1. #1
    OldBill's Avatar
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    Shakira reaches a deal with Spanish prosecutors on the first day of tax fraud trial

    Shakira told the presiding magistrate, José Manuel del Amo, on Monday that she accepted the agreement reached with prosecutors. She answered “yes” to confirm her acknowledgement of six counts of failing to pay the Spanish government 14.5 million euros (about $15.8 million) in taxes between 2012 and 2014.
    Under the deal, Shakira is to receive a suspended three-year sentence and pay a fine of 7.3 million euros ($8 million). She will pay another fine of 432,000 euros ($472,000) in exchange for her sentence waived. However, she now has it on her legal record that she was found guilty of tax fraud, which could effect another pending case she has with tax officials.

    The trial, which would have included more than 100 witnesses over the following weeks, was instead called off after just eight minutes.

    Prosecutors said in July that they would seek a prison sentence of eight years and two months and a fine of 24 million euros ($26 million) for the singer, who has won over fans worldwide for her hits in Spanish and English in different musical genres.

    umm hello isnt trump also guilty of this so he better pony up or go to prison

  2. #2
    I don't believe you ... please continue
    DwightShrute's Avatar SBR PRO
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  3. #3
    getaloadoffatso's Avatar
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    I find it inconceivable that OldBill would make a post with Shakira in it without including a racy photo of her

    He's letting his TDS interfere with him being a pervert

    Very disappointing

  4. #4
    OldBill's Avatar
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    ooooo want sharkira in lingerie one sec

    there now ya'll can go find a quiet secluded place and wax your woody lol

  5. #5
    getaloadoffatso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OldBill View Post
    ooooo want sharkira in lingerie one sec

    there now ya'll can go find a quiet secluded place and wax your woody lol
    I knew you wouldn't let me down Bill
