understanding of what is ACTUALLY happening.

The enemy of your enemy isn't necessarily your friend. If more people understood this Republicans would be able to judge Trump MUCH more objectively.