1. #1
    frostno98's Avatar
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    Wish Mike Pence was the President instead of Trump

    Hopefully Trump gets impeached soon, this guy don't belong in the Whitehouse. Wouldn't mind seeing Pence run the country for the next eight years. He's a very honorable man unlike that other childish douche bag.

  2. #2
    Waterstpub87's Avatar
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    Rumor is that Pence is in charge already, Trump just focused on making America great again.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by frostno98 View Post
    Hopefully Trump gets impeached soon, this guy don't belong in the Whitehouse. Wouldn't mind seeing Pence run the country for the next eight years. He's a very honorable man unlike that other childish douche bag.

    Yeah the dude that thinks gay conversion therapy is a real and effective tool would be just the guy we want in charge. frost you are a clueless penetrating idiot.

  4. #4
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    Reality tv star. Only in America.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jayfly View Post
    Yeah the dude that thinks gay conversion therapy is a real and effective tool would be just the guy we want in charge. frost you are a clueless penetrating idiot.
    Are you worried they are going to try to convert you?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foxx View Post
    Are you worried they are going to try to convert you?
    LOL you are just as clueless as the op

  7. #7
    Maybe next year!
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    Trump will most likely get shot. Some liberal will be too bored from not working and go shoot him.
    Pence will do a good job.

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    People still won't leave Trump alone.

    He must be the most hated man on Earth?

  9. #9
    Auto Donk
    Diggity man the fort, I'm outta here!
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMoneyShot View Post
    People still won't leave Trump alone.

    He must be the most hated man on Earth?
    no, Soros is just paying them well

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by frostno98 View Post
    Hopefully Trump gets impeached soon, this guy don't belong in the Whitehouse. Wouldn't mind seeing Pence run the country for the next eight years. He's a very honorable man unlike that other childish douche bag.

  11. #11
    sportsfan9698's Avatar
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    You guys are clueless

    Sit back and give the man a chance... Trump has more vision and wisdom than all of you combined. Here is the rankings of the best POTUS of the past 100 years... after you have a chance to see the changes Trump will make for the USA

    1 Trump
    2 JFK
    3 Reagan

    book it
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  12. #12
    katstale's Avatar
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    Well, one thing he has is a resume. I was beginning to think we would never have anybody with any real world experience in the Whitehouse again. Once you have successfully dealt with labor unions and the Mob (often the same thing) for 40 years in New York and NJ, running America is a piece of cake. BUT it is true that many snowflakes are going to melt.

    As an aside, I have said for years, if the federal Gov would take only as much as the mafia, America would always be great. BUT the moron leftists in this country believe in taxing and regulating you out of business.

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    DOW hits record high, and if you have not noticed companies are already starting to hire.

    If you want to be an idiot and listen to MSM all day... you are going to miss this economic explosion.

  14. #14
    Buffalo Nickle
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    Pence is running the show doing the day-to-day stuff that Trump is not interested in. Trump is going to hand it over to the Rs to rape and pillage as any king does after a winning battle. He just wants to make the TV appearances and make the big decisions. He's got a business to run.

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    Most of you simply do not get it. So let me give you something else to think about....

    Trump picked Pence as his VP. This was way before ANY of you ever heard of Pence. This is how Trump will run this country going forward, with the very best of everybody in the proper places. It takes a truly wise and non-politician to do this, and nobody but Trump can accomplish what he is about to do.

  16. #16
    Buffalo Nickle
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    Quote Originally Posted by sportsfan9698 View Post
    Most of you simply do not get it. So let me give you something else to think about....

    Trump picked Pence as his VP. This was way before ANY of you ever heard of Pence. This is how Trump will run this country going forward, with the very best of everybody in the proper places. It takes a truly wise and non-politician to do this, and nobody but Trump can accomplish what he is about to do.
    Trump did not want Pence. He took Pence to get support of the R establishment that does not trust him.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalo Nickle View Post
    Trump did not want Pence. He took Pence to get support of the R establishment that does not trust him.
    LOL so now you can know his inner thoughts... well I do know that Trump picked Pence, so it seems reasonable (to those without telepathic powers) to assume he wanted Pence. Trump chose Pence, and it was a good choice. Seems you do agree with that.

    You guys really seem silly and desperate - now go back to CNN to find some more disparaging things to say

  18. #18
    Buffalo Nickle
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    Quote Originally Posted by sportsfan9698 View Post
    LOL so now you can know his inner thoughts... well I do know that Trump picked Pence, so it seems reasonable (to those without telepathic powers) to assume he wanted Pence. Trump chose Pence, and it was a good choice. Seems you do agree with that.

    You guys really seem silly and desperate - now go back to CNN to find some more disparaging things to say
    It was good enough to get the support of the Rs which makes it a good decision. But it was forced on him and he asked if he could get out of Pence as VP but the Rs had leaked the news to make sure he couldn't. That's how it happened and there were no denials.

    Don't think Trump particularly cares about his VP choice. He will let the Rs do as they please and he will step in when he wants to.

  19. #19
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    You live in your own imaginary world there Mr Buffalo - good luck with that.

  20. #20
    Buffalo Nickle
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    Quote Originally Posted by sportsfan9698 View Post
    You live in your own imaginary world there Mr Buffalo - good luck with that.
    Trump and Change!!

  21. #21
    hostile takeover
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    Quote Originally Posted by frostno98 View Post
    Hopefully Trump gets impeached soon, this guy don't belong in the Whitehouse.
    You bring up a great point. But, I've gotta ask.. why?

    Why should he get impeached before even taking office?
    Why doesn't he belong? Sounds like he wants great things for all Americans. Why doesn't he belong, yet obama, who has decimated America,belong in the Whitehouse?

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    Quote Originally Posted by hostile takeover View Post
    You bring up a great point. But, I've gotta ask.. why?

    Why should he get impeached before even taking office?
    Why doesn't he belong? Sounds like he wants great things for all Americans. Why doesn't he belong, yet obama, who has decimated America,belong in the Whitehouse?
    Don't try to debate facts and logic with an him....

    Presidents get impeached when they have gross misconduct, or break the law. Something Clintons simple cannot STOP doing,.. but most libtards cannot admit Willie was impeached, and Hilly is still very close to going to prison.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by jayfly View Post
    yeah the dude that thinks gay conversion therapy is a real and effective tool would be just the guy we want in charge. Frost you are a clueless penetrating idiot.
    this this this!!

  24. #24
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    Pence wasn't even a lock to win his election for governor this year, he was barely ahead against the guy he beat in 2012.

    Now you want him as President? You probably had absolutely no idea who the guy was until 5 months ago.

    If Trump didn't pick him he'd probably be getting ready to look for a teaching gig at some Christian college right now.
    Last edited by astro61200; 11-24-16 at 05:02 AM.
