1. #8821
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    Quote Originally Posted by 19th Hole View Post
    The Covid sheep are now on their 9th booster.
    Does it give you any pause to wonder if you are correct when you look at two countries like Australia and Sweden with 97%+ vaccination rates and both low death rates from covid? And no official reports of large numbers of vaccine deaths? And where one had lockdowns and restrictions and the other did not... (IE: the vaccine is the only common factor in their responses)

    And then look at countries with the lowest vaccine takeup rate like USA, India, Russia and Brazil and seeing them being at the top of the death rate lists?

    I don't see any evidence of mass deaths from the vaccine in Australia, or news of mass deaths in Sweden from "9 boosters", or any amount of vaccine.

    Seriously, does that make you stop and wonder at all if you have been misled about vaccines being a death sentence for people?
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  2. #8822
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    Quote Originally Posted by Optional View Post
    Does it give you any pause to wonder if you are correct when you look at two countries like Australia and Sweden with 97%+ vaccination rates and both low death rates from covid? And no official reports of large numbers of vaccine deaths? And where one had lockdowns and restrictions and the other did not... (IE: the vaccine is the only common factor in their responses)

    And then look at countries with the lowest vaccine takeup rate like USA, India, Russia and Brazil and seeing them being at the top of the death rate lists?

    I don't see any evidence of mass deaths from the vaccine in Australia, or news of mass deaths in Sweden from "9 boosters", or any amount of vaccine.

    Seriously, does that make you stop and wonder at all if you have been misled about vaccines being a death sentence for people?
    If I was a betting man, I'd say "no" about mr hole.

  3. #8823
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    Quote Originally Posted by Optional View Post
    Does it give you any pause to wonder if you are correct when you look at two countries like Australia and Sweden with 97%+ vaccination rates and both low death rates from covid? And no official reports of large numbers of vaccine deaths? And where one had lockdowns and restrictions and the other did not... (IE: the vaccine is the only common factor in their responses)

    And then look at countries with the lowest vaccine takeup rate like USA, India, Russia and Brazil and seeing them being at the top of the death rate lists?

    I don't see any evidence of mass deaths from the vaccine in Australia, or news of mass deaths in Sweden from "9 boosters", or any amount of vaccine.

    Seriously, does that make you stop and wonder at all if you have been misled about vaccines being a death sentence for people?
    You do realize that every "statistic" you quote here is coming from entities that have already been proven liars and are completely corrupted by money???

    Impartial studies don't show those things to be true

    How many lies can people tell you before you stop believing them???

  4. #8824
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  5. #8825
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    Quote Originally Posted by getaloadoffatso View Post

    You do realize that every "statistic" you quote here is coming from entities that have already been proven liars and are completely corrupted by money???

    Impartial studies don't show those things to be true

    How many lies can people tell you before you stop believing them???
    No I did not realize that. In fact I think you are wrong about that.

    But it's beside the point.

    The point was meant to show that that no matter how clear the evidence is, some people will not even pause to CONSIDER that they may be the ones who have been misled.

    I am open to your ideas that we have been lied to, but after four years the evidence is stacking up high the other way.

    Have you got a theory about why such disparate countries as Sweden, Australia, Italy, Japan, Vietnam, UK etc etc etc are all lying about everything still?

    Are you thinking they are doing this to elect Biden or something???

    Govts have changed color in many of those countries, yet the other side of politics doesn't expose the lies of their opponents you are thinking?

    National medical bodies are advocating for people to take their "9th vaccination" at the risk of life imprisonments when their lies are exposed you are thinking?

    You sound ridiculous to me. But if you can come up with one piece of credible evidence to support your claim that vaccines are designed to kill us and do not help us, I'd look at it and reconsider.

    Do you think you can ever do that?

  6. #8826
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    Quote Originally Posted by Optional View Post
    No I did not realize that. In fact I think you are wrong about that.

    But it's beside the point.

    The point was meant to show that that no matter how clear the evidence is, some people will not even pause to CONSIDER that they may be the ones who have been misled.

    I am open to your ideas that we have been lied to, but after four years the evidence is stacking up high the other way.

    Have you got a theory about why such disparate countries as Sweden, Australia, Italy, Japan, Vietnam, UK etc etc etc are all lying about everything still?

    Are you thinking they are doing this to elect Biden or something???

    Govts have changed color in many of those countries, yet the other side of politics doesn't expose the lies of their opponents you are thinking?

    National medical bodies are advocating for people to take their "9th vaccination" at the risk of life imprisonments when their lies are exposed you are thinking?

    You sound ridiculous to me. But if you can come up with one piece of credible evidence to support your claim that vaccines are designed to kill us and do not help us, I'd look at it and reconsider.

    Do you think you can ever do that?
    You quote proven liars, using proven false statistics, and you want me to come up with credible evidence

    That's hilarious

    Do you think you are capable of doing any fact checking yourself by searching for the truth, instead of regurgitating the same lies over and over again???

    It's out there if you really want to find it
    You're so brainwashed that you think the pull of money and corruption from pharmaceutical companies is limited to the United States

    Once again, how many lies before you look for the truth???

  7. #8827
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    Quote Originally Posted by getaloadoffatso View Post

    You quote proven liars
    Which quote in particular are you talking about?

  8. #8828
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    Quote Originally Posted by Optional View Post
    Does it give you any pause to wonder if you are correct when you look at two countries like Australia and Sweden with 97%+ vaccination rates and both low death rates from covid? And no official reports of large numbers of vaccine deaths? And where one had lockdowns and restrictions and the other did not... (IE: the vaccine is the only common factor in their responses)

    And then look at countries with the lowest vaccine takeup rate like USA, India, Russia and Brazil and seeing them being at the top of the death rate lists?

    I don't see any evidence of mass deaths from the vaccine in Australia, or news of mass deaths in Sweden from "9 boosters", or any amount of vaccine.

    Seriously, does that make you stop and wonder at all if you have been misled about vaccines being a death sentence for people?
    Every stat you quote in this post false

  9. #8829
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  10. #8830
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    Quote Originally Posted by getaloadoffatso View Post

    Every stat you quote in this post false
    Looks like The Donald agrees with me that the vaccine has proven to be helpful and not a conspiracy to cull the population.

    I wonder if this thread dies now that the maga messiah says you are wrong too?

  11. #8831
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    The MAGAts on Truth Social turned on TFG after he posted that

  12. #8832
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    Quote Originally Posted by Optional View Post
    Looks like The Donald agrees with me that the vaccine has proven to be helpful and not a conspiracy to cull the population.

    I wonder if this thread dies now that the maga messiah says you are wrong too?

    Find one post where I praise Trump
    I have said he is crazy, yet still better than Biden and they both are liars,
    He is undoubtedly being singled out by a corrupt administration

    You call a person a habitual liar one day, then the beacon of credibility the next day if they say something you like

    I'm 100% consistent, while you are all over the map

    Keep trying
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  13. #8833
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  15. #8835
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    Someone should inform Joe and Jill about the diseases they are spreading.

    CDC sends response team to Chicago migrant shelter amid measles outbreak

  16. #8836
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    Quote Originally Posted by slewfan View Post
    Someone should inform Joe and Jill about the diseases they are spreading.

    CDC sends response team to Chicago migrant shelter amid measles outbreak

    No lockdowns or masks for the illegals
    Democrats work more for them than actual US citizens

  17. #8837
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    This thread is just the perfect response to all those science, climate and vaccine denialists who like to spout their ignorance in forums such as this.

    One of the best things I ever did to educate myself was learn about the mechanics of climate change denial.

    Time and again, it’s helped me navigate science issues where the media can’t cope & where tribal instincts don’t help. Vaccines, radiation, COVID, trans issues.

    Often people say“critical thinking” is key, as if someone without years of scientific training could easily navigate often tough scientific questions so long as they “question everything”.

    But there is a reason why “question everything” is the slogan of conspiracy theorist.

    You can’t question everything all the time. You’d cognitively fall apart. You wouldn’t get out of bed.

    Instead, “question everything” is simply a formula for rejecting evidence you don’t like. “Question everything” conspiracy theorists are notoriously immune to evidence.

    Instead, in difficult scientific disputes, ask - who to trust?

    That sounds tough.


    Except when scientific disputes become political, it’s highly unlikely it’s a genuine split among experts.

    Typically, there are financial and ideological bad faith players.

    What these bad faith players do is set up a façade of expertise - they astroturf, create grand-sounding institutes, often with names paradoxically opposed to their true goal.

    With this façade they aim not to influence science, but instead politics and the media. They’re lobby groups often with lots of money from who knows where.

    Some examples:

    The Global Warming Policy Foundation is a climate change denying group.

    The European Committee on Radiation Risk is a bunch of anti-nuclear cranks chaired by someone who once tried to market useless pills to the “children of Fukushima”.

    The Society For Evidence-Based Gender Medicine is opposed to gender-affirming medicine.

    The Alliance for Defending Freedom campaigns to make abortions, and being gay or transgender, as illegal as possible around the world.

    The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons opposes vaccines and claims abortion causes cancer.

    Autism Speaks is a crank organisation that demonises people with autism and promotes fake cures.

    America’s Frontline Doctors promoted fake COVID cures like Ivermectin and campaigns against vaccines.

    None of these groups fools actual scientists.

    But that’s not the point. The point is to fool you, and to influence politics. They simply bypass science. Their attempts at doing genuine peer-reviewed science (for PR) are typically sparse and bad.

    They get help from the media: because these disputes are often tribal, right wing or left wing media are VERY happy to have an “expert” from a plausible-sounding organisation to back their narrative.

    Yes, it’s mainly right wing media, but it happens on the left too.

    Politicians too love to have “experts” to cover their ideological goals. That’s why there is, for example, a toxic triangle of dark-funded think tanks (eg the several housed together at 55 Tufton St), RW media, and the UK govt. Politicians can claim they have “consulted”.

    And this is where the “critical thinking” approach that says “look at the evidence and decide for your inexpert self” has problems.

    What if one “half” of the debate is not there in good faith?

    How does “listening to both sides” work then?

    Because it’s not a fair fight.

    One side is trying to explain often complex scientific issues, with the risk that every simplification contains an error of omission that can be used in bad faith to undermine their credibility.

    The other side is selling you a story.

    For example: “The COVID vaccine will protect you”.

    This is true, but it was contradicted by anti-vaxxers saying “it doesn’t stop the virus 100%. Then experts with little media training stutter out complex qualifications.

    So they get to present the mainstream as liars.

    If you’re telling a story that isn’t restricted by facts, you get to focus on what appeals. And what appeals is a simple enough story that evokes fear, and the idea of a cover-up.

    A conspiracy theory.

    At which point, you’re already into the rabbit hole.

    What makes it a conspiracy theory is unavoidably claiming that vast numbers of experts with years of education and research experience are all in on the lie.

    So what to do?

    How do you avoid this happening?

    Are there no real scientific disputes?

    Before you listen to anyone, check their credentials. Are they
    1. employed by a university or respectable scientific institute.
    2. qualified and longtime researching in the appropriate area
    3. with no story of bad practice or scandal attached to their name


    1. sniff out the fake institutes. Check their funding, their support for other dodgy causes, their reception by experts. As Naomi Oreskes noted in her book on GW denialism, it’s often the same bad faith actors in dispute after dispute. eg tobacco, climate change, (& COVID)

    1. Be wary of people qualified in one area playing expert in another, no matter their status. Several professional climate change denialists had PhDs - but not in climate science. A physicist or evolutionary biologist has no expertise in trans health. Sorry, Prof Dawkins.

    3. Finally, check for cranks. Patrick Minford is an economics professor. But he’s a crank dismissed by everyone except Brexiteers.

    Check the journals they publish in are genuine quality and not predatory etc.

    Check they’ve never had malpractice issues. Etc.

    Do all that, and you’re left with people to listen to.

    It’s highly likely that you’re left largely with only one side of the debate still standing.

    Getting into the scientific details is good for rebuttals and tackling disinformation.

    But you have to be informed first.

    Climate change, radiation & health, vaccines, COVID, trans health. The same pattern.

    Often the same professional networks of lobbyists.

    And no, political tribal instincts will not help you. The difference between left and right is merely that the right has more money.

    There are, of course, genuine scientific disputes between qualified experts.

    But here’s the thing: they’ll be at a level beyond your formal education.

    They’ll be difficult, and require a LOT of reading just to understand where both sides agree.

    So a final rule of thumb:

    If you find yourself believing vast swathes of experts around the world have been hoodwinked by something simple enough for you as a layperson to understand - you very likely already have at least one foot down the rabbit hole.

    Stay safe.

  18. #8838
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    Quote Originally Posted by getaloadoffatso View Post

    Find one post where I praise Trump
    I have said he is crazy, yet still better than Biden and they both are liars,
    He is undoubtedly being singled out by a corrupt administration

    You call a person a habitual liar one day, then the beacon of credibility the next day if they say something you like

    I'm 100% consistent, while you are all over the map

    Keep trying
    Do I?

    I think you just got so badly owned by The Don agreeing with me that you lost your mind and completely made up something out of nowhere that is opposite of reality.

    Much like Trump does.

    But he is good at it and you just look very lame trying it here.

    I guess it did help you avoid the actual subject though. That there is plenty of evidence the vaccine saved lives and not killing people. Whilst you make posts mocking people for taking their "9th booster" like you think you are a MENSA candidate and the rest of us are all dumbos. LOL

  19. #8839
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    Quote Originally Posted by Optional View Post
    Do I?

    I think you just got so badly owned by The Don agreeing with me that you lost your mind and completely made up something out of nowhere that is opposite of reality.

    Much like Trump does.

    But he is good at it and you just look very lame trying it here.

    I guess it did help you avoid the actual subject though. That there is plenty of evidence the vaccine saved lives and not killing people. Whilst you make posts mocking people for taking their "9th booster" like you think you are a MENSA candidate and the rest of us are all dumbos. LOL
    What are you talking about???
    Do you even respond to any of the posts you quote???

    You talk about "evidence" over and over that has been completely debunked by scientists who are not proven liars and not proven to have a financial incentive to lie

    You believe proven propaganda

    You keep talking about Trump and how I worship him

    I told you he is a moron and you can't show one post of mine praising him

    You then use his latest vaccine statement as proof that you are right, after calling him an habitual liar before that

    I'm embarrassed for you

  20. #8840
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    Four years ago, Trump finally declared Covid a state of emergency.

    He falsely claimed Google was building a testing website and also falsely claimed he'd made plans for mass testing sites in Walmart parking lots.

    In fact, he had no plans, which led to countless needless deaths.

  21. #8841
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    Quote Originally Posted by getaloadoffatso View Post

    What are you talking about???
    Do you even respond to any of the posts you quote???

    You talk about "evidence" over and over that has been completely debunked by scientists who are not proven liars and not proven to have a financial incentive to lie

    You believe proven propaganda

    You keep talking about Trump and how I worship him

    I told you he is a moron and you can't show one post of mine praising him

    You then use his latest vaccine statement as proof that you are right, after calling him an habitual liar before that

    I'm embarrassed for you
    Ok, again I invite you to point out the specific quote and liar you keep raving on about.

    genuinely confused what you mean. I don't think I quoted anyone specific. Only mention of anyone you could possibly mean is where I said "official data".

    Anyway, sounds like you already think you know it all and who is lying etc. So my original question about did the Sweden/Australia scenario even give the slightest pause to wonder if you are mistaken is answered.

    A simple "No" would have been more than enough words to answer it. ;-)

  22. #8842
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hareeba! View Post
    Four years ago, Trump finally declared Covid a state of emergency.

    He falsely claimed Google was building a testing website and also falsely claimed he'd made plans for mass testing sites in Walmart parking lots.

    In fact, he had no plans, which led to countless needless deaths.

  23. #8843
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    Quote Originally Posted by Optional View Post
    Ok, again I invite you to point out the specific quote and liar you keep raving on about.

    genuinely confused what you mean. I don't think I quoted anyone specific. Only mention of anyone you could possibly mean is where I said "official data".

    Anyway, sounds like you already think you know it all and who is lying etc. So my original question about did the Sweden/Australia scenario even give the slightest pause to wonder if you are mistaken is answered.

    A simple "No" would have been more than enough words to answer it. ;-)
    I have tried to address your questions, but it seems that we have a communication problem

    I guess we can just agree to disagree
    Have a great day
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  24. #8844
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    Alert!! :Former Senior WHO advisor:
    "Covid was a PCR manufactured fake non pandemic"

    A Top former senior advisor to the World Health Organisation (WHO) states Lockdowns didn't work, masks didn't work and that the pandemic was manufactured and fake..

    In a stunning revelation, Dr. Paul Alexander has torn away the veil, exposing what is now viewed as a colossal deception—a deception that members of our governments not only tolerated but were actively complicit in.

    This bombshell disclosure sends shockwaves through the corridors of power, challenging the very foundations of trust and accountability.

    If the pandemic was as real and severe as they said this would have caused massive mortality at the height of the pandemic.In fact every country that had high vaccination rates now have massive amounts of Excess Deaths and the governments are attempting a huge coverup by massaging the data and refusing to discuss it.

    Vaccinated people are shedding spike proteins which is making the unvaccinated unwell. If in close contact taking Nattokinase with spike support can reduce the effects of spike protein in the body and prevent the effects.

    Last edited by 19th Hole; 03-15-24 at 11:26 PM.

  25. #8845
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    Quote Originally Posted by 19th Hole View Post

    Alert!! :Former Senior WHO advisor:
    "Covid was a PCR manufactured fake non pandemic"

    A Top former senior advisor to the World Health Organisation (WHO) states Lockdowns didn't work, masks didn't work and that the pandemic was manufactured and fake..

    In a stunning revelation, Dr. Paul Alexander has torn away the veil, exposing what is now viewed as a colossal deception—a deception that members of our governments not only tolerated but were actively complicit in.

    This bombshell disclosure sends shockwaves through the corridors of power, challenging the very foundations of trust and accountability.

    If the pandemic was as real and severe as they said this would have caused massive mortality at the height of the pandemic.In fact every country that had high vaccination rates now have massive amounts of Excess Deaths and the governments are attempting a huge coverup by massaging the data and refusing to discuss it.

    Vaccinated people are shedding spike proteins which is making the unvaccinated unwell. If in close contact taking Nattokinase with spike support can reduce the effects of spike protein in the body and prevent the effects.



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    Quote Originally Posted by b1slickguy View Post

    Calling out billions of cucks worldwide.

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    Covid vaccines not linked to fatal heart problems in young people, CDC finds

    The new report debunks widespread misinformation that the mRNA shots were connected to sudden cardiac death in young athletes.


  35. #8855
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hareeba! View Post
    Covid vaccines not linked to fatal heart problems in young people, CDC finds

    The new report debunks widespread misinformation that the mRNA shots were connected to sudden cardiac death in young athletes.


    hey, also crime is down all across America.

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